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New Covid Rules


Silver Member
$150 Private Asian girls are the real threat for WA right now, they are going to be the next super spreaders of omicron wave. Punters who has been to these parlours would have also paid a visit to private girls spreading the virus to them and each girl might next spread it to dozen guys every day and also most private girls work from hotels, high rise apartments and in residential complex exposing hundreds of people to the virus. It will be very challenging for the authorities to track them down, so I guess there's going to be hundreds of cases in couple of weeks.


Legend Member
$150 Private Asian girls are the real threat for WA right now, they are going to be the next super spreaders of omicron wave. Punters who has been to these parlours would have also paid a visit to private girls spreading the virus to them and each girl might next spread it to dozen guys every day and also most private girls work from hotels, high rise apartments and in residential complex exposing hundreds of people to the virus. It will be very challenging for the authorities to track them down, so I guess there's going to be hundreds of cases in couple of weeks.
Every parlor lady & every working lady whether they are Asian, Australian or whatever will spread the virus if they have been visited by a customer carrying the virus, does any of you think that the virus is only carried & spread by private Asian girls, give me a break, what about the contact of just having a massage.


Silver Member
Every parlor lady & every working lady whether they are Asian, Australian or whatever will spread the virus if they have been visited by a customer carrying the virus, does any of you think that the virus is only carried & spread by private Asian girls, give me a break, what about the contact of just having a massage.
I mean to say Asian gets lots of customers than others and majority of guys book private Asians and these girls do not have a qr code to check in and it's hard for the authorities to trace the cases
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Gold Member
I mean to say Asian gets lots of customers than others and majority of guys book private Asians and these girls do not have a qr code to check in and it's hard for the authorities to trace the cases

Actually most of them have QR codes, onsite. Its just punters are too afraid to put their names down, so they don't scan or put fake names instead. But with the recent situation, i reckon shops now will be enforcing punters to scan or else.

If you want to blame someone, blame the customers that choose to not be responsible. Get infected and spread it to others. Also going to a privates there is no sign in too. So that unknown cluster can become a supercell too from 1 house.


Gold Member
That's the world we live in today and the fear of what we have no control over. That restaurant/brewery is only protecting itself as does so many other establishments. Have you seen what happens to a business when it gets labelled a hotspot on the local news? 1 person or 2 that complain vs a workplace of ppl that has to shut down and have no jobs in their future.

That friend of yours chooses to be ignorant to the dangers of catching covid, till him or someone else close to them experiences it first hand how bad it really is. We are really lucky medicine has advanced in this day and age, might not be perfect but still its better then ppl dying in the thousands every day.

I heard 1 story about in England when the spread was so bad, the ambulances<not enough of them> had to choose who to save and who to leave to die. Someone's grandmother was really ill, and they were waiting for a ambo. Long story short the ambo never came and, their grandmother passed away in front of them.

I won't be surprised in the future if WLs, AMPs or brothels..ect have set restrictions in place.They have higher chances of spreading it, cause there is always some form of physical contact. And once a girl or shop becomes a hot spot. Good bye business.

If you're living in WA feel lucky, cause i hate to think what east is really experiencing. And the things they need to do to try and keep a job.
Over what's happened over the past two weeks, I'd say so. Gee it's a health setting.

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
well why don't you go over east to join your friends, or would you rather stay in WA and enjoy some kind of normality?
i agree that we are not ready healthcare wise.
i have some family in the hospital service and we would be royally fucked at the moment if omicron got in.
i think it was a brave but necessary decision to change the rules, as the rules were written for delta, not omicron.
it's been a tough couple of years for everyone, but if you don't like it, why don't you move?

Well that helps.


Gold Member
No qualms for me, three doses, and bring on more if required! Plus I've ensured my proof since August last year. Get with the program peeps!!

Hi Rosie, do you think the same rules should apply to both the girls and their clients? For example the same that apply to anyone in health or hospitality etc.

I know this may not be popular with everyone, but if we are in this together, shouldn't we be all singing off the same hymn sheet.
I personally think everyone should be double vaxed or triple if eligible and it should be a requirement to QR code in and again a QR code specific to the room should be on the door to the room and no scan, no entry.


