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Mail order brides...


Legend Member
Was talking with an older gentleman recently who said to me . "Bill, I Don`t want to be alone forever" He then went on to explain that thinking about heading overseas to try and find himself a new wife.

I know we have discussed before ladies and even some gentleman willing to marry another just so that they can settle in this wonderful country but well,
Even if he can`t say that he has found love but companionship instead and if his new partner is willing to stick with him for the rest of his years then who are we to interfere?
Like everybody else I`ve heard stories about once here, they dump their partner but I`ve also met some that have stuck together during the good and bad times life offers.
As long as both are mature enough to know what could happen I don`t think it`s really any of anyone`s business except theirs...


Foundation Member
Well, anyone who watches 60 minutes knows that these stories can end as a "happily ever after" or a total disaster.

One would hope that a man who has been around the block a few times would be able to look out for himself but once the blood rushes to the little head the smartest men can come unglued. (Thinking of the late Lang Hancock here) I also wonder just how anyone can size up a potential marriage partner in a couple of weeks with the clock ticking down towards the return flight. So easy to fall prey to some gold-digger.

Certainly, it is his life and his decision, we can only hope it turns out well for him.

Alecia the Foxx

I think there can be bad situations within this context, and there can be good ones. I used to view them negatively, however, a gentleman friend of mine who is in a wheelchair has an interest in doing this to find a wife/partner. I would not tell him not to do it, as he is a good person and would not treat the girl abusively, as somethimes seems to be the case with the mail order situation. He has already had one girl take him for a lot of money, but I know that there are genuine people out there.


Legend Member
Things must have improved Many of the men in the 80's early 90's were tossers There are always exceptions
But there always used to be a vein of thought "They cant get , or the aussie ladies had more sense So they went to the Philipines and bought,
not married ,bought a wife. And she was just about a chattel You just appreciate what I have done for you"

Things must have changed As you do now see proper couples


A bloke I know married a younger Filo who can barely speak a word of English. He's never met her family but "helps" them out financially.

Love, a scam or acceptance that it's a mutually beneficial situation? How can you genuinely have romantic feelings for a person you can't communicate with?

I saw this doco one day about euro girls meeting western men. Girls from Russia, Prague (real glamours in Prague) etc just want a new life in Aus or US and wont leave you. All really attractive girls and guys who haven't been so lucky. Suppose if both parties are happy why not. If I was to be ripped off I'd much rather it be by a hottie!


Really its not that different from the old traditions of arranged marriages.
I've been to East Timor so I can understand a girl being willing to do a lot just to get out and East Timor is not the worst. I met guys there that had flown over to Vietnam and "brought" a girl with a gift of cash to parents (aka bride price) in a couple days.

One was a obvious drug user and I felt sorry for the her as it did appear to be the chattel sort of relationship.
Two others appeared to be decent relationships and the guys both were planning to take them home when their stint finished. Both of them were nerds that were not the best socially, but seemed OK once you got to know them. I spoke a little to one of the wives and she was very thankful for what she already had. Was working part time at one of the hotel I was at to send money home to parents.

I'm not naive enough to think they are perfect relations ships but then again look at the current divorce rate when both sides get to choose.


Usually those girls (mail order brides) are from third world countries. Who wants to leave their place behind and think that its their only ticket to money and success. But its not really the case, because these ladies are sometimes abused and there are also some ladies who are blinded by the money and success of their man and then take everything away and abuse the kindness of the man.

I think men should be very careful when choosing such "mail to order brides". Not everyone can be abusive and can take advantage of the money...Just be wise and vigilant about it.


Legend Member
I've heard of many stories re: mail order brides. Aussie male goes to 3rd world country find themselves a young great looking bride. They get married, properly registered, sponsored the bride, visa, applied for Temporary PR. After the bride got her permanent PR or citizenship, she told the husband to piss off, she wants a divorce and the husband can have the kids. She already has a husband and kids back home and will be getting them over. Of course there are some success stories, but sometimes some things are just too good to be true.

Farm Boy

some things are just too good to be true.

young great looking bride.

she wants a divorce and the husband can have the kids.

After the bride got her permanent PR or citizenship, she told the husband to piss off, she wants a divorce and the husband can have the kids. She already has a husband and kids back home and will be getting them over.

Sounds like days of our lives HOMER do you personly know this happen or just supposing ?


Legend Member
Sounds like days of our lives HOMER do you personly know this happen or just supposing ?

I don't personally know these people, but heard it from a friend who heard these stories from friends of the victims.
It's a lose lose situation for both really, and the length the bride would go to get permanent residency in Australia. There must be some emotion involved, how does one abandon their own children? It's kwazy...

There were some who got conned into marrying supposedly wealthy China men but ended up in rural area, living a life that is worse than what they had. And some were married to married men, who use them as slave. Abuse, etc came with the package. Sad to say, the grass ain't always greener on the other side.


Foundation Member
60 minutes did a horror story a while ago about Russian and other Eastern European women snaring Australian husbands a few years ago.

The sting was that once the lady arrived in Oz as a married woman she would start claiming that he husband was violent towards her, go to the Police with self-inflicted bruises black eyes, etc and in some cases she would be able get a violence restraining order against him which effectively locked the guy out of his own home.

Follow up by taking him to the cleaners via the divorce courts. If you are a good actress the battered wife routine can get a lot of sympathy.

She is set up well in a new country and he ends up with his finances and his personal reputation shredded.


Diamond Member
AFAIK mail orders are just one big scam. You may unfortunately send a lot of money and no one ever turns up. If it is too good to be true it is more than likely a scam.


I'm sure there's more disaster stories than there are sucess stories.