• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Prone to Fines


Foundation Member
I am thinking I am prone to collecting fines.. in particular Parking Fines. Does anyone else have a simliar fortune with the grey ghosts.... or better know now as "parking Infringment Officers" ffs.
Last week was particularily bad. 2 parking and one Flash of the speed camera.
I did feel better with one of the parking infringments. I took it out on the sign. Lets say the signs' not there anymore. Thats gotta be worth more than $60 bucks at cash convertas!!!!

Ghost Protocol

yep hip deep in trouble

580$ unregistered dead dog .... ignoored it , then got summonsed
380$ 2 day out of reg . unregistered car (i forgot), got unlucky
380$ for ignooring a parking fine



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
lol......I know what you are talking about. All my fines added up......it is probably a house deposit. Never mind. and just between the 2 of us......use your sexy motor bike instead of a car. :eek:ccasion14



Foundation Member
good idea Rochelle. but they still enjoy slapping a ticket on bikes as well.
I have an idea. false number plates for those times when you know your going to be longer than the hour allowed on the metre..... now who could i get to make some lol!!!!


Foundation Member
you obviously make too much money

I gave up donating a looong time ago

parking fines and speeding fines are sooo easy to avoid

Naughty Thoughts

Hey Buzz, you may want to edit your first post.

Remember this is a public board, so if a council member happens to see your post and thinks "I remember reading a report about a vandalised sign ... hmm, who received a parking fine that day?" it wouldn't be too hard for them to trace back the damaged sign to you.


Foundation Member
Hey Buzz, you may want to edit your first post.

Remember this is a public board, so if a council member happens to see your post and thinks "I remember reading a report about a vandalised sign ... hmm, who received a parking fine that day?" it wouldn't be too hard for them to trace back the damaged sign to you.

no chance no time day state or country for that matter was mentioned
let alone it might not have happened anyway

so theres no evidence


5 or 6 years ago I racked up a lot of assorted traffic infringements costing 4 or 5 thousand. No one else to blame but it was just too easy and fun and mash the go pedal. Bit hard to understand that i'm not your stereotypical today tonight hoon but I'm sure Siren on here knows what it's like..

Then I got a 4wd for a daily driver, learnt about time and place and these days fines are almost a thing of the past. Still get the occasional yellow sticker when I bring the toys out though which is a bit of an inconvenience though.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
good idea Rochelle. but they still enjoy slapping a ticket on bikes as well.
I have an idea. false number plates for those times when you know your going to be longer than the hour allowed on the metre..... now who could i get to make some lol!!!!

:laughing4: I want some tooooooooo!
