• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Please stop....


Legend Member
Was filling my car at the service station this morning when somebody took off without paying...

If you saw a crime being committed, would you take the time to try and stop it or in this day and age is it better to be safe and keep out of it and pretend you didn`t see anything?


dont worry I am sure its all on cctv they dont get away with it for nothing...some people are just plain dumb asses but yeah I agree with ya ya more likely to get bashed or even killed for trying to intervene hard one

Naughty Thoughts

I've seen that too. Noted down the rego and make & model and gone in and gave the info to the attendant. Sometimes the cctv might be an awkward angle or be too grainy.

People that do that give the petrol companies an excuse to keep jacking up the price - they don't lose out, it's the rest of us that have to pay for their fuel!


The problem with fuel drive offs is that the cost the station money. I don't feel at all bad for the likes of shell and BP who make millions in profits (and going to charge us more anyway) but it really hurts the independents. Apparently the police no longer deal with drive offs, even with CCTV?

Depends what sort of crime really. If it's assault, DV, robbery etc I'd get involved but something like drugs I'd just call the 5-0.

Naughty Thoughts

Yeah, annoyingly the police have limited resources so they have to give priority to the stuff that is either more serious or has a greater chance of successful prosecution.

I'm surprised they haven't set up a system where the companies can just send the bill to the vehicle owner. But then if they did that, they'd either abuse the system or have to drop their prices. Neither likely to happen.


Foundation Member
This is a copout the Police use when they can't be fagged dealing with a problem.

As a one-time business owner I can tell you from bitter experience that trying to collect a debt under the present system is a waste of time because all the cards are in the hands of the debtor. They can ignore every piece of paper you post to or have served on them and if you waste enough time and money you can eventually get them before a court where the Magistrate can order payments. They then make one payment (if you are lucky) vamoose again and you can start the whole process over again.

There are people who have made a hobby out of this and racked up unpaid bills of $50k plus and apart from a stinking credit history have suffered no sanctions at all.

The only successful way of dealing with a recalcitrant debtor, if you have the stomach for it, is to get the bikies to collect it for you. They will take a percentage of course but half a loaf......! Snag is they also will also expect a favour in return and this may well lead you into doing things you don't really want to get into, like holding mysterious little packages and exchanging them for equally mysterious little envelopes......

This is a part of the law that is in serious need of reform as these people are no better than thieves.
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Full Member
Foundation Member
I hear what you're saying, Sven, but in my opinion driving off with a tank full of petrol is stealing and not a debt issue. It's no different to walking out of a store with a watch, camera etc etc and not paying for that item.

Going back to that article, I find that the police's view that driving off and not paying for fuel is a civil matter makes a mockery of those blue & white stickers one sees on petrol bowsers that state that not paying for fuel is stealing and is a crime.



Legend Member
Its not very often I see the gentle Mr Fudd so riled Maybe I was right when I said tongue in cheek that Mr Fudd was Yosemite Sams alter ego
but as for petrol theft As every one knows it is theft plain and simple There was a article recently of a harried mother who let her child eat a lollie bar in the supermarket She paid for all the shopping but left with wrapper still in her hand She had to deal with the full weight of the law


It's no different to walking out of a store with a watch, camera etc etc and not paying for that item.

Even then there's not that much that can be done unless you take the law into your own hands. Unless you can get video footage or a car rego to perhaps get an ID there's very little the cops will do.

Problem with fuel drive offs is that the news won't air the CCTV footage and the plates are just going to be recirculated stolen or fake plates.


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Besides the Law side of it i think it would be a very small % that puts fuel prices up.
I watched an article the other day about over East where Petrol is now up to as high as $1.62, highest since 2008 they said.
Yesterday i got fuel for $1.28 a litre and today was $1.47 at the same garage (Caltex Woolworth's) both with a voucher.
I really don't get it as not long back say around 3to4 months back oil was as low as $40 odd dollars a barrel, now it's around $100 plus and the most we got out of it was around 20cents a litre off.
As has been said the small business gets screwed over again. The big 2 now have the monopoly on it and anything else they can get there hands into.
What is the use of having this fuel watch bullshit, they don't help us one bit.
They said W.A would be the last state to come in line with the Eastern states, so don't be surprised if your paying up to $1.60 next week.

About the drive offs, most garages down this way (Freo) you have to pay up front after a certain time, most around 8 or 10pm. Pretty easy solution if you ask me, i don't know about the cost involved about having the pumps like that but i am sure it is worth it, it doesn't really cause you an inconvenience as you are supposed to pay anyhow, pretty fool proof way i think.


Full Member
Foundation Member
Its not very often I see the gentle Mr Fudd so riled....

...I hope Sven doesn't take my comments as being directed at him.......I just saw red after reading that article. I suppose I'm just getting cranky at seeing more instances of society crumble around me......or I've just become a grumpy old man.... :)


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
...I hope Sven doesn't take my comments as being directed at him.......I just saw red after reading that article. I suppose I'm just getting cranky at seeing more instances of society crumble around me......or I've just become a grumpy old man.... :)

I Very much doubt it, both comments have in put to this thread. Just a different way of expressing both your comments.


Was filling my car at the service station this morning when somebody took off without paying...

If you saw a crime being committed, would you take the time to try and stop it or in this day and age is it better to be safe and keep out of it and pretend you didn`t see anything?

Classic modern urban dilemma - self preservation versus the common good.

Discretion is always needed but as an honest and caring citizen you have a moral duty to try within reason to counter crime and if nothing else do what you can to record what happens before you so as to give the authorities whatever leads you can to resolving the issue in question.

In my case i would probably do something stupid like try to stop it but then thats me and not something that I would necessarily recommend to others.


Legend Member
Problem solved, make every pump prepaid, no pay no fuel but then this will offend honest ppl like you and me...plus honest ppl like us will be robbed at pump point for fuel...lol...one way or another you can't win. It's a civil matter when no one gets hurt.


Foundation Member
I hear what you're saying, Sven, but in my opinion driving off with a tank full of petrol is stealing and not a debt issue. It's no different to walking out of a store with a watch, camera etc etc and not paying for that item.

Going back to that article, I find that the police's view that driving off and not paying for fuel is a civil matter makes a mockery of those blue & white stickers one sees on petrol bowsers that state that not paying for fuel is stealing and is a crime.


Actually, you are right and I didn't make that clear enough in my reply. Taking anything without paying for it is, of course, theft and should be treated accordingly by the Police. I also believe that when people have a history of racking up bills without paying them they should be treated the same as thieves because that is what they are.


Legend Member

Actually, you are right and I didn't make that clear enough in my reply. Taking anything without paying for it is, of course, theft and should be treated accordingly by the Police. I also believe that when people have a history of racking up bills without paying them they should be treated the same as thieves because that is what they are.

Bring back debtors prison We may just have to be a bit more leniant than our Victorian forebears

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I had an embaressing moment this morning. Filled my tank and realised I did not have my wallet. So went inside explained myself nicely, filled in a form and will return this afternoon to pay for the fuel.

Or I could have sped off.... :)


Legend Member
I had an embaressing moment this morning. Filled my tank and realised I did not have my wallet. So went inside explained myself nicely, filled in a form and will return this afternoon to pay for the fuel.

Or I could have sped off.... :)

And I would like to think you are in the majority , Master Yoda
It can be very embarrassing having to front the attendant
But its the right thing to do I'm sure we have done something similar at times
and most stores are understanding Its certainly better than taking the cowards way out and Running