• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Great pic Alecia :laughing4



Legend Member
Really good movie and a really good question.
I had a family member that passed recently that knew he was on borrowed time and all he wanted was to live a normal day. He didn`t want people to feel sorry for him or jump out of the woodworks and feel the need to say hello again. The thing he did not want was pity.

If it was me and I was well enough with the cash flow I think I would want to spend it travelling and see the sites I had only ever read about.
I think the last month I would want to spend with the people I love...


I actially have a list that gets bigger and bigger as each "experience" gets ticked off. Slowly working through them but the more you experience, the less you experience if you get what I mean!

My top 5 in no particular order.

- Catch and release a 1000lb black marlin followed by drinks at yorkies knob marina in cairns.
- swim with whale sharks off exmouth.
- swim with a wild dugong.
- Go to Iceland to experience the sights and sounds of the aurora's (this is actually how I am going to propose when it's time for that)
- pack up all my friends and family and party stupidly hard in Vegas for my last week. Surround myself with alcohol, casinos and boobs. 3 of my favourite things on life!
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Perth boy

I have done a few of mine but as I do them I add more.

1) ice skate on cetral park at new years.
2)scuba dive under the ice at the poles,
3) mount bike across the great wall of china,
4)go to the full moon party in Thialand - booked this year
5)sky dive - but will never do it,
6) rent a yacht and saling grease - done
8) climb to base camp at everest.
9) hire a ducati in italy and go site seeing. - booked this year

And last of all walk into langtrees with a hand full of cash and get a gangbang with me and all the girls on duty. ha ha maybe thats a fantesy


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
After thinking about it for a couple of days......
1) Grand canyon
2) through South America on a Harley
3) Carnival in Rio
4) Chinese wall
5) quality time with friends and family.......lol....like a big party bash with everybody around.....

Hmmmmmm might come up with some more things.....but that's it for now.


Perth boy

After thinking about it for a couple of days......
1) Grand canyon
2) through South America on a Harley
3) Carnival in Rio
4) Chinese wall
5) quality time with friends and family.......lol....like a big party bash with everybody around.....

Hmmmmmm might come up with some more things.....but that's it for now.


Carnival in Rio Mmmmm
Thanks Rochelle think i will add that one.

I actully do my list and have it on the fridge at home. I do what I plan in life and will my bucket list finished before I leave the great planet.

Perth boy

1) ice skate on cetral park at new years.
2)scuba dive under the ice at the poles,
3) mount bike across the great wall of china,
4)go to the full moon party in Thialand - booked this year
5)sky dive - but will never do it,
6) rent a yacht and saling grease - done
8) climb to base camp at everest.
9) hire a ducati in italy and go site seeing. - booked this year

And last of all walk into langtrees with a hand full of cash and get a gangbang with me and all the girls on duty. ha ha maybe thats a fantesy
11) Carnival Rio


Definitely like:

1) carnival in rio
2) motorbike through central/south america
3) everest base camp
4) fit enough to do an ironman!
5) threesome!
6) holy day in india

Farm Boy

First make sure all your insurance is payed up.

2 then settle your financial affairs .

3 empty the fridge and switch of TV and lights

4 go find Gough Whitlam tell him he was the worst PM ever

that just about covers the essentials now have fun


Legend Member
I have done a few of mine but as I do them I add more
3) mount bike across the great wall of china

Hey Perth boy
There are many of us who would have loved to mount our local bike.
But not many of us would take her all the way to the great wall in China

Farm Boy

3) mount bike across the great wall of china
Only six months to do this , that's a lot of peddling up hills .
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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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what do you guys think about gay marriages???????


Alecia the Foxx

You should be able to marry whoever you want (as long as they are into it and of age) regardless of their sex. To deny homosexuals marriage rights is discriminatory.


Gold Member
Thats a bit like private WL's not being allowed to work independantly and being forced in to established commercial houses. Now thats discriminatory.


Gay marriages? I think they're a good thing - for people to be happy in their marriages.

Way I see it, too many people are in sad marriages but if they went in with the intention of being gay and happy, divorce lawyers would go broke.

Hang on - oh! I see, you mean GAY... :D


Legend Member
If two people are in love and want to formalise their relationship, than they should be able to get married.

The gender of their partner, what position they like in bed, what brand of cornflakes they eat, etc. is no one elses business - certainly not the business of the government.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
Agree guys. Marriage should not be limited to the traditional couple (male/female).
A few countries have opened up and legalised gay marriage so I hope it will be considered as "normal" as traditional marriages in the close future.

