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Nude beach . Have you been, is it a turn on ?


Gold Member
Hi everyone, has anyone ever been to a nude beach before , what was it like , did you feel subconscious about people seeing you naked , or was it a turn on . Interested in your thoughts .

I plan on going on the weekend but not sure what to expect

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Hi everyone, has anyone ever been to a nude beach before , what was it like , did you feel subconscious about people seeing you naked , or was it a turn on . Interested in your thoughts .
Went to Sunnyside nude beach and had to go for a piss in the bushes and caught one of the elected council members masterbating in the bushes


Gold Member
Went to the nude beach at Maslin Beach quite a while ago now. A mate talked me into it and I'm glad he did, it was an interesting experience. The first thing that amused us were all the well endowed men in their 50s strutting up and down the beach, making their penis swing back and forth like an elephant's truck. I guess they felt it paid to advertise.

Then there was the couple playing beach tennis. The girl had a lovely body but she was the worst tennis player of all time, kept missing the ball. There was a group of guys playing Frisbee about 20 metres away. Every time she missed the ball, it was run to the guys playing Frisbee. Rather than throw the ball back to her, they would walk up to her and hand the ball back to her. Nothing like a close up.

I guess there were people there who were fair dinkum nudists, but for the greater part there were people like us who were there out of curiosity, and others there just for the voyeurism and exhibitionism.

However, the best part came when we decided to go for a swim and saw three lovely young ladies running into the water towards us naked. It was very nice indeed. Then we discovered they'd camped right next to us so we were sitting there with three naked girls we'd only just met with great bodies. The need to lay on the stomach became apparent.

What was it like? Fun.
Did I feel subconscious of people seeing me naked? No, but then again I was young and fit back then and had no sexual hang ups.
Was it a turn on? I guess it depends, but in my case, yes.


Gold Member
Went to Sunnyside nude beach and had to go for a piss in the bushes and caught one of the elected council members masterbating in the bushes
Omg that’s an adventure and a half
Went to the nude beach at Maslin Beach quite a while ago now. A mate talked me into it and I'm glad he did, it was an interesting experience. The first thing that amused us were all the well endowed men in their 50s strutting up and down the beach, making their penis swing back and forth like an elephant's truck. I guess they felt it paid to advertise.

Then there was the couple playing beach tennis. The girl had a lovely body but she was the worst tennis player of all time, kept missing the ball. There was a group of guys playing Frisbee about 20 metres away. Every time she missed the ball, it was run to the guys playing Frisbee. Rather than throw the ball back to her, they would walk up to her and hand the ball back to her. Nothing like a close up.

I guess there were people there who were fair dinkum nudists, but for the greater part there were people like us who were there out of curiosity, and others there just for the voyeurism and exhibitionism.

However, the best part came when we decided to go for a swim and saw three lovely young ladies running into the water towards us naked. It was very nice indeed. Then we discovered they'd camped right next to us so we were sitting there with three naked girls we'd only just met with great bodies. The need to lay on the stomach became apparent.

What was it like? Fun.
Did I feel subconscious of people seeing me naked? No, but then again I was young and fit back then and had no sexual hang ups.
Was it a turn on? I guess it depends, but in my case, yes.
Thanks for sharing . I think I will go and see what its like


Gold Member
Omg that’s an adventure and a half

Thanks for sharing . I think I will go and see what its like

Yep, it's like anything in life, try it, you may like it. If you don't, you can always leave and not go back. There was one disappointing part. A girl walked past us with a friend. She was wearing a leopard bikini and had a fantastic body. My mate and I couldn't wait for her to peel her bikini off. Her friend got naked but she stayed in her bikini, the spoil sport :)

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Yep, it's like anything in life, try it, you may like it. If you don't, you can always leave and not go back. There was one disappointing part. A girl walked past us with a friend. She was wearing a leopard bikini and had a fantastic body. My mate and I couldn't wait for her to peel her bikini off. Her friend got naked but she stayed in her bikini, the spoil sport :)
One thingi did see was Gary's transexual girlfriend walking around showing her nice ass off could not believe the amount of guys that went for a look when she removed her g string.


Gold Member
Yep, it's like anything in life, try it, you may like it. If you don't, you can always leave and not go back. There was one disappointing part. A girl walked past us with a friend. She was wearing a leopard bikini and had a fantastic body. My mate and I couldn't wait for her to peel her bikini off. Her friend got naked but she stayed in her bikini, the spoil sport :)
Ha ha


Gold Member
I’ve never been to a nudist beach, but oft wondered what is the etiquette for people who are aroused. I’m assuming it “pops up” from time to time, more so with first timers and young blokes.


Gold Member
I’ve never been to a nudist beach, but oft wondered what is the etiquette for people who are aroused. I’m assuming it “pops up” from time to time, more so with first timers and young blokes.
I wonder that as well


Legend Member
Went to Sunnyside nude beach and had to go for a piss in the bushes and caught one of the elected council members masterbating in the bushes

How does it feel to urinate over a elected member's member ??

... and, did you cop a return serve ??? ;)


Gold Member
I thought nude beaches were just for old blokes?

