• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.



Gold Member
I got a problem. It takes me too long to cum. I have to take a medication and it's becone v frustrating, delayed ejaculation.
- Any idess how to cum faster?
Mate Welcome to the club, i'm only 28 but take me more then 1 and a half hours to bust with the ladies.

Just be aware that your not alone with these issues.


Gold Member
I get that for guy's a lot of importance is placed on orgasm/ejaculation not least from ourselves collectively, and perhaps this is going to sound strange (and perhaps I am) but I really have to think this kind of sentiment might misunderstand some of the issue and be part of the problem punters like the OP might face.

Jerking yourself off at the end, might work for the porn type guy that has had so much sex but needs their practiced own hand to finish the job - but they can jerk it for like 2 minutes to complete a porn scene all over their partner. I truely think that's the wrong way to imagine this for people like the poster.

I'd like to like to cum in a punt, maybe even more than once, but if delayed ejaculation is an issue I think some really great sessions can be where both parties can put asside the guy's orgasm and just have a good time. Orgasms are enjoyable and all, but so is sex.

Having a lady say they are done, and tell you to jerk off, and keep asking you to hurry up; I've been there and that situation cooling off and getting less sexy rapidly; becoming more and more like a nagging girlfriend wanting you to finish watching footy to clean the bathroom after maybe 2 minutes. It is I think the last thing a guy wants from a session with an escort.

That's what I meant with understanding. maybe important to find an escort with good English and be open about what the punter expects performance-wise themselves and what they might want realistically from the other party - have a working lady that doesn't take the challenge wrong and try and go triple hard tiring themselves out doing do after 15 minutes, and instead takes things slow and just tries to also ensure they both have a good time over the session duration, pacing themselves for a long and slow session maybe like the length of the booking time. Hopefully this isn't sounding unrealistic, and maybe it's too much based on what I would want.

I've had hour long sessions and at the end the WL was dissapointed "sorry I couldn't make you cum" where it was like "I think we both had a really good time, thank you!" and they get it.
Been there too. ..


Gold Member
I got a problem. It takes me too long to cum. I have to take a medication and it's becone v frustrating, delayed ejaculation.
- Any idess how to cum faster?
Looked up this thread this morning as I remembered reading it a while ago. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and over the last 6 months my daily dose has increased, as it went up I did start to notice that it took longer to achieve orgasm. (I take vyvanse 60mg). My last visit to the psychiatrist he asked was I having any issues sexually. Gaining an erection is difficult in the mornings, and having an orgasm can take a long time.
On a visit a little while ago, it took ages for the lady to “wake up the little guy” and a while to finish. She asked after if she did anything wrong and if I enjoyed it. I told her the session was great and I’ve been back since.
Question to the WLs on here, should I say something? I feel a little embarrassed to.


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
Looked up this thread this morning as I remembered reading it a while ago. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and over the last 6 months my daily dose has increased, as it went up I did start to notice that it took longer to achieve orgasm. (I take vyvanse 60mg). My last visit to the psychiatrist he asked was I having any issues sexually. Gaining an erection is difficult in the mornings, and having an orgasm can take a long time.
On a visit a little while ago, it took ages for the lady to “wake up the little guy” and a while to finish. She asked after if she did anything wrong and if I enjoyed it. I told her the session was great and I’ve been back since.
Question to the WLs on here, should I say something? I feel a little embarrassed to.
Mate you’re a champion for sharing as it helps others who may have issues sharing the same.
Being open with a WL is the best, If they take issue or insult you in any way just walk, they are not worth it.
Many WLs are understanding and accommodating to your needs but they are not mind readers so communicate is key.
Once again awesome you shared, that shows strength.🤙


Legend Member
Mate you’re a champion for sharing as it helps others who may have issues sharing the same.
Being open with a WL is the best, If they take issue or insult you in any way just walk, they are not worth it.
Many WLs are understanding and accommodating to your needs but they are not mind readers so communicate is key.
Once again awesome you shared, that shows strength.🤙
Actually well done to all of the posters in this thread, It is nice to see for a change males exchanging open conversation about extremely serious and deeply personal sexual issues.

Often we males are far to insecure to ask these sorts of questions and share these sorts of problems with the other males that surround us on a day to day basis. Often as a result this only increases the anxiety that we feel and isolates us socially and deepens the depression that some suffer from.


