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Long distance relationships work?


Diamond Member
Do you think long distance relationships work? Anyone has experience with it, and how did it work out?

For example, if a partner moved overseas and were going to be away for 3/4 years and you could only meet up 2-3 times a year (2 weeks at a time), would it be sustainable or would the relationship slowly go into decline?

Oh yeah and no cheating, that includes visiting WL's :laughing4

Ghost Protocol

i dont know 2 years in , ill let you know in another 2 years !! lol

i couldn't do it without wl's , honest



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
How do you define long distant relationships? For example does a fly in/fly out relation ship count as a long distant one?



Diamond Member
How do you define long distant relationships? For example does a fly in/fly out relation ship count as a long distant one?


I guess nowadays with how small the world is, as there is the ability to hop on the next plane and travel where ever you want, it wouldn't be so much the distance, but not being able to meet up frequently. e.g twice a year for 2 weeks at a time only over a four year period.


it just depends on who are in the relationships, not everyone can do it

Perth boy

Yes it will work, I employ a lot of guys on 457 visa. They only go home to Manila once a year at Christmas Some of them have been doing this for 10 years but it is part of thire life. Personlly I could not do it.


Bronze Member
Ask me that Q 4 years ago and I'd say yes ... However mine only last 7 years.. It get lonely and sometime you just want somebody to hold


Absence makes the heart grow fonder but too long and it starts to wander.

Ghost Protocol

Ask me that Q 4 years ago and I'd say yes ... However mine only last 7 years.. It get lonely and sometime you just want somebody to hold

you can sponsor a "friends visa" every 5 years

im not really expecting more than 2 with my chick .. im not that good looking ..::)

that guy28

I did the long distance thing for about a year and a half, she was in melbourne so still within the country but that big ass desert was in the way. My take on it is this: If you've already been seeing each other for a little bit then have to b in different places, new job or whatever then its cool but then only if the end is in sight.if u know how long that duration will b and you cna bank on it then sure. But otherwise i say part ways, ur only hurtin each other and its just not worth it considering what you're getting in the end.

Thats what i rkn anyway.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Guess after living apart for a long time and being able to see each other only few times per year it must be really hard when finally moving together full time. I think a few successful long distance realtion ships might only work because it is long distance :icon_scra ?????
