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Little Help -- Opinions wanted...


sultry sydney

This has happen to me a couple of times(both with flatemates)the first we were friends and would hang out all the time and bang it hit me started to have feelings for her and we didnt even do anything sexual,so i kicked her out!(i hope she doesnt read this)the sec was she fell in love with me and moved out! i got my own back sort of..
The first one i was at the BDO off my head and told her the next day(was comming down)told me NEVER to speak to her again! that hurt,lol,soooooo i left the country,soo sad but true! i did need the holiday..
Just do it! i had all the signals but got it wrong!
YOU need to find out!
ps Clare bear if ur out there call me!
pps her real name,she will kill me,lol

Ihate that when that happens you fuck your housemate and then your out furniture shopping and rug shopping and cooking dinners and doing pills and thrills together and then he picked his gf over me....... :( and i moved out. His gf wasnt even around much EVA and i thought we ht it off way better but hey what can you do? now im a sex worker and i get paid to have fun lol.


This i did forget..

Being friends with a girl has some serious advantages when it comes to social outings. VERY easy to meet their friends and since they probably already know your a decent bloke, all it requires is to turn the confidence dial up a little (without being arrogant) and your half way to getting some fun physical time haha.

I guess facebook would be much the same for those people who have it (and im clearly in the 0.1% who dont lol)

sultry sydney

My guy mate slove going out with me. i am great at going up to girls and talking to them and they also feel more confident about themselves when they have a pretty girl next to them :)

i say dont be shy and that chivlerary is the best way. What woman doesnt like a gentleman :p


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Personally I don't think men and women can 'just' be friends to start with. Even if it is not on the surface or a conscious act, one (either he or she) has an alterior motive in the friendship and hopes/wishes for more.......biting time. And who would not admit that it is extemely flattering and self-esteem polishing having an admirere as a friend who doesn't mind a little flirting on the side. It can make your day even if you never contemplate to take it further. And why would you? It is all easy and nice as long as the one 'biting time' doesn't start to become difficult and mention the L word. (just for the record......it can happen to either side.....male or female).
My 'real' male friends are either gay (no alterior motive to start with) or ex-bf (no alterior motive existing anymore....lol.....been there done it). Not all of them but the few I managed to keep in touch with are what I call 'real' male friends. They know me so well and I know them so well there is no space for guessing anymore. We know what we are like, we tried it....it didn't work as a relation ship but hey it works as friends (people who care for each other but don't have the underlining sexual current anymore).

So to cut a long story short.......if you don't want to suffer for ever make it a topic and ask!!!!!! It might hurt but it will be liberating :eek:ccasion14

Laura Myer

Some men might find it interesting to know, that it can really hurt some of us women when you expect (or hope) for more from us, and not just want to be 'friends'.

I tend to make friends with guys more easily than women but am working on that. But now I don't bother going there because I'm sick of them becoming attached and hoping for more from me. Who says I 'owe' them more or sex in fact? I don't owe men anything!

(I had one male friend for years. When I started this work, I told him. He sulked and wouldn't talk to me. I said 'what's wrong?' He said 'you're prepared to sleep with all those men, yet you won't sleep with me????' I was disgusted that he considered I just owed it to him when I wasn't attracted one little bit!).

I don't think anything is owed yet the men I have been friends with, considered that I owed them something! When they saw they were getting absolutely nothing sexually from me, they dropped me. That hurt so much!

So I've given up on that idea now. Except for an arrangement I have with a man who does my lawns, takes care of my car, household maintenance if I need it, etc. But even he crosses the line and hopes for more. I have made it clear where he stands and he knows I have my own lover, but still he hopes. That's not my responsibility. Nothing will EVER eventuate there. But we're both happy with our arrangement anyway.



nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
Hi Laura Myer,
Well that's what I'm on about, that's what most guys expect, a physical bonding.
Don't go on about how hurt some of you women feel when men expect (or hope) for more from us.ok
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Laura Myer

We are escorts (working life) and we have a private life, where we must feel some desire towards a man. If we don't feel it, then we're not going to give it, if we don't want to! Simple as that!

