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Rochelle's Interesting Topic Thread


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
opinions please

Will and Kate......Kate and Will.......non-stop for the last two weeks. Whenever I turn on the TV.......there seems to be only one topic occupying the world at the moment.
And now finally the 'big day' has arrived and I am sure there won't be anything else on TV for the next 24 hours.

Well......as a Kiwi I am 'subject' of the queen as much as everybody in the English commonwealth......no way around it......unless we talk about republics again and the question if it is not about time that NZ and Australia cut the apron strings to the mother land.
I mean I can see the fascination with a fairytail wedding but what about the costs of the big event? Wow......is it worth it? Or is the whole British Royal Family a bit antiquated and maybe it would be a good move to get rid of it?

What do you guys think? Time to discuss the republic status again?



Re: opinions please

I think *we* (im of convict heritedge fwiw) have been lucky that the royals in recent years (decades really) have been ok but is it fair that someone is born into leadership regardless of what sort of personality they posses? Hardly!

Mind you, i don't see a big problem with Will and Kate so im happy to sit on the fence for the time being. Unlike some of their relations, they both appear like really good people. Harry on the other hand would make a highly entertaining king. Would be like a world cup win lol. On the serious side of it, would Australia change or be any better off if we ditched the queen? Probably not

As for the wedding, I try to see a bigger picture. It's bought in huge media coverage with new technology, tourism is booming (imagine London now!), people are happy, throwing parties, new jobs are created (even if only short term) and everyones out n about spending money. Win win for England and the poms. Sure some people are sick of hearing about it but 2.5 billion people around the world will tune in for a good news story.

With the exception of getting hammered on free beer, i dislike weddings but I'll be watching tonight :)
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nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
Re: opinions please

It is a bit much but it’s all Real, happy and romantic and at least it’s not bloody hours of Football or Cricket..
I’ll be watching as well as I did with Diana & Furgie.
But yes, a republic would be better in Australia although it really won't do much for Crime, take home pay packets & the environment.

Hi Pocket! OXOX

Farm Boy

Re: opinions please

There is not one Republic in this world that I would want to live in ,whats more if someone could explain exactly how becoming a republic would improve Australia fire away .


Re: opinions please

If someone could explain exactly how the Royal Family or the Queen would improve Australia fire away.:violent5: They haven't seem to have done any credible work so far.
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Re: opinions please

Half of us wouldn't be hear if it wasn't for the royals!!

Certainly a good service! They truly looked like they'd even just suit a nice beach wedding in bora bora or something but the abbey is stunning though. I'm very anti religion but I love the architecture of old churches.

Her sister is smoking hot though. Harry's surely keen to bone I think!

If this isn't a good thing for Britan, I don't know what is. 1 million patriotic poms wearing the union jack!
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Re: opinions please

Half of us wouldn't be hear if it wasn't for the royals!!

Sorry WR, could you explain that a bit more? What exactly did the royals do for the
half of us

Seriously, I don't understand and some clarification would be good. I don't think people are necessarily grateful about their convict/eviction of orphans policy that's for sure. Their intentions were far from noble.

This is of course unless you're referring to the many grateful Englishmen and woman who were glad to leave England's shores to come to Australia thanks to everything from the Queen to Thatcher (what a woman - not) to the warm beer and climate.
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Re: opinions please

There intentions may have been far from noble when they sent my ancestors over in the early 1800's in chains but hey, now i live in the best country in the world :D

And you must remember that things were very different in the 18th and 19th centuries. I'm sure Will and Kate wouldn't do it again :)


Foundation Member
Re: opinions please

Well, as a former pom (now naturalised) I will watch the highlights but must agree that the media coverage has been a bit over the top.

However, it makes a change from the constant blather about football.


Re: opinions please

We'll have to agree to disagree then - I don't think it'd translate to half of Australia's population - nor that we've to be grateful to the royal family, many of whom were inbred. In any case, a large part of these policies were decided by boot licking sycophants rather than the monarchy itself.

The prisoners may have come over in chains but the locals were put in chains for no good reason at all when they were invaded.


Re: opinions please

I think you took my "half" comment a little too literal :)


Re: opinions please

Au contraire WR, give me some credit there old chap. I don't think even a sizeable majority exists due to the royals. Not even a sizeable minority. In fact I don't even think the monarchy had any role in it at all.

Farm Boy

Re: opinions please

If someone could explain exactly how the Royal Family or the Queen would improve Australia fire away.:violent5: They haven't seem to have done any credible work so far.

Missing the point BBC Aus is What it is due to way our system of gov works. The queen has been there since 1952 cost the AUSTRALIAN tax payer very little and done no harm .


Re: opinions please

Me - missing the point? How ironic. The queen costs us nothing and has done no harm (nor done any good) then it appears we could do without her. No improvement on their part obviously. Wonder when our system of government worked either.


Gold Member
Re: opinions please

Me - missing the point? How ironic. The queen costs us nothing and has done no harm (nor done any good) then it appears we could do without her. No improvement on their part obviously. Wonder when our system of government worked either.

