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Rochelle's Political Thread


Farm Boy

Re: Who wants to be a politician?

Poster boys for b**d pollies. Remember the keep the b**ds honest party voted for the GST after campaigning against.

????????????????????? are you refining to Don Chipp

Farm Boy

Re: Who wants to be a politician?

KERRY O'BRIEN: Finally the news today of Don Chipp's death - one of the real mavericks of Australian politics, founder of the Democrats, a thorn in the side of both mainstream political parties. But respected by most and loved by many. Chipp's passionate small "l" liberalism fell out of favour under Malcolm Fraser's prime ministership, so he struck out on his own and struck a chord with a significant section of the Australian electorate. His battle cry, "keep the bastards honest" has been the
most enduring slogan of modern politics. Heather Ewart reports.

DON CHIPP: There needs to be a force in Canberra that keeps them honest, that will prevent them from breaking their promises. We believe that we're that force.

Don started Meg finished .


Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: Who wants to be a politician?

Sorry Fudd but I think your wrong this time and hears why.

Bob Katter
Tony Windsor
Rob Oakeshott,
Anthony John "Tony" Crook
Andrew Damien Wilkie
Adam Paul Bandt

Have put me right off independents

....understandable FB, but all of the above were party members at some stage. None were ever true independents when they first entered politics (State or Federal).

Katter - National (but now a current member of Katter's Australia Party)
Windsor - National
Oakshott - National
Crook - National of WA
Wilkie - Greens
Bandt - Greens (and still is a current member of the Greens - not an Indpendent).

Maybe I, like Rochelle, am too much an idealist....my view of an Independent is a person who has never had party affliations. Having said that, I can see your point given the above list.

Fudd :)


Foundation Member
Re: Who wants to be a politician?

KERRY O'BRIEN: Finally the news today of Don Chipp's death - one of the real mavericks of Australian politics, founder of the Democrats, a thorn in the side of both mainstream political parties. But respected by most and loved by many. Chipp's passionate small "l" liberalism fell out of favour under Malcolm Fraser's prime ministership, so he struck out on his own and struck a chord with a significant section of the Australian electorate. His battle cry, "keep the bastards honest" has been the
most enduring slogan of modern politics. Heather Ewart reports.

DON CHIPP: There needs to be a force in Canberra that keeps them honest, that will prevent them from breaking their promises. We believe that we're that force.

Don started Meg finished .

No argument from me as to the need for a third force in politics and I believe Don Chipp's intentions were good but the track records of the Democrats was pretty awful. On most issues they sided with Labor and after Cheryl Kernot famously defected to Labor they became just a bunch of loony leftie socialists.

Now, of course they are history but the loopy left flag is being ably held high by the Greens. Let us not forget that both the Greens and the Democrats in the past aimed at and managed to get the balance of power in the Senate which enabled them to wield a far greater influence than their number of supporters justified. Hardly a fair democratic outcome.


Legend Member
Re: Who wants to be a politician?

We all bitch about our pollies But they must have done fairly well. Just for the sheer fact that we are still actually allowed to bitch about our politicians

Farm Boy

Re: Who wants to be a politician?

We all bitch about our pollies But they must have done fairly well. Just for the sheer fact that we are still actually allowed to bitch about our politicians

Quite Right H2 and despite some of the misinformed bullshit posted and talk back chatter the Auz Gov works well with a very mixed bunch of people.


Foundation Member
Re: Who wants to be a politician?

Now you have gone and triggered another Svengali rant!!

We Australians have always had democracy but, possibly because we haven't had to fight for the right to vote, we take it for granted and grudgingly rock up to the polls every few years to vote the way our parents did or the way we always do. If voting was not compulsory probably fewer than the 20% who turn out for Local Government elections would even bother.

If we engaged in the political process with the same passion and vigour we show towards sport we would demand much more from our leaders and probably have far better Government as a result


Silver Member
Re: Who wants to be a politician?

Don't you love it though when pollies defend their pay rises by saying "well it was an independent tribunal that determined the pay rise" and not them... Here is a tip for you on that "independent tribunal", a year or so ago when the WA pollies enjoyed a rather big payrise they prattled on about the "independent tribunal" as well but the West Australian paper exposed the fact that the people that sit on said tribunal are paid (not volunteers) and when they award a payrise for the pollies they also get a payrise, so much for their independence...

And for those that think if we pay peanuts we get monkeys, do you honestly believe if we paid the pollies we currently have more that they will actually get better??? If you believe that then let me put you on to a great deal, I have a bridge for sale, it's in good condition and only used by a little old lady on Sundays to go to church...

In my opinion politicians should be on a performance based salary, lets take a quick look at Singapore for example, if the Singapore economy is going good the pollies there get a raise but if the economy goes bad they cop a pay cut... Likewise if they stuff up (something our current fed govt are good at) they lose pay, over here it doesn't matter what the economy does or if they stuff up they still get a payrise... In my job if I stuff up or don't perform I don't get a raise but I may even get the chop but these pollies are guaranteed a term of office no matter how bad they are and they can only get the chop when another election comes around...


Legend Member
Re: Who wants to be a politician?