Sex is 'given' not just an obligation that we have to give to men. If they hung out with me as a friend (I did not flirt nor lead them on), that's their choice. But I didn't have to provide sex! How on earth am I obligated to give to him?

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Laura Myer

PS. Even Brad Pitt and George Clooney are not my 'type'. For me I don't see what the fuss is with Hollywood stars. I'm not their type either I'm sure.

I go for all sorts and have had lovers and boyfriends who were larger or overweight. Doesn't bother me whatsoever. It was who they were inside, their essence and their spirit that does it for me.

Similar to guys who work out in the gym. I prefer they don't work out. Prefer guys to be natural.



nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
Yes Ok, some of my postings are bitter & right wing but I don't like dancing around and I like to get on with it, in what I'm trying to say.

I do not have hostile and bitter attitudes towards "women" only the few women who are users of men & men who are users of women, that's why I'm glad I can pay for it and be on my way.
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Both of u guys are right,knocking the guy back for sex he will NOT feel like a man!(thats what u do for a living )But that is his PROBLEM he owns his own feelings and YOU did not do that he did.i can see were BOTH of u are coming from...I have been there and done that and still back every now and then.
ps Trust me i have a LOT of "help" over the yrs and i used to get it WRONG all the time...Its not Lauras problem or for ANY other female
its not until u get it until u will get it!
Im off to the gym then to watch the M/C
have a good day and keep posting!


Hi all,

Some people have expressed that they don't feel that its possible for men and women to have meaningful friendship, others have expressed the opposite.

I have to agree with the latter, being one of those people who has had the opportunity of building genuine long-term friendships with women. Not to say that I haven't fallen on hard times before, but I certainly know that it is possible.

Some people simply recognise what good friendship is, and if a good friend happens to be someone of the opposite gender, then why isn't it possible?

You have to honour your own and their boundaries. The problem with flirtation is the stretching and receding boundaries. When you can or cannot flirt with a friend changes depending on circumstances. Hence, I believe a genuine friendship grows when you throw flirtation out the window, and just enjoy your time together as you would any other friend of the same gender.

Some friendships will last because of the impact they have on our lives. I will vouch that those friendships are often way more valuable than some of our short relationships could ever be. And these kind of friendships gives their own unique insights too. Its quite special when a girl can relate to what a guy is going through, I'm sure that it works both ways.




5 Star General
Foundation Member
i'm not likeing the way this thread is going @ the moment , but i will leave it open for now , but i do suggest that everyone tones down the hostile comments.

thank you all


I don't think anything is owed yet the men I have been friends with, considered that I owed them something! When they saw they were getting absolutely nothing sexually from me, they dropped me. That hurt so much!

Then sadly, they aren't real friends. Don't fall into onwithit's trap of discounting being friends with the opposite sex. Some guys might see your work as an easy way into your pants but to some couldn't care less what you do.

I expect nothing from any of my mates. Female or male.

Too much talk of the gym, off to KFC :love10:

Laura Myer

Thanks WRXXX for a logical response. Yes they are ex friends now. 1 male friend still stood by and said 'I support you, I love you and have no expectations'.

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nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
I'm sorry LM, I don't feel it & sometimes do not understand everything.......
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I had a PM asking me to look into this thread.
Firstly it is a good thread.
I can see no personal attack on any one person Laura, just a difference of opinion.
I also can't see Onwithit being hostile or bitter towards woman.His opinion just reads as forthright to me.This is a open forum and all opinions are welcomed.
I have to agree with many of Onwithit opinions.
Men & Woman can not be intimate friends without one party wanting to take the relationship further. It is only natural after all. As a woman I have had many male mates, if I let the relationship become intimate even in discussion and I start flirting, it causes the wrong messages, if I am not prepared to deliver.As I have gotton older I find it much easier to establish the boundaries, than when I was younger.
A uncle told me once that I should never accept a dinner date with out being prepared to deliver the dessert.
For many years I argued the point, that he was wrong, as I have grown older, I believe he is right.
There is no such thing as a freebie in life, and even in friendship both parties must receive something from the friendship.
It is wrong for woman to use men for all the horrid chores we have trouble doing with out returning the favor in some way.This does not necessarily mean sex, but if I wanted a friend to paint my ceiling, I would make sure that I did his washing and mending in return, and if he was not happy to accept that I would not accept his help to paint the ceiling.


to be unconditional. if i were to do something for someone, i am not going to expect something in return. if the friendship is true, it will happen naturally anyway, in some way or another.

if someone asked me out to dinner, the dessert may not also be just about sex, but intimacy, which imo is far more special. but we can't plan these things, we just have to live in the now and see where it takes us. but i agree, not to take advantage of people and give them the wrong impression.

