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No SEX while She is Pregnant !!!



I am happily married Guy who's wife is expecting there first child after losing a couple along the way. She is twenty odd weeks gone and we where told "Not to shake the Tree" because the fruit will fall, and have not had sex since that day, not even a hand job:nono:. I have been respecting her unapparent lack of get up and go and was wondering if this is normal::) as i am getting a sore Hand and hanging out for a :icon_blow

Rhett and Scarlett

Virginity can be cured!!
Foundation Member
Sex while pregnant

Hi guys...who the hell told you not to shake the tree or the fruit will fall,not a medical person I'll bet. I have had 3 kids and I am a midwife, this is absolute bollocks!!! You can have sex there is absolutely no reason not to,it won't make the baby fall out. You just have to alter your position when she gets bigger,as she won't cope with you lying on top of her(and ya dick might not reach lol).Enjoy each other I'm sure she is more beautiful now than ever. Obviously if your doc has told you otherwise then you should listen to him,but on the whole healthy couples should continue to have sex right up till the end. Scar xxx:icon_blow

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Please foolw the doctors advice, the pain of miscarriage is devasting.(I haven't got that word right) You know what I mean!
Most woman have no sexual energy in the early months of pregancy.
Surprisingly many like myself turn into nympo's in the last three months.
You do need to discuss this with your wife and expalin about your needs, you both need to take time over this period to make love with out sex. This is not as hard as you think and when the little one comes along your wives hormones will change again and often for the worse, its natural for young mothers to have no interest sexually its the body's way to prevent pregancy while the baby is young.
Take the time to make a date with your wife for a loving sexy sensual massage where she learns to help you masturbate, so she feels part of you and vice a versa.
Put aside one night a week which is loving time even if you can't have penetration sex, you will soon learn the other kind is often more satisying.


Hi guys...who the hell told you not to shake the tree or the fruit will fall,not a medical person I'll bet. I have had 3 kids and I am a midwife, this is absolute bollocks!!! You can have sex there is absolutely no reason not to,it won't make the baby fall out. You just have to alter your position when she gets bigger,as she won't cope with you lying on top of her(and ya dick might not reach lol).Enjoy each other I'm sure she is more beautiful now than ever. Obviously if your doc has told you otherwise then you should listen to him,but on the whole healthy couples should continue to have sex right up till the end.
Thanks for your advice, we where told by the doc not to, i think my wife is a little scared at this point its just "hard" (excuse the pun)to look at the hand all the time LOL!;D


Foundation Member
I will line up with Maryanne and the Doctor and say follow his advice as he has had the benefit of proper training, knows your medical history and has no doubt examined you and/or referred you to a gynaecologist.

Normally, there is no reason to abstain from sex during pregnancy but if you have had a couple of miscarriages yours is obviously not a normal situation. Also consider that, if you ignore the Doc's advice and she loses this bub, you will always wonder.....

Believe me, if you can produce a healthy baby the experience of watching the birth will more than compensate for the sex you have missed out on. Hang in there and good luck this time around.


that's what thumbs are for!!

My sister was given the same advice after three miscarriages. And she told me that even if they hadn't been given the advice she wouldn't have wanted to have sex anyway, after the emotional distress of having three miscarriages.

Make your hand your best friend (it's why men were given thumbs:laughing4). Seriously, I know so many guys who 'suffer' through pregnancies and for the first 12 months after the baby is born. But it's all worth it. I think. I'm sure! IT HAS TO BE. Otherwise parents wouldn't go back for more.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
This post triggered a thought I was told many years ago.
When my daughter was around 11 Now 20 she had a corn or such like so I took her to the Podiadrist. While there he examined her feet and made her do tests and told me she was flat footed.
Being flat footed she was never to consider jobs that meant she was on her feet all day like hairdressing as to much strain on the back etc.
He also mentioned that flat footed woman had more miscarriages, and that special arches put into their shoes could help carry the child.
Has any one else heard this one?


Thanks People for the advice its refreshing to get other peoples views on a very tricky situation as our sexlife before pregnancy was pretty hot to say the least, I am obviously not the only horny father to be out there so i guess i will have to get used to my own devices LOL oh for a:icon_blow


Foundation Member
This post triggered a thought I was told many years ago.
................Has any one else heard this one?

Nope, it doesn't make any sense to me either. The only way it could have any effect is if the condition changed her other behaviour - ie she didn't walk enough and lived a sedentary life as a result.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
No you are both wrong, the body is tilted at a different angle with flat footed people and they stand differently, therefore having problems carrying children.


I am happily married Guy who's wife is expecting there first child after losing a couple along the way. She is twenty odd weeks gone and we where told "Not to shake the Tree" because the fruit will fall, and have not had sex since that day, not even a hand job:nono:. I have been respecting her unapparent lack of get up and go and was wondering if this is normal::) as i am getting a sore Hand and hanging out for a :icon_blow

What's wrong with your own hand? Is it broken?

There's an old joke about sex while pregnant..

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
His own hand isn't enough, he needs the love and affection from his wife as well, he needs to feel needed.
It is quite common for men to resent the time a baby takes away from the Dad. Sex for One is great, but people need people, I'll bet it is the affection that he misses also.


Bronze Member
Couldn't agree with you more Maryanne. Yes, I felt the same at times too and under similar circumstances, but I have a good woman that was ok about giving me the 'odd hand' now and again and oral as well - err but the swallowing bit used to concern me though - couldn't let her do that.
Funtimes, I know it's hard at the moment, but she's got things on her plate right now - when the times right talk to her about hers and your needs and see how it goes from there. And be prepared, I experienced a real famine after our baby was born, like 0-6 months. Sure I was getting it, but I new she was doing it only for me, which didn't seem as good. But anyway, best of luck to you guys.