• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Nudity in Public - Your thoughts please



I am the adventurous type and enjoy variety in every aspect of my life. A number of years ago I was the mistress to a very wealthy business man. A favorite past time when entertaining business guests for lunch, included the two of us sneaking in the ladies bathroom so I could deliver him a sneaky lunchtime BJ. :icon_blowI would return to the lunch table completely amused by our little mid course exploit. The risk of being caught was such a thrill. :icon_boun

I have received an odd request from a client. The client wishes to "stretch my boundaries". The client has requested I accompany him to a sex shop where he will choose an outfit he wishes me to wear (I think he has a slutty dancing dress in mind). Whilst standing in the middle of the store I am to remove my clothes and try on the dress he has picked out. After purchasing the dress we will head into Northbridge for an evening of drinking and dancing. :eek:ccasion14

When he originally sent through his requests via text I assumed he was bluffing. So I called his bluff and very casually agreed to his request.

However, he called today. It turns out this was a real request. I must admit I am a little uncomfortable. I'm quite sure being naked in a retail store is illegal. :angel12:

I'd really appreciate everyone's thoughts on the subject. Has anyone ever had a similar request or has anyone performed such an act?

Paul Oconnor

That would be sooo fucken sexy. The naughtiness and the taboo would make me bar up like Pinnochio saying that Paris Hilton is a Lady.

Not to mention the shock of the bystanders being hilarious. Do it :)


Foundation Member
[QUOTE=Paul Oconnor;142979]That would be sooo fucken sexy. The naughtiness and the taboo would make me bar up like Pinnochio saying that Paris Hilton is a Lady.

Not to mention the shock of the bystanders being hilarious. Do it :)[/QUOTE]

So long as none of the bystanders are wearing blue shirts and navy blue pants it should be a good laugh.


Having managed several Adult stores around Perth & owned my own Adult boutique, I can assure you that ppl stripping off in the shop to try on clothes happens more often than I'd like to admit. Perhaps more so in my own store as most ppl felt un-inhibited & almost got a thrill out of undressing in the store & trying on clothing. So I say its not really a very big deal to strip off in an adult store. However, stripping off in the middle of Myers to try on an outfit is far more daring & probably the thrill of not getting arrested far more thrilling than in an adult store... So thank god he didn't request that.
looking forward to the update on how it went.

All the best of fun & adventure

Ms Magdelena ;)
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ooh this gets my curiosity up! what else would a w/l do?

would you go to the movies with vibrating underwear on? walk around the city shopping with no underwear on?

if you go through with this id like to try it out! what other boundary pushing activities would you be willing to try?


[/I]So long as none of the bystanders are wearing blue shirts and navy blue pants it should be a good laugh.[/QUOTE][/I]
Is this what you wear Svegali? LOL

Wow! that is a great idea.............

let me know what one might charge for this??

We hadn't discussed pricing. I wasn't really sure what to charge. My pricing is usually all inclusive. What would one consider fair?

you might wanna get the store owner to turn off his cctv. lol
I had requested we visit a store of my choice. The plan homer was to call the store before coming in, just to prepare them.

I can assure you that ppl stripping off in the shop to try on clothes happens more often than I'd like to admit. So I say its not really a very big deal to strip off in an adult store.
After reading this and the other encouraging replies I was rather looking forward to my "boundary pushing" activity. However, as I had first feared, the gentleman was a time waster who just wanted me to help fulfill his verbal fantasy. Alas, I was looking forward to trying something new.

walk around the city shopping with no underwear on?
This I have done a number of times. One, must remember to closer her legs when she is sitting down to eat however!


After reading this and the other encouraging replies I was rather looking forward to my "boundary pushing" activity. However, as I had first feared, the gentleman was a time waster who just wanted me to help fulfill his verbal fantasy. Alas, I was looking forward to trying something new.

GASP!! He chickened out on you!!!!!!!!!!! You didn't do it!! OK. You choose the store and Ill meet you there!!! I know which type of underwear you will wear in store too hehe

Pricing: It depends, are you expecting the client to purchase what you try on in store? Id get you to try different clothes on in store but would not head out to Northbridge afterwards. Id like to find a store with all female workers too.


Gold Member
I've been known to get naked from time to time in public, if you are fine with your body I can't see what's wrong with it. We come into the world naked , so in my view it's just natural


Gold Member
I once met a client in the food court in the city before i went to college, my challenge was to remove my knickers at the table which i did and then meet up with him after class in a david jones change room for some fun and to get my knickers back.. was very exciting!


Yes, I thought that would be normal practice to strip off in Adult Store and change...I dont think that is out of the norm!!

But I can i amagine you standing in the middle of the store putting on bit of a show about it Alexandra...next time let SexNut and I know so we can hide in the cornor and watch...well SexNut will be in the toy section anyway :)

I have on occasion in a normal store if the sales assistants arent helping walk out with just my knickers on and ask for a new size or whatever I need..hahaha...always makes them run to your assistance!!


Yes, I thought that would be normal practice to strip off in Adult Store and change...I dont think that is out of the norm!!

But I can i amagine you standing in the middle of the store putting on bit of a show about it Alexandra...next time let SexNut and I know so we can hide in the cornor and watch...well SexNut will be in the toy section anyway :)

I have on occasion in a normal store if the sales assistants arent helping walk out with just my knickers on and ask for a new size or whatever I need..hahaha...always makes them run to your assistance!!

Selecting which toy to use on silk next :D


I once met a client in the food court in the city before i went to college, my challenge was to remove my knickers at the table which i did and then meet up with him after class in a david jones change room for some fun and to get my knickers back.. was very exciting!

Ooh like the sound of this, I'd like to try sexy scenarios, the mind buzzes with thought....

Would you let yourself orgasm in the food court Serena?


I am with you Serena...dont know if the Apes enclosure does it for me either...but maybe there noise would drown out our own :laughing4