Laura Myer

Men need women.
Women need men.

In prehistoric times it was shelter, food and protection in exchange for sex. Is it much different today?

The man who does my lawns is well taken care of, with sexual favours given in return. This is an 'arrangement' that we have entered into based on trust. He's reliable - whether I need this that or the other. Sometimes I invite him to sit down and have a cup of tea. We have a chat. Other times, I feed him good meals and pack extra for him to take home for the next night. Other times I cut his hair. But he also is THERE for me too. He does want to be my boyfriend but he knows that this is an arrangement. He's not lead on. He is responsible for his own feelings.

This week a friend of mine who is a clairvoyant, stayed with me. Not once did I ask her to 'predict' my future (tho I just LOVE this stuff). It is not appropriate. I love her for who she is.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Well said Lantana and Laura: very similar to my own thought process.
Whilst we expect nothing in return for friendship the reality is for a relationship to survive, there must be something in it for both parties.
A few years ago I said this very thing to my children..all 4 of them.They are all adults now in their 20's and 30's.
I told them I had decided to sever all relationships, where I got nothing in return, this included family. They were shocked, and the older boys were distant for a year or two. All have come around except one son, and I now have a better relationship with three of my children, where I feel, the relationship is not all about them.
Talking with many other mothers around my own age, they were also feeling the same as me, where the relationship was all about the child, and the mother was a after thought. I think subconsciously we have raised our generation of children, giving them the things we thought we had missed out in childhood, and then the child became expectant and demanding...expecting attention when they demanded it, yet never their when we needed time.
I was in NZ a few months ago visiting my mother. I added up the days last year she had family visitors at her home. Nine in total, three of these days were a Australian Resident and 6 days from her two daughters and one NZ son with 4 NZ grandchildren.
In return she spent 48 days away from home visiting these same people.
I tried to point out to my brothers and sisters, the need for mum to not have to do all the travelling now that she is 77 . I did not receive one positive response. It is amazing how they feel it was mums duty to babysit when she was needed yet they are not prepared to give her time and company now that she is older and unable to travel.
My mum would prefer to remain in NZ, yet next year I will have to twist her arm to spend her last years in West Australia, where she will have two of her children and at least 4 of her grandchildren that are prepared to visit, so she does not get lonely.
The point is: all relationships need something for both parties to be successful. If you feel used and abused bitterness sets in, and life is too short to waste one precious moment on a one way friendship or relationship.


A uncle told me once that I should never accept a dinner date with out being prepared to deliver the dessert.

SO when my gay mates ask to me to catch up over dinner, does it mean they expect something in return or is it simply two people saying hi?? If men and women supposedly cant be friends then how can a gay man and a straight man be?

Happy, lust could certainly be a major issue but i dont ever find myself lusting over my female friends. Perhaps if they were my type but then again i dont think i'd bother being mates in the 1st place! If it didn't go my way i wouldn't put myself in a position for it to annoy me for the next decade!.

Maybe i'm just strange!!
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Legend Member
Happily I have never lusted over my friends. Those women that were unfortunate
enough to be under my lustful gaze. it seemed were not the personality
types that I would befriend anyway. Not that they weren't great people
It just seems to me that there is a different feeling when you meet ladies that
end up us mates
And I liked your comment about your gay friends.

Laura Myer

I'm sorry LM, I don't feel it & sometimes do not understand everything.......

Thanks very much. I'm sorry as well, just took it the wrong way.

Think the opposite sex can get very hurt about these things and we are hardly aware of these feelings.



nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
Hi LM,
Didn't you get my Ap. Email to your website?

I thought I explained where I was coming from.

"I wise man knows that he may know nothing at all" & I believe that sincerely.

I would have never made it as a Cop, I tend to shoot first & ask questions later.