• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Look into my eyes...


Legend Member
How many of us keep our eyes open when having sex??

If you don`t then why not???
I think it`s even more of a turn on looking into my partners eyes just as I`m about to cum...:love76:


Depends what u got to look at!

If its Lillian Tan then my eyes are wide open!!!!!!!



Jo, I find it very easy to fall in love with a girl like Lillian.

Fortunately for me my love lasts only for the duration of our encounter and Lillian seems tobe able to reciprocate during our time together.

Thats the ultimate GFE - NOT GF (thats the last thing I need)


Your so right! The great part of a paid GFE means you can enjoy fornication without the real GFE before and afterwards :D

Farm Boy

How many of us keep our eyes open when having sex??

If you don`t then why not???
I think it`s even more of a turn on looking into my partners eyes just as I`m about to cum...:love76:

Open wide and bulging' Lord Monckton eyes by comparison seem simmer to Lucy Liu's.


How many of us keep our eyes open when having sex??

If you don`t then why not???
I think it`s even more of a turn on looking into my partners eyes just as I`m about to cum...:love76:

I open my eyes when O
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