• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

'Oh no...why did I say that?'


Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
How many times have you messaged someone, then wished you could take it back? :eek:

....or messaged the wrong person? :oops:
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Legend Member
I have had other people use my phone to text people they would never text on their own phone
It does not worry me now I am single But back when the better half was with us?
I did get a , to quote Pauline "Please explain"


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy, it happens a lot in emails, English is a tough language and many times your viewpoint is not understood by the other parties. Then you get the "Please explain remark"
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Communication requires more that just the written word that we see. We use all the senses sound,
smell. touch and taste all subconsciously . Just one medium is open to enormous misinterpretation and I agree the English language is difficult especially emails and texts where abbreviation exists. Yes am guilty of sending messages to the wrong person...:shame::(


I have sent a text "Love you" to a work colleague instead of to my daughter. (similar names - I was in a rush - still have not heard the last of it :shame::oops:)

something similar happened to me I sent a text "mummy will be there soon baby" to my best friends husband!!! like you similar name ..in a rush !! It was meant for my son who was sick at school..i am still teased about it :oops::shame::)

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
In PM's i have made the mistake of saying something that i wished i had not put in a certain context as i realised that it made me look a pratt but then i am often told i think too much. I try and have written and rewritten sometimes 3 x a para if i am not happy and sometimes deleted it entirely. God forbid i ever send a PM to the wrong person :eek:


Legend Member
In PM's i have made the mistake of saying something that i wished i had not put in a certain context as i realised that it made me look a pratt but then i am often told i think too much. I try and have written and rewritten sometimes 3 x a para if i am not happy and sometimes deleted it entirely. God forbid i ever send a PM to the wrong person :eek:
So when you asked me out for dinner and drinks last night ?
Was that meant for me or not?


Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
In PM's i have made the mistake of saying something that i wished i had not put in a certain context as i realised that it made me look a pratt but then i am often told i think too much. I try and have written and rewritten sometimes 3 x a para if i am not happy and sometimes deleted it entirely. God forbid i ever send a PM to the wrong person :eek:
...so I am guessing the "I want to be with you" - wasn't for me.....:)


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
So when you asked me out for dinner and drinks last night ?
Was that meant for me or not?

I think you'll find that was intended for me. Didn't want you learning about our torrid affair this way, dear, but in a way I'm relieved it's all out in the open. It was never going to work out between us, I'm sure you realised that too. You can run back to FB2 and romp in the non-GM canola together just like old times.


Legend Member
I think you'll find that was intended for me. Didn't want you learning about our torrid affair this way, dear, but in a way I'm relieved it's all out in the open. It was never going to work out between us, I'm sure you realised that too. You can run back to FB2 and romp in the non-GM canola together just like old times.
You know darn well FB is Pro GMO
So I will never romp in his garden Your XLNC


I agree Cruiser...I am guilty of "over thinking" and make things much worse...and communicating something important or delicate in a PM can be dangerous :eek: