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New Age guy or old age guy


Mary Anne PA

Cave man a little confused. Would like to hear comments on who women prefer.New age guys or old age guys. Caveman a little backward wondering if should get back sack and crack done. Also trade in animal skin for pink shirt and shoes.

Mary Anne PA

nooo... leave your skin on

guess that means old age is good..lol.. if you mean old fashioned.. that's how I like em......

what's wrong with your crack by the way? ROFL (gritty???)
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Old age....New age...just act ya age (sometimes) & be yaself and I'm all happy hee hee ;)


i prefer a little of both old age where the man is a gentleman and the new age guy who doesn't expect the woman at home cooking and waiting for him to come home. to much of each is not good so you have to find an equilibrium between the two extremes.

kim of kal

Senior Member
Foundation Member
I would have to say a little of both as well. As long they are a gentleman and can treat a woman with respect.


never mind the new age bullshit....were bringing up whossy boys, bring back the aussie boy...bond singlets, work boots, plaster in the hair, rough hands....yum...come home baby put your feet up, i will get ur slippers and your dinner and you give me your pay packet..after dinner we have great animalistic sex, you go to sleep and i do the dishes...
please ask me to get you a beer....
call me the mrs...
hang out at the pub on the weekends and leave me to go out with the girls.....

god................yes please...
MEN were not meant to be sensitive and thoughtful....its too feminen....its not how it was meant to be...dont change it nowwwwwwwwwwwww

we having an identity crisis....

who is in charge....

why cant mum stay home and look after the house while dad brings home the bacon...


new age men old age guys

why cant mum stay home and look after the house while dad brings home the bacon...?
there are lots of reasons. Mum stays home raises kids husband brings home bacon then decides mum looks a bit like mutton and goes out for lamb.

Mum relises she has no career at all no chances of employment, and her tits are not as perky as they used to be. she tries to get a loan after x has got the big bucks in the great job with family putting his fat arse there.

wife is treated like she has a dick growing out of her forhead for asking for a loan to put roof over kids head....ladies do not ever ever give up your power.

there is no knight in to come save the day. get up find the lance and kill the fucking dragon yourself.

I like a man that does not want me to be his mommy

who can think on his feet who is intuative and who can have a conversation after sex....yep guys I know its hard to keep your eyes open after sex but give it a shot. five minutes would be nice.

must make a mental note, do not fuck men to death lol let them have something left for a little conversation lol

I like men from both sides old new middle age snag not so snag

like us there just mighty fine individuals.

and please do get that back sac and crack wax

pubic hair is natures dental floss but going to the supermarket for that is a lot better....

hey cave man show us ya club lol

whooo baby


Mary Anne PA


Grrr huba yeowwww hu huh oga baunga yo yoi da gubba


Foundation Member
Ozzie men

Im going to put my 2 cents in for wht its worth and say i just luv the typical " ocker" male u know the rough and ready ones same as lickedy. Nothing turns me on more than an aussie bush accent ( not the pseudo aussie lingo of most of todays metrosexuals). Read an article in the paper the other day that said the " steve irwin / paul hogan " type pronunciation is dying out. Its just a novelty now and will soon disappear altogether.

My lusting for tru blu aussie men must b cause i spent the last 5 years living in the north west with all the miners.....they are " real men" as i call em. No bullshit straight up " blokes". Yeah i know they also have their bad points such as living at the pub but as the split says as long as they bring home the bacon, put the bin out, know how to pick up their socks and jocks and u can have great " real" sex not one out of an instruction manual who cares?????

There is an ad out on tele at the moment for king gee or some sort of blue collar workers clothes whr the plane has to land and the lights are out.....well the guy that speaks in that ad is my type of guy........ i also love em in drizabone coats riding brumbys and cookin barbies. The tru ozzie bloke. I cant stand all this pretenciousness ( whrs that damn spell checker gone) of some of the guys i meet today. All they want to talk abt is how much money they have and how great they are. Message to u guys, BORING!

Most of the men i work with are yuppies and no way would i want to date any of em or bonk em ( and they offer believe me) .......but give me a brickie or a plumber...........welll hmmmm


I totally agree with Honeyblonde. This is not the 1950's and I refuse to be a simple "housewife". I have studied too hard and worked for too long to be somebodys mrs. My life is my life to control, not his. I decide the direction my life takes. I expect help with the kids(it takes 2 to make them so why not 2 to look after them?) and I expect help with the housework (it is not all my mess and I work and study too). We are partners, equals, and that is the way it is meant to be. He is not my boss and I am not his. We work together to create happiness. Relationships these days are about equality. They are not about men making the money and women making men happy. Women need happiness too and money earned by somebody else will never create fulfillment.

And definitely go the back crack and sack. It feels so much better. I wax for him so he waxes for me. He makes an effort to look nice for me just as I do for him. He lets me give him facials and it is a simple thing that creates closeness and is a non sexual way of being intimate. You cant always be sexual with 3 kids jumping on you so you find other ways. I doubt that a traditional guy would let me do that



We want it all

New age and Old age,

Not that we are looking for mr perfect but Old age is too much and drives me nuts..new age is good but can be over the top so i guess 50/50.


what i think about this back to the cave man notion??

we should all stay partly traditional but keep it up with the times...and also whatever makes you happy...

at the moment i cant see there being a complete flip...although there are some of us who live in opposite to the traditional masculine and feminine roles...most of us still hold at least part of the tradition as being important

for me the important part is that you are equally happy, sexually, socially and in the roles you play within the family or relationship...and when it comes to physical characteristics...that doesnt worry me unless it worries you. im happy with the right man making that decision...providing he lets me make mine!!!!



new age........ not soft

The problem i see here is that many men mistake new age to mean soppy and pathetic!!!!!!
We still want , nay, need real men in our lives. The kind of guys who make you feel safe, but we want these men to also be understanding. UNDERSTANDING not whipped..


