• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I have been back for NZ for 4 days and having a very busy trip into Sydney.
When I arrived my computer was playing up bad, and I jagged one of the best IT technicians I have ever had.
I had heaps of virus which were all promptly removed, my firewalls where enforced, he changed me to Google Chrome reset up my computer which has made it so much faster.
I then had phone problems and my tech helped me get a new iphone 4 and set it up in half an hour so I was back to work.
I had the pleasure of meeting 5 lovely ladies with another 5 interviews already scheduled.
The first interview was maybe the prettiest young lady I have ever had to interview. Fair white skin with lovely dark hair, and the biggest blue eyes. Her smile was simply beautiful.
I have had network meetings with the Daily dailygraph which i found very productive.
Each state has different advertising rules, but I found that the Telegraph are very pro active and interested in looking after their advertisers.
The only disadvantage I found with the daily and this effects the privates is they only allow a 7 day advert.
Have found someone to help me as a PA over the next few days so I hope I will have the time to let you know all my adventures soon.


Diamond Member
and dont forget, you took me out for breakfast =) and had a very productive conversation


When you finish with your trip to Sydney. Please send me details of some gals that you think they are special. Have a safe and a successful trip.


Hey marianne thanks for ur post if I didn't see it I wouldn't of known about this site.