Maybe now, who knows? All I can tell you is when Maslin Beach became Australia's first nudist beach in 1975, it was staggering popular. I guess it's the same with anything that has novel appeal. The day I went there were plenty of attractive young ladies, but as I said, it's been many years since I've been to one.


I remember when I went to a nude beach , many years ago , I stripped off and went for a swim and was body surfing all the way into the beach and there was a girl sitting at the waters edge and with my eyes closed whilst body surfing into the beach almost ended up daty .


Legend Member
Maybe now, who knows? All I can tell you is when Maslin Beach became Australia's first nudist beach in 1975, it was staggering popular. I guess it's the same with anything that has novel appeal. The day I went there were plenty of attractive young ladies, but as I said, it's been many years since I've been to one.
I though the gong for first nudist beaches was back in the 60 for Reef Beach and Camp Cove in Sydney had to get there by boat or be a mountain goat to climb the cliff tracks through the bush down to them.

I recall the former Chanel 7 football broadcaster Rex Mossip (often referred to as Sex Gossip!) lived above Reef Beach on Sydney Harbour and used to complain during his Sunday Footy show back then about these perverts & nudist parking on his lawn and venturing down the bush track to the secluded beach below his house to fornicate and carry on in the buff :cool:


Gold Member
I though the gong for first nudist beaches was back in the 60 for Reef Beach and Camp Cove in Sydney had to get there by boat or be a mountain goat to climb the cliff tracks through the bush down to them.

I recall the former Chanel 7 football broadcaster Rex Mossip (often referred to as Sex Gossip!) lived above Reef Beach on Sydney Harbour and used to complain during his Sunday Footy show back then about these perverts & nudist parking on his lawn and venturing down the bush track to the secluded beach below his house to fornicate and carry on in the buff :cool:

Maybe Maslin Beach was the first legal nudist beach. I just remember all the hoo-ha at the time about it being the first in Australia.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Maybe Maslin Beach was the first legal nudist beach. I just remember all the hoo-ha at the time about it being the first in Australia.
I had been swimming at many beaches and rivers in the nude for years before Maslin beach became the first legal nude beach in Australia.

Tania Admin

Naughty Thoughts and I frequent nude beaches often.
We find it liberating and relaxing.
People give each other their space and are respectful.
Only once has NT actually had to tell someone to go away.

Oh wow, when did that rule about maslin change?
Maslin Beach had a nude section even when I was a child back in the 70's


Legend Member
Never been and no, it's not a turn on.
Generally, the first people to complain about Maslins would have bern conservative politicians and church groups.

The word "morals" would have featured repeatedly.

John Smithl

Legend Member
Been a few times by myself and with my partner, and looking forward to more next summer. Very liberating getting back to how nature intended. Just be cautious about sun exposure.
Going with my partner was a turn on, and developed into being intimate in the waves ;)


Silver Member
I love going to nude beaches!! Apparently I'm a bit of an exhibitionist so it suits my soul to be wandering around starkers with strangers although I've never got the nerve to stroke the old boy up and then go for a wander. I'm not shy about making a prat of myself from time to time but there's a limit to everything!

There's a lot to like I reckon. For all that its a big sexual turn on for me I also like the feel of the wind around my balls!! It is liberating and maybe that's part of the sexual thrill? Liberation is sexy is it not??

I've only once seen something I thought was sexy on the beach though and that was as I was leaving one day, coming on dusk. A couple under an umbrella were beginning to play, her with him in her mouth and him with his fingers in her!! I was too polite (??) to stop and gawk but it occurred to me later that if they didn't want to be watched they probably wouldn't have been doing that on a public beach!

I've seen lots of other things not sexy at all like leathery skin and flabby bodies (a bit like mine!) but generally I get a buzz! I've even considered slipping up into the dunes and joining the other tossers but unfortunately I prefer a female audience and there's a grave shortage of those in the dunes in my experience! Online options are way more likely to provide the right audience and more COVID safe!!

Something everyone's gotta do at least once!!


Bronze Member
Back in Adelaide I visited Maslin a few times. The funniest time was when a (much) older guy came to sit next to me friend and I, about 3m away and dug a hole in the sand for his member.

I've only been once here in Perth and loved it. We made the most of our outing and enjoyed a (not so) sneaky quicky in the ocean before leaving.


Intoxicating Muse
Silver Member
I really enjoy getting naked and truth be known I rather enjoy being watched and objectified. Having rather pokey nipples, I always struggled with tshirts and bikinis. At first I was always self conscious but after a while I realised men were looking because they actually enjoyed that nipple outline so rather than be embarrassed I became confident and would take off my bikini top. If they looked I didn’t care and took it as a compliment and if they didn’t like what they saw they were welcome to avert their eyes. My body, my choice. 😘


Legend Member
I really enjoy getting naked and truth be known I rather enjoy being watched and objectified. Having rather pokey nipples, I always struggled with tshirts and bikinis. At first I was always self conscious but after a while I realised men were looking because they actually enjoyed that nipple outline so rather than be embarrassed I became confident and would take off my bikini top. If they looked I didn’t care and took it as a compliment and if they didn’t like what they saw they were welcome to avert their eyes. My body, my choice. 😘

Next tour in Perth Ill take you to nudist beach😊