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Mismatched libidos - advice?


Bronze Member
I’m sure my situation is not unique, but I could definitely use some advice.

I’m a fit, healthy, active male, aged 31, with a fairly high libido. I would enthusiastically embrace the opportunity to have sex 12-15 times a week. While single, my strike rate was significantly less than this, but I’d conservatively say that I would have reasonable success at least one weekend in three. This would often lead to a few repeat opportunities if I was lucky enough. In the meantime, I’d take care of business on my own, and would usually enjoy some high quality artistic films from the internet to help me out.

I’ve been dating a wonderful, intelligent, beautiful, fiercely independent girl for almost a year and she’s recently moved into my place. Let me be clear that I love this woman and consider myself very lucky to have her in my life. I am fairly certain that the feelings are mutual and we’ve had several conversations looking far into the future together.

But (isn’t there always a but?) our libidos are miles apart. Things were great for the first 3 months, then she went on the pill and her sexual energy disappeared completely. After coming off the pill, things have recovered somewhat, but we’re still nowhere near our initial honeymoon phase.

It’s been a difficult issue to get her to talk about, but I’ve persisted and over the last 3 months, finally managed to communicate that I’m finding this very difficult. Ideally, I’d like to have sex with a willing and enthusiastic partner who finds me attractive and desirable. In a perfect world we’d initiate intimacy at an equal level. But this is clearly not the case. While she’s said that she’d like to have sex 3-4 times a week, the reality is more like once or twice.

As it stands, I’m frequently feeling rejected, the lack of intimacy has made me quite insecure about every aspect of my appearance (odour, breath, muscle tone, body hair) and it’s made me somewhat reluctant to approach her for fear of being knocked back yet again. At no stage has she initiated things or offered any sort of compromise. If she’s not interested and I am, then that’s not her problem. She has said that she does feel bad that I’m not feeling satisfied but thinks it’s unfair for her to be made to feel guilty for ‘not performing’ frequently enough.

When I was single, rejection never really got to me as I never took it personally and there was always the option of trying my luck with someone else. But in a monogamous exclusive relationship, the rejection is definitely personal and there are no other options. I genuinely miss the feeling of being desired and attractive to my partner.

I’ve been filling in the gap, the same way I used to when single - by myself, with some stimulation form the internet. But having recently moved in together, it’s been a bit more difficult to find ‘alone time’ and she recently walked into the study just after I’d finished and still had a video on the computer screen. I’m now being made to feel guilty about a disgusting act, and lectured about how the videos are tacky and degrading to both the actors and viewers. And that she now feels less attractive due to the thought that she must be being compared to the actresses in some way.

I figure I’ve got the following options that I can deliver on my own:
1) try to lower my libido to her level and find a way to be satisfied with whatever I can get
2) continue to take care of my own business with videos, and deal with her judgement and the associated guilt
3) as above, but cut out any use of video assistance or be scrupulously discreet
4) cheat on her with a random girl or a professional
5) identify this as a deal breaker for a happy relationship and leave

None of these really appeal to me, so I need to figure out a way to get her to come to the table and help with some sort of compromise. Because as much as I love her, I can already see that this is something that will ultimately erode my self-confidence and make me resent her if we don’t address it.

I’ve tried several different approaches so far
– talking. Lots of talking. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s anything that can be handled with more words
– being ever vigilant and attentive to try and understand what pushes her buttons
– taken on a greater share of household work to try and make her feel less stressed
– become the non-sexual massage king, with lots of agenda-less cuddles
– lots of compliments telling her how sexy she is and how I feel about her
– bought copious amounts of tasteful attire that might help her feel sexy
– other gifts and holidays away

Any other suggestions?


Foundation Member
Hmmm. Not the first time this problem has come up on this forum and, sadly, there is still no real answer to it that I can see.

Three things stand out from your description of the problem:

1. If you really want to have sex 12 - 15 times a week you defnitely have an above-average libido and I doubt any one woman would be able to keep up with you.

2. It seems you are doing all the compromising and accomodating in this relationship with little attempt on her part to try and meet you part-way.

3. It also seems that you perhaps place too much importance on sex as a means of demonstrating affection and this may be a turn-off for her.

My suggestion, for what it is worth is that you bring this to a head and have some sort of relationship counselling to see if there is some mutually acceptable middle ground. At the very least, it may help both of you to understand things from the other's point of view and agree on a workable solution.


Yes I would have to agree with Svengali......good advice.
If counselling does not work out for you both ......may I suggest dumping her and taking me out.......however I would still have a problem with that much sex on a regular basis.....but you do sound like a really nice guy.......
Have you tried bromide in your porridge?:angel12:

Lord Spikey

I’m sure my situation is not unique, but I could definitely use some advice.

