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Rochelle's Political Thread



Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Viewers verdict (cricket live ap) from today :D


Diamond Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Julia is definitely the better choice over Kevin, as she able to negotiate and compromise in order to get tough legislation through, under a minority government, which Kevin would not have been able to do, due to his inflexibility. While Kevin's popularity was sky high, the caucus was able to overlook his shortcomings as a leader. Although, the media has harped on the results showing Kevin being miles ahead of Julia in the polls over preferred PM, the people who truly know know him behind the media portrayal are the labor members in the caucus. Julia may come across during her speeches and conferences to the media as stern and not warm, but behind that tough exterior, where you see her interact with the public you can see she is genuine.

What I do know is what is on the other side of the fence is not greener. When I think of the Liberals winning the next election with Mr NO (Tony Abbott) at the helm and Liberal MP's such as Joe Hockey, Barnaby Joyce, Julie Bishop, Christopher Pine in key portfolio's it makes me shudder.


Legend Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Viewers verdict (cricket live ap) from today :D

There is one little proviso with the viewers poll They originally showed a brilliant photo mock up of
Ponting looking very much the Rudd clone (Cruel thing to do) prior to putting up the question

Farm Boy

Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Rudd is going to a special place in ALP hell. And he will be there forever , he is finished .


Legend Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Who knows FB, Keating got well beaten on his first challenge, didn't he?
But he went to his idea of hell (The back bench) only to reach Nirvana at the second attempt

Farm Boy

Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Maybe H2 . now I know you will think Iam puling your leg but I have a certain amount of respect for Hawke & Keating and if Julia needed a tank of petrol to go to her mothers funeral she could use my BP card.


Legend Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Maybe it`s just me that thinks it`s crazy how you can resign from doing the job you were asked to do (foreign minister) then question and bad mouth your big boss (Julia) then try and take their job and if you don`t get enough votes all you have to do is go sit in the corner.

I`m pretty sure if I showed that much disrespect for my boss I would have to end up looking for a new job.


Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

BB, that's exactly the problem in the "real" world!!

Everyone wants / expects to be the chief, no one the Indian (pretty good place to be!).


Silver Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Until I read this thread I was concerned that there was little thought or care about political outcomes in Australia.
As a current generation immigrant and widely travelled consultant, I consider that, although not nirvana, this is a pretty fine place to live. I've seen awful consequences happen to individuals who oppose political parties or leaders and I would conclude that a comfy seat on the back bench is not too bad by comparison.
I note that no one has mentioned Malcolm Turnbull in this thread. I would consider switching camps after 25 years of Labour if this man, who I consider an enlightened visionary replaced big ears!
I am a baby boomer - yes one of the unfortunate many - statistics of the unemployed don't include the numbers of semi retired baby boomers who need to work to supplement their eroded pensions. What would that do to the percentages.
I am also irritated that both major parties fiddle around the edges with additional and supplementary taxes when we really need a complete reform of the Act. Why are we playing with medical rebates when what we need to do is include all medical expenses and change the tax threshholds. I dispair for the lack of nettle grabbers in politics and the abundance of opportunists who, lets face it. would sink in the commercial arena.


Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

...I note that no one has mentioned Malcolm Turnbull in this thread. I would consider switching camps after 25 years of Labour if this man, who I consider an enlightened visionary, replaced big ears!...

....it would not surprise me if Turnbull made a "re-appearance" probably around 6 months before the next elections are due. "Big ears" was a last minute candidate when the Libs went through the whole leader fiasco after their loss in the 2007 elections. At the time, Rudd's popularity was very high and the Libs did the same thing that Labour did.....cause a spill with its leader as they were of the opinion that Turnbull wouldn't be able to topple Rudd. Just before the ballot was called (Joe Hockey and another Lib whose name I can't recall) were the only 2 candidates for leader of the Libs. Abbott announced his candidature right at the death knock as neither Hockey or the other person had dominant support in the Liberal party. End result......Turnbull got booted and Abbott was elected.

My gut feeling is that the Libs will have seen the mood of the public in relation to the prospect of Abbott as PM and it would not surprise me if Turnbull mounted a challenge closer to the next elections. The timing has to be right for him and this stupidity by Labour will only play into his hands.......but not right now.



Legend Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

You make a very good point Fudd (Long time no see by the way) As others may have picked up I do lean towards the conservative side of the political kindergarten But not always But the thought of Captain No is a worry to me And at least Turnbull has the appearance of a man who could run a country
I have said to someone else on site that we have very little in the way of quality on either side at the present time. Which is a shame


Silver Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Turnbull........a multimillionaire merchant banker running the country? yeah, f*ck that!

Anyway, it's not like Liberal party policy is designed and implemented by one man. If Turnbull ever becomes leader again he's got a room full of climate change denying christian psychos who will decide his political fate. Remember last time he made utterances about the need to tackle global warming for instance? The knives came out and he was finished.