Gold Member
Just want to share a little about my own health issues in here as a few of the boys might be feeling or experiencing the same. I'm just about to turn 40 as well.

I recently had my blood work tested for testosterone and other men's health blood markers and was extremely low in testosterone. Which was strange as I wasn't experiencing the usual low libido, no morning erections and other signs of low test.

In my case it seems to be genetic and my Dr as put me on a low dose of Testosterone injections and FUCK ME... if anyone needs a diamond cut... my cock can cut it. Feeling like I'm a teenager again.

It's also helped my mood and general well being, highly recommend you getting your Dr to do a blood panel or go to IScreen (google it) for a referral


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
Awesome everyone who has contributed to the discussion as it needs not be secret men’s business. I encourage men to be more proactive in their health and talking about issues.
Men are way behind women in getting checkups and talking about health issues. We all want to enjoy a productive, long life, health is key importance.


Legend Member
Well heres one for you, as we guys age not so gracefully, one of the most common medical problems that occur in males over 60 is Benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate). Over 500,000 cases diagnosed annually in Australia.

This is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. This is a problem that can be treated with medication, however as with all medication there can be side effects such as
  • impotence (inability to achieve or maintain an erection)
  • decrease in libido (sex drive)
  • difficulty with ejaculation
  • breast swelling or tenderness. If this becomes troublesome or if you notice breast lumps or nipple discharge you should talk to your doctor about these changes as these may be signs of a serious condition, such a breast cancer
  • dizziness
  • difficulty in sleeping (insomnia)
You may also experience a decrease in sperm count and semen volume.

One side effect of rhe medication for this problem is known as "retrograde ejaculation" or dry orgasm. This where most of the ejaculation fluid runs back into the bladder instead of being squirted out. Retrograde ejaculation is painless.

Try explaining to your lady that you actually have reached orgasm, when there is no physical evidence as such


Legend Member
Well heres one for you, as we guys age not so gracefully, one of the most common medical problems that occur in males over 60 is Benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate). Over 500,000 cases diagnosed annually in Australia.

This is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. This is a problem that can be treated with medication, however as with all medication there can be side effects such as
  • impotence (inability to achieve or maintain an erection)
  • decrease in libido (sex drive)
  • difficulty with ejaculation
  • breast swelling or tenderness. If this becomes troublesome or if you notice breast lumps or nipple discharge you should talk to your doctor about these changes as these may be signs of a serious condition, such a breast cancer
  • dizziness
  • difficulty in sleeping (insomnia)
You may also experience a decrease in sperm count and semen volume.

One side effect of rhe medication for this problem is known as "retrograde ejaculation" or dry orgasm. This where most of the ejaculation fluid runs back into the bladder instead of being squirted out. Retrograde ejaculation is painless.

Try explaining to your lady that you actually have reached orgasm, when there is no physical evidence as such
Not to mention frequent urination and feeling of urgency.

I have BPH and my urologist tried several different medications and some had the side effects you mentioned.

I did some research of my own and found some medical articles that trialled a small daily dose 5mg of Tadalafil ( Cialis) for BPH.

It is on the NHS system in the USA for treatment of BPH but only for war veterans in Australia.

I talked to my doctor and he put me on it a few years ago and I helps a lot as well as the obvious side effects of hard and frequent erections!

The price is coming down in Australia now but I get mine from overseas because it is off patent there.


Legend Member
Not to mention frequent urination and feeling of urgency.

I have BPH and my urologist tried several different medications and some had the side effects you mentioned.

I did some research of my own and found some medical articles that trialled a small daily dose 5mg of Tadalafil ( Cialis) for BPH.

It is on the NHS system in the USA for treatment of BPH but only for war veterans in Australia.

I talked to my doctor and he put me on it a few years ago and I helps a lot as well as the obvious side effects of hard and frequent erections!

The price is coming down in Australia now but I get mine from overseas because it is off patent there.
Slugger, thank for this reply, certainly something I will ask my GP about.


The Gnome
Diamond Member
No but I’ve had a dry orgasm, pleasure but no cum. Apparently due to an enlarged prostrate and the tablet I take for it, and in addition to being an old codger!!
Same here. Quite a common problem with the enlarged prostate. Upside is you can quite happily shoot your load (sort of) without leaving the slighest mess. Cum goes back to your bladder and the you get rid of it with your next leak (apparently).