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Need some Excel Spreadsheet help

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
They have upgraded my personal computer and they have changed the excel version I was using and I am having trouble with the sums for added different columns and have a project on that will take me hours if I do it the long way. Any one in Perth that has a hour to teach me because when I follow help I keep getting some silly error mesage and the one lass I had that was great at excel is in Paris for 6 months. I am happy to pay for the information and lesson.


Happy to help with Excel stuff.

If you're just trying to sum a column you can type for example:

where you specify the first and last cells in the column. Is this what you're trying to do?

Otherwise if you tell me the error message I might be able to assist further.


Ahhh Fudd I was just about to post....try you, your my go to man..or my other brain!!! xxx


Resident kinky pervert
Foundation Member
I have a friend that specialises in this stuff... not sure if she has used your up to date version
But she will be in contact with you MA to discuss

Her name is Sammi


Naughty Thoughts

....assuming that your Excel version is 2007...

2010 version. I find it annoying the MS keep moving things around for different versions. I can imagine the outcry if car manufacturers did the same thing. This year's model has the accelerator on the left and the brake on the right - much better than last years which had the steering wheel on the passengers side and the brake in the rear seat...


Legend Member
I do find office 2007 onwards is an annoyance. lol...different interfaces, things get moved around. It is definitely innovation on MS part.


Excel is the devils work!! Did my brain in at tafe::) Do I remember any of it? :laughing4


Foundation Member
Excel 2010 is a pure pain compared to the good ol reliable versions, but not so bad once you have been in for a while.

Let me know if you still need a guiding hand.. :) :)