Why not emigrate by fishing boat to Afghanistan then! :violent5:

Farm Boy

Re: opinions please

Me - missing the point? How ironic. The queen costs us nothing and has done no harm (nor done any good) then it appears we could do without her. No improvement on their part obviously. Wonder when our system of government worked either.

Can you remember Goff or Nixon.


Re: opinions please

Not only can i remember them, I can even spell them and have met Gough and he autographed two of his books for me.

As for the other poster - that's a good idea for you - why don't you take your pathetic attempt at racism with you Tannerone? This coming from the same mature mind (yes, I write of Tannerone) that once wrote
The sooner we get rid of all of the prudish Politicians, their followers and do-gooders, the better we will all be.

Oh to go back to the sense that prevailed about twenty years ago.
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Bronze Member
Re: opinions please

at least their hot. Media coverage about the queen really pushes past the boredom gag point, but there's still a couple of years of watching left for these new two.

Farm Boy

Re: opinions please

Not only can i remember them, I can even spell them and have met Gough and he autographed two of his books for me.

As for the other poster - that's a good idea for you - why don't you take your pathetic attempt at racism with you Tannerone? This coming from the same mature mind (yes, I write of Tannerone) that once wrote

Well then you silly left wing big black prick you had, the perfect opportunity to tell Goff that the Australian political system has never worked ( your dopey opinion not mine)


Re: opinions please

Hahaha yes! He can dish it out but he can't take it :iamwithst :laughing4

There's nothing like a predictable country bumpkin who cries capitalist when times are good but cries socialist and runs to the government when the banks are closing on his sad and bad business practices - all ready to blame the weather. Not Farmboy of course, he's too smart (he might even be able to spell the word).
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Farm Boy

Re: opinions please

Realty puzzled by the last post BBC I never have put poo on you and not offended by your last post.
by the way keep correcting my spelling , I wanted a sex mad English teacher but will have to make do with a leftward bent black dick .................................................................head


Re: opinions please

You've been quick to dish it out before - take a look at your posts and I've been nice about it - just thought it was about time you got some medicine back. If you're civil with me, I'll be civil with you. Point taken? Or have you missed the point this time? So we shall be civil with each other from now on? It's your call.
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Farm Boy

Re: opinions please

I missed something here anyway no woreys. and by the way you may have noted that Farm Boy disproves of socialistic solutions to social and economic problems this extends to agrarian socialism.


Re: opinions please

Surely, a message board should allow for different opinions and respect for that without getting carried away by name calling and emotion - no?

Or is it that easy for all of us (not aimed at FB here) to forget. If all of us had the same opinions, the world would be a boring place and no one would get wiser learning about other views.


Gold Member
Re: opinions please

I had to post that because otherwise this Forum would turn into a political forum. Remember, agrarian socialism is what the conservative parties have protected in Australia for a century. Must add with the help of Labor who were too scared to try and change it. Ditto UK, France, Germany et al.

Farm Boy

Re: opinions please

I had to post that because otherwise this Forum would turn into a political forum. Remember, agrarian socialism is what the conservative parties have protected in Australia for a century. Must add with the help of Labor who were too scared to try and change it. Ditto UK, France, Germany et al.

No you are incorrect Haste Economic reform started with Goff Black Jack Mcewen is long gone Your comments relate to the National Party


Gold Member
Re: opinions please

I never mentioned economic reform and I agree that the Labor under Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke and Paul Keating were the great reformers. Black Jack might be gone but his scrawny fingers reach from the grave and hold tight to the Liberal Party teat. The National Party is just a rump of the Liberals so that they can swap preferences. There is no reason in this present age for anyone outside the major cities to have a vote worth twice mine. Without the Nats being under the same bedclothes as the Libs the conservatives would never win government. As to how the farmers socialise their losses read the Income Tax Act and associated legislation.

Anyway, I would rather discuss a short skirt and a nice pair of legs!

Farm Boy

Re: opinions please

You do know Mcewen was a Nat? and I must admit the exceptional circumstances assistance is administrated much more freely in the east, your concerns about voter imbalance is groundless Keating introduce one vote one value years ago .


Re: opinions please

Realty puzzled by the last post BBC I never have put poo on you and not offended by your last post.
by the way keep correcting my spelling , I wanted a sex mad English teacher but will have to make do with a leftward bent black dick .................................................................head

Boy oh boy FB, you're an open book. That's twice you've accused someone of being a DH in less than 5 days. Not only are you arrogant, but it appears you have an ego problem and are blind. Someone else's words not mine! I'll get to blindness in a moment, but I bet you killed flies when you were a child.

You said, "'By the way keep correcting my spelling, I wanted a 'sex mad English teacher' but will have to make do with a leftward bent black dick head.'"

Well if your eyes wide open... you would see one has been here the whole time. But of course only an 'intelligent' person would recognise this.

I'd make the effort to introduce you to her myself, if I wasn't so busy. I guess you'll have to do it when you get A ROUND TOOIT.
