• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Let's talk about the Elephant in the room

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Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
I have never been a timid woman. I have and will always call out shitty behaviour. TS has always been respectful towards sex workers and women. What the hell has happened. To bring a once awesome forum, down to a classless, disrespectful, masochistic hell whole. Why can fellow humans not be pleasant towards one another. It's not a competition on who be the biggest, rudest arsehole. This conversation should not have to be said. But if someone doesn't call it out. TS will slide deeper. Please think before running off your mouth. I'm taking a break from here as it's not a nice place to be right now. Have a great Sunday evening. May your week be a great one


Gold Member
Sorry to hear that.
Perhaps it's best naming the abhorrent behaviour so that the moral majority can, quite rightly, round on the offender so that they think twice before repeating similarly.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
The forum needs Moderator's, as there is currently none.
Time to re-look at the admin rolls and re-look at the Moderator rolls,
Deleting accounts and Moderating behavior is all gone.
It is simple, keep the doors open the Trolls will find their way here.
Cheers and Pass the Rum


Legend Member
Unfortunately the forum has descended into one big advertisement with the main focus being fake profiles directing users to advertisers rather than moderating.

I am certain that some old disused profiles have been taken over by support staff to give them legitimacy but they are very easy to spot.

The forum certainly is not as much fun as it used to be and appears to have lost its way.

If it keeps going this way then a lot more users will leave and legitimate new ones will not stay around.

This will leave the fake profiles to keep pumping up the tyres of advertisers who I am sure would prefer legitimate reviews.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
The forum needs Moderator's, as there is currently none.
Time to re-look at the admin rolls and re-look at the Moderator rolls,
Deleting accounts and Moderating behavior is all gone.
It is simple, keep the doors open the Trolls will find their way here.
Cheers and Pass the Rum
It's become a laughing joke. I have lost track of how many ignore accounts I have done in the last 24 hours. The Indian IT team while they have done a wonderful job, they have no power to moderate in any way.

John Smithl

Legend Member
Until perceived levels of moderation are increased, we can always make use of the 'report' button on posts.


Gold Member
Mrs Langtrees is financing this forum and I think we should respect the rules that she layed down.
It probably the best if someone can alert MAK and hopefully she can steer the forum back to a more positive direction?


The Gnome
Diamond Member
The forum needs Moderator's, as there is currently none.
Time to re-look at the admin rolls and re-look at the Moderator rolls,
Deleting accounts and Moderating behavior is all gone.
It is simple, keep the doors open the Trolls will find their way here.
Cheers and Pass the Rum
Agreed. I had noticed that there seems to be little or no action by the moderators. If there had been I’m sure a recent thread about natural services being offered may not have been allowed to continue the way it did.


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
I’ve been trying to moderate to a certain extent as I noticed the forum had started to become feral in MAK’s absence.

MAK had hoped everyone would be adults and mutually respectful and self-moderate by either pressing the ignore or report.

Granted the report appears to be not actioned when used responsibly at the moment.

It is embarrassing to have some legit new comers to the forum then have them witness arguments.

Some newcomers I detected are here for shit stirring I do report, I perceive some double accounts too.

The forum would be a good study for anyone doing a degree in Social Behaviour to see how people interact when there appears to be anarchy.


Gold Member
Shit stirring? Double accounts? Anarchy? LOL!

Best call your favourite WL because you all need to get laid!


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
Who put you in charge and how do you determine value? 🤦🏻🤣
Your post history shows no positive value to the forum. Out of respect for MAK and her wishes for this forum, if I see someone being trouble without being pulled into line, I’ll be proactive in seeing them removed.


Gold Member
Your post history shows no positive value to the forum. Out of respect for MAK and her wishes for this forum, if I see someone being trouble without being pulled into line, I’ll be proactive in seeing them removed.
Like I asked, how do you determine value?

Are you like the forum police? Don’t you have anything better to do?

Show me the rules I’ve broken and evidence that I broke those rules.


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
Damn you actually went and found this. Got a lot of time on your hands. 😂

Can you find the one about unsafe sexual practices. Thanks.
No I don’t have a lot of time but I’m making more time lately due to questionable profiles on Talkinsex causing trouble. Are you a disgruntled ex employee of Langtrees? With enough rope you’ll trip yourself up eventually.
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