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Love or Lust?



OK - here is something from left field......

I just received an email with a link to an Elvis song - I Can't Help Falling In Love With You-Elvis Presley

Please read the lyrics and listen to the music and tell me whether you have ever actually felt this way about another a person.

Maybe I am just a cynical old bastard but I can't believe that people actually feel this way about their partner.

Please tell me I am wrong.

Yes.....you can see I am a true romantic :love10:


one two three four five
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So true Smooyh,

Lust is good but the love and the Lust together is an ideal woryh keeping alive


Yes have done it before and are doing it again ATM and just love that loving feeling(its a pitty she doesnt feel the same,lol)but it makes the world go around for sure...No matter were ur from or what part of the word ur from black/white/W/L/Client,we all want the same thing and the end of the day..


I will have to say that people see love and lust in all different ways so there will be alot of people seeing this song different than others. As a singer i can realise the full depth and meaning of this song and totally understand what his trying to say and yes i believe it can happen as im living that right now and its the best feeling ever :)


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Bugger I think I am too much of a realist, lack the romantic touch and don't have romantic dreams......oh dear.....does that make me a sad person because I seem to miss out on this really deep "makes the world go round" feeling????? Or I am one of the lucky one because I seem to be in control of my feelings????? or did I just not meet the right man yet....if there is a right man.
All I can say.....enjoy every moment....regardless how intense and make the most out of it.....oh dear......:notworthy


Bugger I think I am too much of a realist, lack the romantic touch and don't have romantic dreams......oh dear.....does that make me a sad person because I seem to miss out on this really deep "makes the world go round" feeling????? Or I am one of the lucky one because I seem to be in control of my feelings????? or did I just not meet the right man yet....if there is a right man.
All I can say.....enjoy every moment....regardless how intense and make the most out of it.....oh dear......:notworthy
Hey Rochelle,If u havent found mr Right but you may have found mr Right now,lol,yes and i can make ur world go round!,lol,PM for more details..


lust and love are always fun and both as = dangerous... but well worth letting yourself feel it, everyone likes to feel special!


Bugger I think I am too much of a realist, lack the romantic touch and don't have romantic dreams......oh dear.....does that make me a sad person because I seem to miss out on this really deep "makes the world go round" feeling????? Or I am one of the lucky one because I seem to be in control of my feelings????? or did I just not meet the right man yet....if there is a right man.
All I can say.....enjoy every moment....regardless how intense and make the most out of it.....oh dear......:notworthy

Great post :)

People compensating to fall in love is a little depressing


I have to say that love is a good and bad thing its great when you have it and really hurts when its gone but its something that i think every 1 should experience atleast once because it is a feeling that will make you speachless i have to say i am lucky in a way i had love once then i lost it and yes that hurt but i was lucky enough to find it again and if anything i feel it more the second time than the first.


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Thinking about it........lust is a bit more primitive (sorry for the choice of word) than love. I believe you can love somebody without necessarily lusting the person. Love does not require lust. (Great when it goes together but hey......hard to find the perfect man/woman)

Strong words smoothdude19........are you prepared to walk the talk??????


Thinking about it........lust is a bit more primitive (sorry for the choice of word) than love. I believe you can love somebody without necessarily lusting the person. Love does not require lust. (Great when it goes together but hey......hard to find the perfect man/woman)

Strong words smoothdude19........are you prepared to walk the talk??????
yes i can walk the walk and talk the talk sister!lol bring it on,lol...ok i do understand u have the upper hand here(pardon the pun)to say the least,if i want to see u it will have to be at Langtrees but hey it was worth a crack,lol..
You never no WE may fall in love/lust! ok maybe for the first hour anyway,lol..


I don't think you can understand love until you have experienced it, so many people (especially around my age) confuse love/lust and really have no idea, but once you finally are in love everything becomes clear.

Lust is a nice fill-gap until the love comes around though :p


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I don't think you can understand love until you have experienced it, so many people (especially around my age) confuse love/lust and really have no idea, but once you finally are in love everything becomes clear.

Lust is a nice fill-gap until the love comes around though :p

....well said Dragons!!!.....when I was younger I, too, confused the two but the realisation of what love meant really hit home when I met a certain lady.....she took my breath away, I felt misearble when not around her.....but alive when she was around....I hung on her every word....felt that I could move mountains if she asked me...she was my first and last thought of the day....etc.....and then I lost her.

I think we don't just fall in love with one person during our life time so, as Dragons put it, lust is a great stop gap provided that we recognise it for what it is....a mutual moment of passion and respect.

Would I want to go through all those emotions again....the answer is yes. As someone once put it "...its better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all..." but the qualifier must be that you have experienced love to be able to know the difference.

Fudd :)
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....well said Dragons!!!.....when I was younger I, too, confused the two but the realisation of what love meant really hit home when I met a certain lady.....she took my breath away, I felt misearble when not around her.....but alive when she was around....I hung on her every word....felt that I could move mountains if she asked me...she was my first and last thought of the day....etc.....and then I lost her.

I think we don't just fall in love with one person during our life time so, as Dragons put it, lust is a great stop gap provided that we recognise it for what it is....a mutual moment of passion and respect.

Would I want to go through all those emotions again....the answer is yes. As someone once put it "...its better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all..." but the qualifier must be that you have experienced love to be able to know the difference.

Fudd :)
Very True! but the Question is how do you go
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Again what helps me (lol the wisdom I have collected over the years......oh dear.....how does that sound) is think about love, lust and people in a certain way and that is (ohhhhh here it comes) every person we meet fulfills a certain purpose in our life. Let's say I met a guy once who totally appealed to my lustful side and even when our relation ship was a three year disaster I learned heaps about my body and my hot spots etc.
As time moves on other peo[le come along and give us something we desire/need at this time.
Well to get back to the lust/love question........some people teach us how to love and make us aware of the difference between love and lust but they might not stay in our lifes. So whenever I fall in love (well my level of 'falling in love'......guess we are all different in what we consider love) I think of it as a temporary situation that might not last but that's great to experience. So let's make the most out of it but don't take anything for guranteed......that's what loveis about......you have to work on it every day. Lust is something that comes and goes.......and I think you can't really work on lust......it is there or it is not.
(Ohhhhhhh better stop now before I turn into one of those :laughing4 or those :evil5:)

PS:Hi Smoothdude19.......so bring on the first hour :eek:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


the difference between love and lust is lust does't last for too long wich love last for ever


He Guys
Gotta say I relate with Rochelle's opinion on this one. In the words of Harville Hendrix - "Romantic love or infactuation is the "King" of self love. "It stems from a desire for self-gratification, not love. Part of what we fall in love with is our lost or buried self".
Like all things in life, behaviour that has been learned can be unlearned and if its love then the lust can take over. Thats perhaps why most of us are on these forums because we lust after the things we truly want in life because love does not pay us with our true lustful needs sometimes. Each person we meet fills certain voids that we desire. I think growing up (Still doing that). I was in love with falling in love because of the different feelings I experienced. Ok its a tad early to be getting deep and I soooo need some sleep. Wa up all night so to speak. I need to find an occupation that involves working & playing all night and sleeping all day. I might have an idea on that one??? See ya all xx