Whilom....just to add to discrimination.......liquor laws in WA.......did you know that apart from minors and drunk people bar staff is not allowed to serve alcohol to prostitutes and thieves.........:laughing4.......don't know how many but there have been quite a few bar people who have broken the law.......:headbang:



Foundation Member
Hmm!! I must be psychic because this thought was rolling around in my head during my daily drive to work this morning.

Now, Svengali is a devout athiest and I regard all churches as nothing more than cults with huge followings which use superstition to try to control people. However, "marriage" as an institution, like it or not, has its roots (no pun) in religion and if you want a church wedding, as opposed to a civil ceremony, it must be conducted according to the rules of the church. Those rules, for just about all mainstream churches, recognise only the union of a man and a woman and, in many cases, the ceremony actually refers to "the procreation and raising of children".

That pretty well rules out any sort of same-sex pairing and it is very much a matter of their house, their rules. If the church's belief system does not recognise homosexuality as "normal", and most don't, then it is their right to refuse to bless such a union.

As for civil ceremonies - there we are dealing with acts of parliament which can be changed and, if Mr Brown and his greenies have their way, soon will be. If the people as a body do not approve they will have a chance to change the Government in a couple of years.

Opinions on this matter vary quite widely and I, for one, would be very interested to see the results of any reliable polling to see where Australians stand on the issue.


While the gay life stile is not for me if 2 or more people love each other and lets face it love is what it is about and as long as it is not rubed in my face why not .>there are many way to make a family and aslong as people a happy and content what is the problem


Marriage by definition is between man & woman.

If gay then call it something else or one of them get a sex change!



Marriage has evolved. It's no longer exclusively a religious matter as much a legal one. I don't really think it matters whether a couple is straight or gay, the principle of the matter is that they should both be entitled to the same opportunities! I love how people always bring things back to religion when the religious masses have no problem with non-religious straight people getting married and bringing up subsequent children as athiests... Then again, I'm not religious and I don't plan on ever getting married so I'm not sure if my opinion really counts...


I agree with Svengali, if you want to get a religious marriage then the church has the right to make the rules but a civil union should be an option. At the risk of throwing a cat amongst the pidgeons, my problem isn't with gay marriage but this leads to children and that's where I start to have a problem.

If I had gone to school with two Dads my life would have been made hell on Earth, sorry but it's true. The other kids will never be as understanding and open minded as we would hope and if you believe otherwise you must have been raised in a hippy commune. It's like 65 year old women having babies, it is their right but is it fair on the kids and who thinks of them.

Another point is, if we change the definition of marriage, where do you stop. Can someone marry 5 women? Can they marry their favourite car, or pet? I realise this sounds rediculous but I promise, someone will always want to push the boudaries and claim it is 'within their rights' to do so.

If you begin to alter traditions that have lasted hundreds of generations with the argument that "What the hell, I should be allowed as it is my right to do so" I'm not sure where it ends. Allow civil unions and allow all the same legal rights as marriage but I shudder whenever the Govt wants to mess with religion. However with an athiest Prime Minister and a Gay leader of the Greens who knows what will happen. Just my thoughts.

Alecia the Foxx

I know gay couples with children. The children are happy healthy heterosexuals, and, no, their life wasn't hell growing up. I don't think you can say how things would have been, because you just don't know.


Another point is, if we change the definition of marriage, where do you stop. Can someone marry 5 women? Can they marry their favourite car, or pet? I realise this sounds rediculous but I promise, someone will always want to push the boudaries and claim it is 'within their rights' to do so.

I was in Dubai recently and the taxi driver was telling me he has 3 wives and he's actually allowed to have a fourth. One was sort of his senior wife, another a junior and the 3rd was his friends missus and when he was killed, he took her in.

Perfect example of religion and culture. One religion says 1 wife til death and another says you can have 4.

I've been to 2 commitment ceremonies from older gay guys and other than the legalities side of things, both were just the same as a normal wedding really.

Nothing wrong with marrying a dog either :D They are loyal, love u know matter what and are always happy to see you!

Alecia the Foxx

"Nothing wrong with marrying a dog either They are loyal, love u know matter what and are always happy to see you!"
Reply With Quote

I'm assuming that was a joke. If not,:nono::nono:


AS I said before the gay lifestyle is not my sceen but marrage is all about LOVE HAPPINESS and FOREFILLMENT if you love your partner or for that matter partners GO FOR IT


Legend Member
Im with svengali on the bit about it would be interesting to see what a reliable poll
of a very large sector of the popuation would come up with.
I wouldn't be surprised if such a poll came out against gay marriages. It doesn't matter that many on this site may agree with gay marriage I think we still live in a fairly conservative country