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Pain and injury


Tania Admin

Ok, Why is it I can come off my dirt bike and laugh my head off despite being black and blue all over, and when I have a splinter in my pinky finger I get tears in my eyes? What is with that?!


On horror/gory TV shows/films I can handle people being cut in half or limbs caught in machines or blood flying everywhere.
But on some medical documentary a doctor started drilling into a skull for a biopsy and i cringed and looked away.

Tania Admin

On horror/gory TV shows/films I can handle people being cut in half or limbs caught in machines or blood flying everywhere.
But on some medical documentary a doctor started drilling into a skull for a biopsy and i cringed and looked away.

I love horror movies, horror stories, have read heaps on true crimes, forensics fascinates me,,have even worked in the medical profession and seen some yucky stuff,,,but a splinter in my finger and I need my friends around lol sooky la la I am


Foundation Member
Same here, In my work I regularly get cuts from glass, splinters, sharp blades etc and just whack on a bandaid and carry on.

But I hate getting needles


Legend Member
Needles. I am sure there is an alternative But the docs have a mengele inspired streak in them and need to see us squirm or worse
But I am in the same boat as svengali & Ms T. I Get stamped on head butted by recalcitrant rams zapped because of negligence on electric fences No Worries Put on my aftershave after a rough shave Squeal like a cut pig At least they have a reason to squeal

Tania Admin

Same here, In my work I regularly get cuts from glass, splinters, sharp blades etc and just whack on a bandaid and carry on.

But I hate getting needles

Needles, your a sicko, why bring them up? Last time I had an allergic reaction to a bee, the doctor in emergency had a note on his file to find a distraction, I wasnt informed of this until after the nurse ( who unfortunately wasn't cute), pointed to a stupid Lion King picture made some funny comment and the doc impaled my tender skin,,,,,,bastard!!!!!


Gold Member
I used to get allergy injections, sorta got used to needles. Just look away and think of something pleasant.


Legend Member
I used to get allergy injections, sorta got used to needles. Just look away and think of something pleasant.

So what if you had to jab yourself?? Could you? There`s no way I could but my brother used to have to all the time.


Gold Member
Being an Insulin-dependent Diabetic, I have to use a needle four times a day. The first few days were frightening and I broke out into a sweat each time. Now, after 14 years and some 20,000 pricks (many more than a w/l !!!), I still cringe when someone else has to give me a needle - even if it is an attractive Nurse.


Legend Member
Being an Insulin-dependent Diabetic, I have to use a needle four times a day. The first few days were frightening and I broke out into a sweat each time. Now, after 14 years and some 20,000 pricks (many more than a w/l !!!), I still cringe when someone else has to give me a needle - even if it is an attractive Nurse.

May I ask Tannerone Did they teach you to inject using a humble old orange as the victim prior to that first shut the eyes and plunge right in

Tania Admin

None of this helps my poor pinky that I pulled a nasty splinter out of,,,, :( It hurts!!


Gold Member
So what if you had to jab yourself?? Could you? There`s no way I could but my brother used to have to all the time.

I didn't have to, was only a weekly shot administered by a doc. The thing that was worse was the initial diagnostic procedure to see what I was allergic to. You get about two dozen shallow injections up and down your arm in two lines. (each one a different allergen to see which one you react to the most)

Tania Admin

I didn't have to, was only a weekly shot administered by a doc. The thing that was worse was the initial diagnostic procedure to see what I was allergic to. You get about two dozen shallow injections up and down your arm in two lines. (each one a different allergen to see which one you react to the most)

Sounds like a nightmare,,needles are so gross, you poor thing,,many hugs for you x


Needles make me cringe too... I'm okay with a jab in the arm but the thought of a needle going into my veins doesn't sit well. I didn't know you ride talysha?! :love10:


Gold Member
May I ask Tannerone Did they teach you to inject using a humble old orange as the victim prior to that first shut the eyes and plunge right in

No H2, I was shown how to do it on herself by a Diabetes Educator and then she gave me the pen and new needle and said "Now you do it". I didn't dare shut my eyes in case i got it wrong, so I had to endure the anxiety of doing it AND watching, then pressing the button to actually inject the insulin.