You are quite right about apathy svengali Whats the old saying "too used to a good thing"Or is it the line from the Joni Mitchell song "you dont know what you got til its gone"
We put all our passion into sport, Getting laid and lifes other pleasures
Put 10% of our energies into the political process We may have political parties who governed a little less on party lines and a little more on what the local members constituents wanted
I do believe we have one of the worlds best goverment systems but a little tweak never hurt
PS Who bitches about compulsory participation in OZ ?
Bolivia has compulsory participation as well. Dont vote and you cant withdraw your pay from the bank for 3months Dont know why I added that love trivia I guess

Naughty Thoughts

Re: Who wants to be a politician?

...once elected, you are normally gagged from voting according to your principles and have to tow the party line.

That's what happened to Peter Garrett. Had good intentions but couldn't really do anything.


Legend Member
Re: Who wants to be a politician?

That's what happened to Peter Garrett. Had good intentions but couldn't really do anything.

Which shows the hypocrisy. If the voters elected them, they can vote their principles (as outlined during their election). No, we have career politicians. They are worse than depicted in Yes Minister, and Yes Prime Minister.

Farm Boy

Re: Who wants to be a politician?

Which shows the hypocrisy. If the voters elected them, they can vote their principles (as outlined during their election). No, we have career politicians. They are worse than depicted in Yes Minister, and Yes Prime Minister.

Imagine Australia as a giant ocean liner we all on it and all of us think we can steer and plot navigation now if we are given the command all of a sudden we discover It wont veer quickly to the left or right stop or go a lot faster and no mater what is done not everyone is happy.

All this has F*** all to do with politics' or Government but like all big things little people always think they could do better given command.


Gold Member
Re: Who wants to be a politician?

On most issues they sided with Labor and after Cheryl Kernot famously defected to Labor they became just a bunch of loony leftie socialists.
I'm sure Kernot was actually in bed with Gareth Evans half the time too.... that I think explained the defection.


Legend Member
Re: Who wants to be a politician?

I'm sure Kernot was actually in bed with Gareth Evans half the time too.... that I think explained the defection.

Sleeping with the enemy? Or Keeping friends close and enemies closer?


Re: Who wants to be a politician?

You wouldn't make a good politition Rochelle, you only know how to screw people honestly for their money. hehehehe

T.J. McDon

Re: Who wants to be a politician?

In all honesty, and as much as I hate to say it, it's arguable that the PM is still underpaid. CEO even a moderate sized company and you often earn in the 7 figures, but CEO the whole damn country, with threat of job loss imminent every few years, and less if you get backstabbed, and get paid a fraction of that.
So either CEO's earn too much, or the PM earns too little. Possibly a bit of both I'd say.


Legend Member
Re: Who wants to be a politician?

And the majority who do bitch And most of us come into that category Are not willing to put their hands up to do it So it cant be as attractive as many believe
But we dont begrudge under performing sportsmen especially Football players getting 2-3 times the PM's wage


Legend Member
Re: Who wants to be a politician?

And the majority who do bitch And most of us come into that category Are not willing to put their hands up to do it So it cant be as attractive as many believe
But we dont begrudge under performing sportsmen especially Football players getting 2-3 times the PM's wage

Oh, yes it is attractive to the power junkies. Because of the way power is run in all countries there is only a very small clique which can get the power.


Re: Who wants to be a politician?

Demon has a good point, can anyone tell me who the last honest Politician was, the wage the PM gets is subsidised by the fact we the tax payer pay for transport, accomodation etc not just for the PM but for his family and entourage, private enterprise CEO's have to foot the bill themselves. CEO's are by law compelled to tell the truth, but Polititions#@$%^^&&. Enough Said


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
French solution

Oh I know that is not brand new.......it has been in the paper at least 10 days ago but I think it is worth posting.

The French politicians seem to come up with another "solution" to get rid of the oldest profession in the world.........they want to charge (fines and prison terms) the punters instead of the girls. The short article didn't reveal how the French police would keep on top of all the punters....but hi we never know what they come up with to make our life miserable.

What surprised me.....the article stated that apparently there are only 36000 W/Ls in France. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :icon_scra



Re: French solution

Population of France is 65mil, of Australia is 22mil, so basically 3x.

So by ratio there should be 12k WL in Australia. I'd wager there's that many in each state :p


Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: French solution

....wasn't that tried somewhere else before and it fell flat on its face???? If memory serves, punters & WLs "worked around" it so it became nearly impossible to police......I can't recall the details (shit, I sound like a politician in front of a Senate Estimates Committee....lol...)

Fudd :)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Re: French solution

LOL Fudd you really do sound like a politician........quick reaction but no details.......:la:....love you toooo:laughing4



Legend Member
Re: French solution

I think that is Sweden's way........ (Memory?)

Yes Demon It is/was in Sweden Prostitution is legal the taking up of the service is what is illegal So only the punter cops it in the neck
It is the system the Perth Arch bishop RC/C of E not sure which Wanted for our state


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
politics 2012

While I am in the new thread/gossip section I might as well add this one.
America's elections at the end of the year......haaaaa....who would have guessed. They are still a while away but I would like to know your guys' opinion on what is going to happen.
My thoughts..........Obama again unless the Republicans are able to find a charismatic leader. Not much there at the moment (grrrrrr and hopefully it stays like that). So far Obama had to deal with the left-overs from Mr.B (B for bloody) G Bush. I think he deserves another term to concentrate on his politics instead of putting band aid on the consequences of the "activities" of the previous president.



Re: politics 2012

Saw a news article come out today saying the republicans are arguing over who should be leader, sounds similar to our labor party.

Closer to home I hope a federal election is called, we've given the token clowns long enough to prove they're still useless.