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Lemon detox / master cleanse diet

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Sooooo anyone ever tried these or anything similar? I have been researching like mad on them (master cleanse is a much chepaer version of lemon detox - lemon detox makes you buy the expensive syrup. Pfft to that!!) and am not sure if it is worth it.

I would be working full time whilst doing it.

Be glad to hear from anyone who has tried?????


Foundation Member
I think all this stuff about detoxing and gulping vitamin/mineral pills is hokum designed to separate the naive and lazy from their cash.

All the necassary nutrients for good health can and should be obtained from a diet based on the food pyramid every fourth year primary school child probably knows. This combined with regular exercise and avoiding silly habits like smoking and excessive booze and junk food intake is all that you need.


Have to agree with Svengali here... All these detox, fat blaster, diet shakes etc are all a load of bolony or is that polony..anyway. Eat well balanced meals - avoid processed foods and include a sensible amount of exercise and you are well on your way....Good luck!!!!!!!

Mary Anne PA

its what Americans call polony - Balogne.

www.calorieking.com.au has all you need and is free to Aussies. All the calorie counters, fat/protein/ carb percentages, plus has most Aussie food. When I used it religiously I lost half my goal weight, over 10% of my body weight.
Stopped using it and piled the weight back on.
The creator is awesome, went to uni with my Father in law.


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Detox is great as a short term thing to kick start your matabolism if you have been previously eating CRAP!
It is not, and should not ever be used as a long term weight loss program, don't care who you are, your body needs the right balance of vitamins etc to be healthy!

What worked for me (lost 40kg in 12months! yay me) was eating a low carb, high protein diet.

For me the average day looked something like this!

Cereal (my fav is the Carmans brand! mmm) or 2 slices wholegrain toast with philadelphia cheese!

Peice of fruit

150g lean meat/chicken with vegies or salad

Protein snack (shake, bar, or just some lean meat.. as long as there was low carbs)

150g-200g lean meat with salad or vegies

PS. vegies, no potato or pumpkin as too high in carbs! so mainly green vegies.. limit peas, corn and carrot though

Depending on your weight, those amounts of meat were based on about 100kg female... adjust accordingly :)


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
oh and just on the actual detox thing, lol...

best way i found to detox was to eat nothing but fruit and vegies for 3 days... again, no vegies high in carbs though...

easier and cheaper than doing a stupid program... definatly a waste of money in my opinion!!!

good luck with it all though!

Mary Anne PA

oh and just on the actual detox thing, lol...

best way i found to detox was to eat nothing but fruit and vegies for 3 days... again, no vegies high in carbs though...

easier and cheaper than doing a stupid program... definatly a waste of money in my opinion!!!

good luck with it all though!

I had to do the same thing, when I was a teenager. The nutritionist made me eat raw food only for 2 weeks, then introduce foods one at a time, to see what I was intolerant to,


Thanks fpr the reply guys! Well the first thing is i wouldn't be spending any money on anything expensive as i am to broke for that! I have improved my diet a lot lately and am eating more grains, fruit and vegies (as much as i can given our crappy supermarket out here) but i am not losing any weight and am still tired during the day and not able to sleep at night.

I have been trying to exercise but it gets to 35 degrees out here in the the daytime now and it is only going to get worse....when the pool opens i plan to swim but ive had to almost entirely stop my daily walks (keeling over from heatstroke is not a good look!).

My dad keeps telling me to have lapband surgery but i say no, it's one of the few things i dont think id ever consider because a) my weight problem is not that bad, i am overweight as opposed to obese b) my stepmother and mate have had it and both had complications....although they did lose weight and c) anything my dad tells me to do that has to do with how i look i tend to automatically argue with.

So it comes down to what can i do to get past the plateau?


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
For me, eating high amounts of protein was the key. also not just doing cardio, but also weights, as the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn!
If you can't afford to buy weights, compromise! Use cans of food for your arms, load up a backpack to carry on your walks (when its not too hot)
The other BRILLIANT invention is Vibration machines... can pick one up off ebay for under $500... Just stand on it, and it wobbles your fat away! No sweating, just 15mins standing on a moving plate and it burns like 500calories! Lots of arguments out there about how good they are, but i used one while i was dieting and it just seemes to make everything go that little bit faster!

(and no i am not talkin about THAT kind of vibration :p although sex IS A GREAT form of excercise too!!!)

Mary Anne PA

Mix things up a bit. I found that changing what I was doing helped scare my body into more weight loss. I do loads of yoga and pilates, which tones the deep muscles, but can also get you puffing and panting.
When I lived overseas I found that exercising in the heat actually helped me to acclimatise. With daylight savings its cooler in the mornings, so get up early and go for a 15 minutes walk. Or even get a bike and ride to school, cos you csn coast part of the way. (I personally hate walking for exercise, I have to be GOING somewhere)

Im trying to get back on track also. I have weight problems cos I ruined my metabolism with an eating disorder. Now when I 'diet' my body thinks Im going to die and slows down.
I have medication to help that now.