Like fine wine.....

I like men- end of story however I will go the extra mile for a gentleman.
I generally observe men from a distance for a while and have noticed that men are like fine wine, best when they are matured, which is not really a function of age but a state of the mind and perspective.
New age or matured, a passionate, gentle and kind man will get me to bend over double....if you get my drift.. so where are you guys then??

caveman said:
Cave man a little confused. Would like to hear comments on who women prefer.New age guys or old age guys. Caveman a little backward wondering if should get back sack and crack done. Also trade in animal skin for pink shirt and shoes.


Sean Connery (hairy) vs Roger Moore (smooth)

Consideration is the key.

It may be a little simplistic Caveman, but I think ladies like good manners, respect, intelligence and the quiet self assurance and confidence that goes with that understanding.

The key is to be genuine in your interest in what women want and think. Unfortunately, ;) once you're genuinely interested in what women think, it no longer matters if you get a bonk because you have fun and make friends anyway. A mature, smart women will spot a fake a mile away and the difference between confidence and arrogance.

As to your back, crack and sack conundrum - too much pain, too much grooming for mine. But I have read (think it was Cosmo) that chest hair is making a come back.

If you do go the wax, take some pictures of the process for the flash board. I think it could be quite instructional for the rest of us mere males.

Good luck


We are about!

Hiya Siox & GP,We are out there! believe me,we just seem to be on different tracks at the moment(get that in the bush!) Hopefully the Y junction is just up ahead and we can catch up? :angel12:

yeee haaa

real men

:headbang: I agree with u lickdy split.but a bit of new age is ok.shaving the back ,sack and crack is a must.and he can get his own beer, we dont wanna be his slave now do we!!!



Old fashioned and new nothing wrong with that!
but it also depend's on how new age a man is too,and in what way?
The perfect guy to me is one who is down to earth,
open to having different point's of view without being a dipplomatic!
and being able to express his sexuality as well as everyday life openly,
without feeling he can't and hiding from who he really is!
who care's if you say something silly or out of line ,we are as usual only human!
to both admit you's stuffed up is better than beating around the bush!
A normal bloke who doesan't take life to seriously and can have a laugth!
without worrying about being judged!
and think's life is worthwhile and is a best friend as well as a lover!


now this big blue kilted Cave Man, likes a little of both worlds....

I like my crystals and aroma therapy.... give me a good bit of new age world taste, but I'm frimly still set in my cave on Mars,,, Gentelmen open car door and let ladies go first. We pay the bill, unless we invited out by her, then she gets some mean bunch of flowers to take home at least.....

Too many slobs hide behind the "New Age" banner, when they just too bloody lazy to get off thier fat ass's and make an effort to make a lady special...JMO...

I like a lady who is balanced... not a baby-machine in the cave, spouting out dozens of Chromagnums for the survival of the fur-backs.... and not one that is to liberated to be spoiled and wants to fight for the rights to wear the balls... :(

Give me liberated woman, with sense, class and style... she must be able to do her own thing when she wants to and be able to lay back and be pampered when spoilt....

yes they do exist.... I have such a woman, and she has her crystal carrying caveman tooo..


The Last of the Great Blue Kilted Cavemen :D


Shaven balls ect

I was wondering if there are any places that give guys back , sack and cracks like waxing and stuff . I tried a razor and got mega ingrowns. I do not think that i could get a bloke to do it . Are there any female places that do it and how much.........


Foundation Member
I have heard stories about men who had their backs and chests waxed but afterwards the fuzz came back denser and more wiry than before. Seems keeping up with it could be a lifetime commitment.



I have heard stories about men who had their backs and chests waxed but afterwards the fuzz came back denser and more wiry than before. Seems keeping up with it could be a lifetime commitment.

Looking at your avator Mr Svengali looks like you have had first hand expierance..LOL


never mind the new age bullshit....were bringing up whossy boys, bring back the aussie boy...bond singlets, work boots, plaster in the hair, rough hands....yum...come home baby put your feet up, i will get ur slippers and your dinner and you give me your pay packet..after dinner we have great animalistic sex, you go to sleep and i do the dishes...
please ask me to get you a beer....
call me the mrs...
hang out at the pub on the weekends and leave me to go out with the girls.....

god................yes please...
MEN were not meant to be sensitive and thoughtful....its too feminen....its not how it was meant to be...dont change it nowwwwwwwwwwwww

we having an identity crisis....

who is in charge....

why cant mum stay home and look after the house while dad brings home the bacon...

germaine greer would love you! :notworthy


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
i like an old fashioned gentleman... SNAG is a load of bullshit, i don't want a guy cryin on my shoulder! And guys, leave the pink to us girls! we dont have many things that are just ours!
Open the doors for us (on occasion at least), give us a compliment, wild animal sex and a hug after! is that too much to ask for? lol.

As for the waxing, the more you do it, the less it grows back... thats the theory anyways... otherwise, if you like the hairless look, why not try permanent hair removal like IPL of something? no ingrowns there! You will get nasty ingrowns if you shave (gotta make sure you exfolliate (spelling?) regularly with shaving... even waxing the first few times you tend to get a couple... lots of creams out there to help make it a smoooooooth experience though :p


Gold Member
Im no SNAG but some people refer to me as a "Caring Understanding Nice Type" not sure what acronym is?


I like the man who is himself - Genuine and human...not the one who pretends he is something he just isn't....