Legend Member
Some people dont realise how much some people have missed in the last 2 years...meeting your brothers, sisters, relatives, parents, funerals which are the core of your existence....in the end its only love ...all other things remain meaningless if you cann't celebrate that love of your existence...this piggy emperor has taken away 2 years of our lives...which will never come back....people have done all the right thing asked for them like double, triple dosed with the hope this thing would end on 5th feb....but the madness continues...
Continue for your own good if you don't want to be 6 feet underground!


Gold Member
I live my life very good mate....more importantly fearless..make the best use of each and every day...i have very well recovered through this covid shit with only minor flu and sore throat...and i have done 14 days isolation...have u ever been 14 days alone ....i bet no....you better be fearful with this very very dangerous virus ...or better roll up in cotton and get locked in a container for the rest if your life....your choice...

Rosie Nuru

Nuru Guru
Legend Member
Hi Rosie, do you think the same rules should apply to both the girls and their clients? For example the same that apply to anyone in health or hospitality etc.

I know this may not be popular with everyone, but if we are in this together, shouldn't we be all singing off the same hymn sheet.
I personally think everyone should be double vaxed or triple if eligible and it should be a requirement to QR code in and again a QR code specific to the room should be on the door to the room and no scan, no entry.
It should be everyone!!! As many of us as possible!
I understand those who don't wish to sign in with the QRs in places having to be snuck into, but I'd personally be doing so to avoid the explanations to significant others and passing this on to them. As previously mentioned, I am triple vaxed, however, I do NOT want to be the middle man and potentially leading to deaths of others


Gold Member
Rosie..triple vaxxed ....great job....thats the best you can do to protect yourself...but you need to earn too...to pay bills, food etc...as you mentioned above you dont want to be the cause of others death...you wont...people will die anyways...


Diamond Member
The oppressive police state here in WA has taken away our freedom. How dare they make us all wear masks. How dare they make us get vaccinated. How dare they force us to show proof of vaccination. How dare companies fire unvaccinated workers. Life was so much better in the good old days.

Rosie Nuru

Nuru Guru
Legend Member
The oppressive police state here in WA has taken away our freedom. How dare they make us all wear masks. How dare they make us get vaccinated. How dare they force us to show proof of vaccination. How dare companies fire unvaccinated workers. Life was so much better in the good old days.
Before COVID aye but times are different now.


Legend Member
The oppressive police state here in WA has taken away our freedom. How dare they make us all wear masks. How dare they make us get vaccinated. How dare they force us to show proof of vaccination. How dare companies fire unvaccinated workers. Life was so much better in the good old days.

If you don't like living in WA, pack up and go east. No one is stopping you.


Diamond Member
The Covid scam has gone on long enough. 3 or 4 month boosters indicates the vaccines are ineffective.

Worse than ineffective, but an action need to be taken to protect the vaccinated so bear with the government until they refill the juice every 3 months mate 🤣



Diamond Member
Covid has exposed government corruption is rife in Australia. Governments should let the virus rip, denied the virus and taken no action on the virus.

I would rather live in any country that takes no action on the virus. People in free countries are not oppressed by their governments.

My hero Novak djokovic was unfairly treated by government corruption. No vax!


Diamond Member
Little virus has given governments too much power and control over its people.

Health emergency crisis is a nightmare scenario where governments can do anything it wants and claim it is fighting the virus and trying to save lives.

Media will announce new strain of virus and government and media will promote fear to push new measures to maintain power and control over the people.
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Gold Member
That Joker is a good/legendary tennis player...not a "HERO"....rest of your opinion is spot on....


Gold Member
Covid has exposed government corruption is rife in Australia. Governments should let the virus rip, denied the virus and taken no action on the virus.

I would rather live in any country that takes no action on the virus. People in free countries are not oppressed by their governments.

My hero Novak djokovic was unfairly treated by government corruption. No vax!
Your Hero Novak Djokovic is going to get Vaccinated. It's on the news today.