Naughty Thoughts

Just walking won't do that much because it won't raise your heart rate high enough to start burning what you already have. It's good for maintaining yourself once you reach your target weight/size, but not so great for losing it.

As you've already noted, exercising in the heat isn't a crash hot idea when starting out, but doing at least some exercise every day is.

Any diet that says "just eat/drink this one thing 'cos it has vitamins/deoxidizers/pixie dust" you can safely ignore because as Svengali said - BALANCE is important. The old Food Pyramid that we so easily forget. Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, some breads and meats and only a little sugar.

Of course, specific people have special requirements - so listen to your doctor if they tell you something (such as eating less salt).

Specific ideas to help:
- Eat more often, in smaller quantities. By having six small meals rather than three normal ones (or worse, one or two big ones) then your metabolism will speed up and you'll burn weight faster.
- Move faster, lift less. You want to focus more on "make you sweat" exercise rather than "build muscle" exercises.
- Muscle is heavier than Fat. Remember that when you are first starting, you'll gain a bit of weight as you are losing weight. You're burning off fat, but gaining muscle. So pay more attention to the measuring tape rather than the scales.
- Be consistent. If you do lots of hardcore exercise on Monday, nothing on Tuesday and Wednesday then a bit on Thursday and nothing until the following Monday then you won't lose any weight. There's a reason brickies labourers are more buff than office drones - they spend all day lifting heavy things.
- Water. Lots of water. Not only good for hydration, it'll help keep your kidneys clean and healthy. Fruit juice is good, but has a lot of sugar. Sports drinks are good but have lots of chemicals. Milk is bad, unless you're trying to gain weight. Again - balance. Have some milk in your tea or coffee, but don't have a milkshake with lunch. Sports drinks are good, but not every day.

Incidentally, you can make some pretty good home-brew "sports" drink by grabbing a bottle of water and adding half a lemon worth of lemon juice, a teaspoon of sugar and a teensy bit of salt. (Optionally, you can add a small amount of cordial and omit the sugar for better flavour).

Final advice: write it down! An unwritten goal is a wish. So write down what you want to do, record what you have done, keep track of your statistics (weight, waist, upper arms, upper thighs, etc) so you can track the changes and you'll start to notice the difference.

The final ingredient - time. It'll probably take the better part of a year to get yourself healthy, so don't expect massive changes each week. Unless you have two personal trainers and a tv crew following you around all day, odds are that it'll take you a bit of time to start seeing some changes. But as long as you are trying, you'll be getting healthier.

Miss Macey

The only concern with the high protein diets is that you have to be careful that it is lean meat etc... you can still have high cholesterol etc if you are a size 6!

A couple of studies I have read (yes so I had to read for my degree) indicated that high protein high fat diets (like Atkins and the Drinking Man's Diet) still have negative long term health effects.

Also the CSIRO diet (which is high protein low carb of sorts) should be looked at carefully... it was funded by the Australian Meat Industry and to me this screams of bias!

High protein intakes will cause protein induced thermogenesis (proteins take more energy to break down and as a by product of this your body creates a lot more heat) so be prepared to feel a little flushed for a while (not everyone does), and also in the early stages of the diet (when you get that great couple of kg's weight loss in the first two weeks) remember this is mainly fluid loss and not fat.

Gees people are going to get sick of my epic messages pretty quickly lol


Miss Macey, I have loved every one of your posts so far. Intelligent, informed, fun posts are always a joy to read. So keep on posting girl! You have a fan base of at least one so far :)

Miss Macey

Well thanks... :) am thinking this forum shall prove interesting over time


Thanks guys! I ahve been looking at the calorie king website and that has helped a lot - it lets me know what it is i am eating that stuffs me up and helps me keep track of everything.

I did try the detox diet. I last two and a half days then i almost fainted at school and stopped. Before you all yell at me i know it was a stupid thing to try!


Lol. Have you seen that episode of LA Ink when they do it? Man I'm in love with Pixie. Random. Stop being lazy and just wake up earlier or at night. Morning runs always are a good way to start my day ;)


No but i do love LA ink and Miami ink :) mmmmm tatts on hot babes. I don't sleep well....havn't done for years. So it takes me ages to fall asleep and waking up is a real bitch.


How much caffeine and nicotine do you take? What about drugs? For ages I couldn't sleep because of the stress I was under. I head to the spa and sauna all the time now, play my acoustic and watch Family Guy. You should pick up and instrument or something...


I have cut most caffeine out now, don't smoke and very rarely take drugs (as in once a year maybe). I do have a thing for soft drink.....but i work hard on not drinking it!

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Last week there was a great chart in the West of food values. Did you see it?
I kept a copy if you want a copy drop in when in Perth. It made checking of the value of food much easier than all the other counting methods.


I didn't see it.....will grab it when i am in Perth for the holidays :) cheers!
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