How I managed without bending the needle (which was only 8mm long) I don't know, but I was sweating and trying to stop shaking as well. I must have held my berath for what seemed like ten minutes whilst all this was happening. I still can't just jab it straight in - I just take it steady and hope I don't sneeze or cough at the wrong moment!


Legend Member
You Know Tannerone There was an older doc up near us in Gero He became a diabetic .He would have given needles to people everyday.
He could not give himself one. He used to go up to the clinic or hospital everyday for his needle Dont know if he took his meal with him too.

Tania Admin

Needles make me cringe too... I'm okay with a jab in the arm but the thought of a needle going into my veins doesn't sit well. I didn't know you ride talysha?! :love10:

That I do,,I have a YFZ450, she is my beast :) I love the adrenalin,,,it will be cool enough to ride again soon,,,lookout!!! lol

Steve Bond

I went to my GP for an injection. He said "... just a little prick" … I thought there was no reason to be like that!! Greg is quite sensitive really!


Gold Member
That I do,,I have a YFZ450, she is my beast :) I love the adrenalin,,,it will be cool enough to ride again soon,,,lookout!!! lol

Talysha, we should meet...... your posts have a certain familiarity to them LOL

I used to have a Kwaka 600 dirt bike that I used for mustering. A f^*king beast. Too heavy when I got in the middle of a thicket, but what a joy to ride over rough terrain. When I first got it, it frightened the sh#t outta me, but it never bucked me off....... bloody horse did that to me years ago.....named Meat Works...... yeah and you can imagine the rest........... I wished. LOL

Tania Admin

Talysha, we should meet...... your posts have a certain familiarity to them LOL

I used to have a Kwaka 600 dirt bike that I used for mustering. A f^*king beast. Too heavy when I got in the middle of a thicket, but what a joy to ride over rough terrain. When I first got it, it frightened the sh#t outta me, but it never bucked me off....... bloody horse did that to me years ago.....named Meat Works...... yeah and you can imagine the rest........... I wished. LOL

I have to admit I still have a little fear where my bike is concerned, I learnt to ride on a 700 raptor and a 350 Banshee and hammered them,,,and when it was time to buy my bike I watched alot of the action a Lancelin,,especially the drag offs,,the 450's won each time, with a fair gap,,,she has power, thats for sure and after this season I should have the confidence up a bit more,,haven't come off a quad to date,,but I'm steering clear of the 2 wheelers, learnt my lesson after I tore the ligaments off my shoulder,,,it hurt like hell...


Gold Member
Know what you mean Tania. Got thrown from a Yamaha 360 some time back and broke my ankle, hurt like hell, I was 40kms from the homestead. A friend has a Can-Am 800 4 wheeler and seeing him riding about.... I think I'll stick to my little ol XR250 for now. You should go and see the Gasdash in Carnarvon in October...... now there are some serious bikes, buggies and stuff there.

Hate them 3 wheelers.... always seem to want to run over my foot.......................... :) LOL

Tania Admin

Is that the dirt drags?? I dated a guy who raced at the dirt drags,,he was a total nutcase,,I guess insanity is required to enter those races they are pretty full on.................................. :p


Gold Member
I went to my GP for an injection. He said "... just a little prick" … I thought there was no reason to be like that!! Greg is quite sensitive really!

The nurses at the Path labs often say that when taking blood. Try saying to them "You must have been peeping" especially if you had to give a urine sample first, and see if they blush, or make another comment.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
No needles for me.........yuck...can't stand them......taking blood is a rather very much disliked procedure (probably number 2 on the list after dentist drilling in my mouth) Needles are especially nasty when they (the needles) stay in my arm or hand because I am about to go into surgery........"come on drugs work fast and knock me out NOW so that I don't have to stare at the needle in my arm". Only downside:......usually the needle is still in there when I wake up. You get the idea......I am a chicken when it comes to needles. :stop:



Surfing is my hobby and i love it and get lots and lots of injuries...and yess i hate needles but well if you love and have fun of what you're doing you will eventually get a way with it....