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Make up for exercising!!

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Silver Member
I have always wondered abt this but never asked anyone. Its about time I get some decent answer abt this.

Why do women have make-up on while exercising? Be it in a gym or while jogging in a public place...i have noticed lots of girls have their make-up only to sweat all over it. Initially i thought maybe bcos they are working out after work or something and didnt have time to wash it off but what abt weekend mornings then? They all cant be having the same reason for it!!

Anyone with a decent answer?? :icon_scra


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Honestly.........no idea.......that's definitely not on my "have to put on" list when working out.
Must be really itchy especially when sweaty.



Foundation Member
Well, I believe they are a sub-branch of the poser species.

At the beach you see girls and guys who loll around on towels and stroll up and down the beach showing off their goods and never getting wet. At the Tennis court you will see girls and guys who half-heartedly hit a few balls then lounge around talking and by the end of the day they haven't even messed their hair up.

Same as gym bunnies - they are there to see and be seen not to work out.


Silver Member
A female colleague told me today that maybe it makes the girl feel more comfortable as there are lots of guys around. My reply to that was..."At the expense of looking like a dumbass?"

I didnt get an answer for that!! lol..

Lilly Sweetheart

The gym bunnies want to look immaculate at all times incase a guy wants to check them out or pick em up :)
The gym is such a great place to pick up hotties!
I won't go out of my way to put make up on for the gym but if I've been out and about and have make up on I won't wipe it off for the gym either.
If I'm about in public I will always be well presented as I fear I will bump into a client or get recognised and one must look their best!

Tania Admin

I don't put make-up on to go for a run, but if it's the end of the day or I have been out and about there is a chance I will have make-up on,,putting on make-up specifically to work-out, not likely in my case.


Silver Member
..but if it's the end of the day or I have been out and about there is a chance I will have make-up on

Yeah....thats what i thought when i saw girls with make-up in gyms in the evening but when i saw few girls with make-up while jogging on a sunday morning along fore-shore.....i was like "this is stupid"!!!

Well...i guess for some girls...beauty is more important than comfort or practicality!! :)


Gold Member
A bit of hostility in here.

I wouldnt call it practical but who cares, as a trainer im just happy they're in the gym, too many people arent.

I know a lot of female trainers and staff who wont even train in their own gym because they feel self conscious with people they know seeing them train or getting all flustered. So maybe its just about being comfortable.

Or maybe they're just there to pick up, and good on them. A lot of people view that negatively but i'd rather meet someone in a gym with a healthy similar interest than at a pub getting trashed.


Silver Member
....i'd rather meet someone in a gym with a healthy similar interest than at a pub getting trashed.

Since you put it that way....I'll take back my words. Fit over trashed anytime!! :notworthy


It distresses me that some of you blokes arent happy that a girl is going to some effort to look good. Who cares why!

At my gym theres probably a group of maybe 6-8 girls who "exercise" in full make up with shoe colours that match their fingernails. Of course they are posing and arent really working that hard, but who cares because attractive women, anywhere ftw.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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You have got a point there WRXXXR......make up or not who cares. But I have to say that my trip to Europe reminded me of the "lack" of make up especially on German women. I actually think it is a great thing. (I am not much of a make up person myself) Nothing better than natural beauty.
NZ and OZ do have what I would call a make up culture. I think a lot of NZ/OZ women feel nacked or insecure without it. So going to the in make up seems to be nothing out of the ordinary over here.



insecurity & lack of self esteem hiding behind a mask is why women go to gym in full makeup


first impressions are always lasting impressions...you never know who you might run into at the gym...and you should always look your best !!! Has nothing to do with insecurities and low self esteem....the sweated off look is very sexxy too !!


Legend Member
The only thing to make for,for exercising Is for the time in your life you lost exercising in the first place


I hardly ever notice a womans face or what she has on it... I notice other bits though


I wear make up all the time, exercise, swimming, sleeping, (if I've gotten home after a hard night and forgotten to take it off).


I certainly don't do it to 'pose' or look glam, I do it because it's a part of my routine. I get up, wash my face, apply make up and re apply afternoon and evening. So chances are that whatever activity I'm doing- I will have make up on.


Gold Member
if anything i have a little chuckle to myself at the gym when some women not at all the majority of them come in looking like they are going to a modelling shoot . What was even more hilarious as that alot of people use white towels and i dont think they realise a combination of sweat white towel and wiping your face while wearing heavy makeup kind of leaves you looking like a clown =P

i can understand any human beings desire too look there best i am guilty for it also but it really is bad when genuinely beautiful women feel they need it to go anywhere in public i notice a natural woman looking amazing over the generic hair extensions and heavy fake tan and panda eyes lol.
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