I’m a fit, healthy, ..........

................................holidays away

Any other suggestions?

Hi 1more...

Unfortunately, in my meager experience, there is probably very little you can do. I know this sounds harsh and not what you want to hear, but I also have a similar problem. Sex everyday; once in the morning and twice in the evening, with the occasional midnight romp would probably keep me happy.
However, I am married.

Like you, the premarital sex frequency was acceptable, but like just about every marriage, things change and not necessarily for the better. Maybe we get lazy. Don't show them enough attention, etc. The old joke about Christmas and birthdays does seem to ring true when you have been married for a while. Why do you think there are so many punters and so many working ladies. My first wife would complain if I requested sex no more than once a month.

My second wife also started out great. Sex at least once most days. After several years of marriage, we are down, again, to once a month, if I am lucky. It is not through lack of trying on my part, either (or so I believe). I think that it is just the female libido.

I am sure that there are marriages out here that are as sexually active today as the day they started, but I believe that would be the exception, not the rule. You may just have to accept the fact that us horny bastards will never get enough.

It would be immoral of me to suggest that you seek the regular services of a professional working lady. So I wont. But if you truly love your lady and can separate your feelings, then perhaps that is not a bad idea. But I wont say that, either.

A girlfriend or a f**k buddy is not necessarily the right way to go, because you could develop feelings and eventually just hurt the one you love.

Many of us married men seek the services of a working lady and I don't believe that many of us feel guilty. We convince ourselves that we are not cheating. That it is only physical.

A load of crap, from your lady's point of view, I am sure, but what is the alternative? Mrs Palmer and her five daughters could get a bit boring and they wont talk dirty to you.

Married life is one giant compromise and it is usually the man who sacrifices his sexual desires because he doesn't want to force his lady to do what she doesn't want to do. Years ago, I would have judged harshly any man who frequented working ladies. Now I am older, wiser, more understanding of myself and others and just as horny as I was all those years ago.

I made my choice after considering my perceived alternatives. Your decision is yours to make, but it will be yours, for you.
Ask questions; listen to advice, but be true to yourself

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
Sorry honey....I empathise with you completely.I am a girl & I have this problem. It's really hard when you care about someone. I have found my only solution is too have a quiet wank when no ones around & the minute that I think of cheating I end it if I can't talk to them about it! Cause temptation means I am not happy at home.

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

Hi 1moretime,

Well I completely understand how you feel as I've been there myself and know 1st hand how much it can knock your ego around. However, I might just share a little secret with you that I found...
When I was driving my partner at the time crazy about a bit of loving, he was just not into it, however, when I made out like I too had lost interest, then all of a sudden... he found me irresistible! I'm not saying that will fix all your issue's, but hey, nothing to lose right?
Hate to say tho, the relationship didn't last...

Good Luck!

Lisa xxx

Perth boy

Spikey Im with you,

I been married for 12 years love my partner shes my best friend but a few years ago we were down to about once every 3 months. Back then I started to see a few WL as I didnt know what to do. After a while found that the R&T places worked better for me as no sex was on offer but a good relief.
Sex is a bit better these days we are up to about once every 3 weeks. I would be happy once a week.
Anyway I was thinking of leaving her but she is my best friend. The anwser was not to find a fuck buddy as feeling may happen.
I dont bring up the subject much anymore as she just feels guilty and it donsnt achive anything except frustration. To keep the Marrage and me happy I just go to the R&T almost weekly and a few times a year I may see a WL. I offten help my self with mrs parmer but oftern do it infront of my wife. As in if she walks in on me we dont care its in the open. That way I dont feel embarest. I ask if she wants to give me a handy or should I do it myself. Sometimes she will help out and if not I will do it myself.

Thire is not a lot you can do about a mismatched libido if you love this girl you need to deal with it. I dont think it will get a lot better and if it does it possibly wont last. Its hard to find a partner who you love everything about and sometimes trying to change someone or yourself is not the awnser.


Bronze Member
thanks heaps for the replies people. I don't think there's any 'silver bullet' answer, but it's sometimes just good to hear people say reassure you that you're not going crazy


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
LOL no you are definitely not the only one with a mismatched libido. I guess that most relation ships have to deal with the same problem.
I think Svengali hit the nail on the head......it comes down to the question how important is sex in your relation ship?
If it is rather high up in impotance then you might be better off to look for a more compatible partner to avoid mutual frustration and insecurities.
I keep my fingers crossed that you and your partner will work it out.:hello:


Mary Anne PA

An old 'wise' saying comes to mind about marriage (partnerships) He thinks she will stay the same and she doesn't, She thinks she will change him and she does!.


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