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Russia invades Ukraine

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
The rest of the world needs to grow a set of balls at tell Putin to f**k off.
Let's see Russia population has approximately 147 million people Ukraine approximately 44 million people Australia has approximately 25 million people and approximately35 thousand troops doesn't seem that easy for the people in the Ukraine


Diamond Member
Putin's army, annexed Crimea in 2014.
Putin invades to annex Ukraine in 2022.
Putin's plan is to bring back the Soviet Union to its former glory.


Diamond Member
Most dictators overthrown by someone in their own camp
Bad for business and he's looking stuffed and unwell
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Diamond Member
Putin's weapon of choice has been execution by poison. Radiation poison or nerve agent poison. It will be fitting he gets poisoned to death and his body dumped into the Black Sea.
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Diamond Member
Putin claims it is only a Special Military Operation. He claims it is not a war and no invasion.


Silver Member
Bible prophecy being filled here? Putin is the Anti-christ to bring the end times and destruction of the world.

And the Covid-19 vaccine is mark of the beast - who really knows…..
Its the only vaccine that's mandatory to go about life
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Silver Member
Cost of living is going to sky rocket again for one. And another price increase for our favourite services. Punting will get that expensive, one day for a normal salary man. That more ppl will go back to the dating/hook up scene.

All apart of a plan by the WEF called the “great reset” everything will be so expensive we will rent it or subscription. You will own nothing and be happy.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
All apart of a plan by the WEF called the “great reset” everything will be so expensive we will rent it or subscription. You will own nothing and be happy.
Nope the Indians buy cheap fuel from Russia and scomo has done a duty free trade on products and produce to and from india.
The people of india make cheap quality furniture clothing and there will be a new range of electronic products phones computers tvs including electric bikes
Personally I like Indian food and indian coffee as well and look forward to this new import export duty free trade with India.


Diamond Member
Sadly non of you have read the NATO report on 13,000 plus Russian citizens being murdered inside the border in Ukraine by the Ukraine's.
This is why Russia invades
Russia had out lined this several times
But the outside world still treats Russia as the enemy
America has murdered thousands of people in the middle east in a program of lies and mistruths but we all praise them.
Western propaganda.
I am 100 percent White Australian of Scotchish decent so before any of you F,wits starts on me have a good look at yourself first ok. The truth is out there if you want to see it .
Ukraine has a shocking record on child trafficking. On Woman's rights. On many other crimes.
Just telling you what is true


Diamond Member
Sadly non of you have read the NATO report on 13,000 plus Russian citizens being murdered inside the border in Ukraine by the Ukraine's.
This is why Russia invades
Russia had out lined this several times
But the outside world still treats Russia as the enemy
America has murdered thousands of people in the middle east in a program of lies and mistruths but we all praise them.
Western propaganda.
I am 100 percent White Australian of Scotchish decent so before any of you F,wits starts on me have a good look at yourself first ok. The truth is out there if you want to see it .
Ukraine has a shocking record on child trafficking. On Woman's rights. On many other crimes.
Just telling you what is true
Not only this but NATO promised never to expand instead it has become the enemy of the free world by expanding to the west remember that Germany is the real enemy of the West yet Germany is NATO our twisted Government thinks that NATO is Good . Look what NATO did in Western Africa when it let thousands of people being murdered in race hatred violence and they just let it happen. Don't be fooled by what you are told by our government. Or by those who are going to make billions of dollars in this so called war.

John Smithl

Legend Member
It's so very difficult to get closer to the truth with media being controlled by Murdoch, Stokes, etc. Journalism is meant to be balanced, factual and investigative. However, it's emotion and reaction that steer the populace to do the bidding of those deeply hidden in power.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Not only this but NATO promised never to expand instead it has become the enemy of the free world by expanding to the west remember that Germany is the real enemy of the West yet Germany is NATO our twisted Government thinks that NATO is Good . Look what NATO did in Western Africa when it let thousands of people being murdered in race hatred violence and they just let it happen. Don't be fooled by what you are told by our government. Or by those who are going to make billions of dollars in this so called war.
Thanks for that info did not know anything about those russian killings


Diamond Member
Sadly non of you have read the NATO report on 13,000 plus Russian citizens being murdered inside the border in Ukraine by the Ukraine's.
This is why Russia invades
Russia had out lined this several times
But the outside world still treats Russia as the enemy
America has murdered thousands of people in the middle east in a program of lies and mistruths but we all praise them.
Western propaganda.
I am 100 percent White Australian of Scotchish decent so before any of you F,wits starts on me have a good look at yourself first ok. The truth is out there if you want to see it .
Ukraine has a shocking record on child trafficking. On Woman's rights. On many other crimes.
Just telling you what is true
please put up the link to the Nato report, i would like to read it


Diamond Member
please put up the link to the Nato report, i would like to read it
Can not find it but it was on QnA abc three weeks ago had confirmed this .
But it was shut down by those in charge because they don't like the truth.
A young Russian man stood up and tried to explain this . 13,000 Russian civilians shot in the past 7 years . Classed as styismatic genocide. By Ukrainian militants.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Thanks for that info did not know anything about those russian killings

You did not know because its not true , NATO did dot report this , maybe someone put it on the net but that did not make it true .
Also Steel rod is a bit mixed up when he says NATO expanded West , when in fact it is a West European American treaty that has allowed some East European country's to join .