That's the Liberal party for you- for queen, god and corporate Australia.

I hope Rudd doesn't return. I'm beginning to find his wife and daughter incredibly annoying.


Silver Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Turnbull........a multimillionaire merchant banker running the country? yeah, f*ck that!

Anyway, it's not like Liberal party policy is designed and implemented by one man. If Turnbull ever becomes leader again he's got a room full of climate change denying christian psychos who will decide his political fate. Remember last time he made utterances about the need to tackle global warming for instance? The knives came out and he was finished.

That's the Liberal party for you- for queen, god and corporate Australia.

I hope Rudd doesn't return. I'm beginning to find his wife and daughter incredibly annoying.


Gold Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

oh dear.. Juliar for another 18months...
Rudd is going to the backbench...

Tania Admin

Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

I love Gillard, she got handed and big mess and took the bull by the horns when she stepped up to the plate,,no easy job for anyone..


Legend Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

I love Gillard, she got handed and big mess and took the bull by the horns when she stepped up to the plate,,no easy job for anyone..

Julia has grown in my estimations As you say Talysha no easy job for anyone
Would the views on Gillard be more favourable if it was Mr Gillard instead

Farm Boy

Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Julia has grown in my estimations As you say Talysha no easy job for anyone
Would the views on Gillard be more favourable if it was Mr Gillard instead

The Vote
New Zealand women had become the first in the world to gain the right to vote in the national election. In 1894 South Australian Women were granted the right to vote followed by Western Australia in 1899, NSW in 1902 and finally Victoria in 1908. Australian women (except Aboriginal women) were enfranchised for the new Commonwealth Parliament in 1901. Women first voted in second Federal election in 1903. 2. However, women were not eligible for election to the State parliaments until the end of the First World War.

Mrs Happy might be keeping quite but I bet she votes .


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
It really hurts to watch Australian politics. I am not saying that it is better somewhere else but the embarrassing disasters just don't seem to come to an end.
The current disaster's name is Mr Craig Thomson (not Peter Slipper.....that was the previous one).........claims and counterclaims........unbelievable how much time is wasted on this topic. I am sure there are more important things at hand.
Now the poor working lady ends up in the centre of attention. It must be her personal nightmare. At the end of the day it is not about Thomson spending money on a W/l........it is about the fact that he used money that doesn't belong to him.

Labour has got an other 18 months to go........honestly I don't believe they will be able to hold on that long.



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Re: Rochelle's Political Thread/Assange

Any opinions on what should happen?
Somehow I am not even sure anymore what it is all about. Four countries (actually 5 if you include Australia) involved in a struggle over one man. Assange is definitely the most wanted person at the moment. I don't mind him digging in US diplomatic documents, I am more concerned about the sexual assault charges in Sweden.
It will be interesting to see if he gets away with his campaign showing the British, the Americans and the Swedes the "little bird".



Re: Rochelle's Political Thread/Assange

I'd be all for the 'Free Assange' Campaign.. If it weren't for that fact! He is a fantastic outspoken activist, but the dark could that hangs above him in regards to this sexual assault makes me want him to be locked away (although from what I understand he is still only wanted in questioning for this alleged assault yeah?). I also read today that Ecuador has just granted him asylum!!


Foundation Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

Get Kevin back in he's the best of a bad bunch


Kevin symbolises everything which is wrong with Australian and American politics.

Never mind policies, just get some good-looking and personable blow-dried and carefully packaged idiot with a gift of the gab and sell him to the punters. Don't look at the dead-heads behind him who will be the ones doing the real work just follow the "Messiah".

It is high time we looked past the charisma and started demanding competence from our leaders.

Farm Boy

It is high time we looked past the charisma and started demanding competence from our leaders.

Svengali can not you recall before Kevino7 Australia had a PM with not a over-abundant amount of charisma but led us from Banana Republicism to one of the best placed country's to survive the GFC.



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Re: Politics...................oh dear........not again

It is hard to believe that one person can cause such a mayhem. I mean he really must have hit a nerv in the US and when it comes to the UK it looks like they just can't handle the fact that one guy might get away.
I think it is all pushed a bit out of proportion.



Foundation Member
It is high time we looked past the charisma and started demanding competence from our leaders.

Svengali can not you recall before Kevino7 Australia had a PM with not a over-abundant amount of charisma but led us from Banana Republicism to one of the best placed country's to survive the GFC.

My point exactly Farmboy.

We had a competent and stable if unexciting Government with economic and social policies which worked. J.H. certainly would not win any charisma contests but he had what mattered - brains and an ability to get results from his team.

So we thanked him by slinging him out of office in favour of a shallow windbag who quickly demonstrated that he was all show and very little go and what he did do quickly turned to disaster. You'd think after Gough, Gallop and, to a lesser extent, Hawke we would have learned.

What we are left with now is the best of what is left on both sides of the house and, sadly, I cannot see Abbot or Gillard doing much to improve things in this country after the next election.