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Not only this but NATO promised never to expand instead it has become the enemy of the free world by expanding to the west remember that Germany is the real enemy of the West yet Germany is NATO our twisted Government thinks that NATO is Good . Look what NATO did in Western Africa when it let thousands of people being murdered in race hatred violence and they just let it happen. Don't be fooled by what you are told by our government. Or by those who are going to make billions of dollars in this so called war.

You have the responsibility's of NATO mixed up with United Nations Old Mate .


Diamond Member
The West has been using Ukraine's laxed laws on surrogacy for years. Where Western people have been paying for the use of poor women who are used to have children and are adopted back into their western countries. Ukraine has a very poor health record on Woman's rights. Many of our current affair programs have reported on these issues


Diamond Member
Can not find it but it was on QnA abc three weeks ago had confirmed this .
But it was shut down by those in charge because they don't like the truth.
A young Russian man stood up and tried to explain this . 13,000 Russian civilians shot in the past 7 years . Classed as styismatic genocide. By Ukrainian militants.
i think that 13,000 is the total amount of people killed in an 8 year conflict, with that total including casualties from ukranian, russian backed forces and civilians from both sides.
the OHCHR report says civilian deaths were about 3,300 of the 13,000 (including the MH17 plane)
very sad, but it's hardly genocide.
genocide is more like stalin's mob being responsible for 3,900,000 ukranian deaths in the 30's (Holodomor).


Diamond Member
Weak Joe Biden has allowed Putin in invade Ukraine. Trump would not have allowed Putin to invade Ukraine.

Australia is America's pawn in regards to geopolitics. Our media and politicians, have no influence in regards to shaping foreign issues.

Hopefully Russia and Ukraine come up with a peace deal. Shocking what is going on but it will soon be over.

Deleted member 49173

IMO ; Yeh , Old Joe is weak, no question , but the USA Government is still very strong and still very evil .. as its been involved in "everyone elses business" for SO many years .. always , claiming GOD as their ultimate leader ( In GOD we trust etc ..) and yet continually killing innocents , raping countries of their natural wealth/minerals/metals/oil etc etc , pretending to set up democracy but always using a physco despot to do it , and whether using the NATO or UN smokescreen always 'fixing' problems that never EVER get fixed. If the JEWS are indeed the financiers of the private Bank of America then my religious fervour thinks they will have HELL to pay for what they are doing in this world .. and the next.
as for SCOMO .. he's a very sick individual. a very sick politician who needs his wife to tell him whats humane.
Oh , I'm not suggesting any other regime is better than Joes , but not worse either


Diamond Member
Foolish comments have been made by Australian politicians in regards to Russia and China. Russia has pointed out its unfriendly nations list and Australia is on the list. Australia should not disrespect China or Russia.


Diamond Member
How about Australia's tough talking politicians send some troops to Ukraine and back its words up with actions?

John Smithl

Legend Member
How about Australia's tough talking politicians send some troops to Ukraine and back its words up with actions?
Because that would be considered an international act of war, and would likely escalate Putin to justify going nuclear.


Diamond Member
Russia Tsar Vlad is threatened by NATO and AUKUS military pacts. Invading one is an attack on all the other nations in the pact.

Economic sanctions were extremely harsh on Russia. Russia has found a way to fund its war by selling oil to India at 35% discount on pre-war price per barrel.
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Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Sadly non of you have read the NATO report on 13,000 plus Russian citizens being murdered inside the border in Ukraine by the Ukraine's.
This is why Russia invades
Russia had out lined this several times
But the outside world still treats Russia as the enemy
America has murdered thousands of people in the middle east in a program of lies and mistruths but we all praise them.
Western propaganda.
I am 100 percent White Australian of Scotchish decent so before any of you F,wits starts on me have a good look at yourself first ok. The truth is out there if you want to see it .
Ukraine has a shocking record on child trafficking. On Woman's rights. On many other crimes.
Just telling you what is true

Darling have you got a link to the Nato report. I would like to learn more about this and the trafficking
I am familiar with trafficking in Russia and women being sold into the sex industry.
I have a friend living in Ukrian so I will ask Alona about these matters
Sadly many countries have an ugly side


Diamond Member
Besides: high crime rates, assassins, guns , drugs, porn, sex trafficking of women and children. Ukraine has little to offer the world. Ukraine is known for human rights abuses and 13 000 Russian citizens have been murdered in Ukraine since 2014. Ukraine has high crime rate and it has plenty of unsafe zones in East Ukraine. Now it is red hot war zone.


Diamond Member
i think that 13,000 is the total amount of people killed in an 8 year conflict, with that total including casualties from ukranian, russian backed forces and civilians from both sides. the OHCHR report says civilian deaths were about 3,300 of the 13,000 (including the MH17 plane) very sad, but it's hardly genocide. genocide is more like stalin's mob being responsible for 3,900,000 ukranian deaths in the 30's (Holodomor).

Well said Dan. Good to have some facts getting in the way of some of the more ideological theory posted here. Yes, Biden is imperfect. Yes Morrison is hopeless. Yes, I feel like the West should destroy the Kremlin and take out Putin. But realistically, the results are disastrous enough without starting WW3. It would be good if things had been different but they are what they are. If your auntie had balls she'd be your uncle.

Russia's economy will be even more of a basket case in the future than it is now and in the meantime poor Ukraine is bravely standing up. At least it has a President with courage and eloquence, while Russia's President hides away and lies through his back teeth. The latest atrocities discovered in Bucha are heart-breaking and Putin must pay for inflicting them.