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"knocking the top off"

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Foundation Member
hi all just had some advice from a long time frequenter of the loverly ladies of the night who said he always "knocks the top off" so to speak before he visits a lady. im relatively new to all this and was wanting some comment. does it make you last longer or is it better to go in primed and ready and if it is recomended how long before???

Miss Macey

Hmmm have heard of this from a few ppl over the last year of so... wasnt sure if it was common practice of just talk... would be interested to know too (purely for education purposes :) )

Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
Not something I would do myself... as if I did then I may no longer want to go ahead with the 'real' thing.... but to someone who does not have the opportunity for regular sex 'on demand' so to speak.... it may well be advantageous as it would enable someone...who otherwise would have a pent up need to cum... to last longer and enjoy the journey.

It's really a case of 'horses for courses'....or in THIS case ...'different strokes for different folks' !!!


yeah not something i have ever done,i would much raher wait for the lady to do that for me..though even sometimes in the hour i dont cum and that really doesnt bother me as long as i have a goodtime.nothing worse than being with a lady who keeps saying are you going to cum yet.just for the record i only have a social drink with the lady when she arrives so no its got nothing to do with being pissed.it can just take along time for me sometimes,so thats when you know if your with someone who enjoys her job or is there strictly for the cash.yes i know thats what its all about but it sure makes a difference when the lady gets into it with you instead of worrying about the time..i really wish i could remember the last girl i saw at langtrees,she was fantastic,im sure she was a kiwi girl with really nice tan colored skin.it was awhile bac now though.why i said that was because she was a lady who really gave a great service for the whole time,didnt look at the clock once and went overtime by about 15min,it was earlyhours of the morning though so there werent many guys waiting ....


Foundation Member
not for me.
can always go 2 rounds during the real deal.
agreed with sir stefan, if i had a wank before the booking, i would most likely make a cancellation.


Foundation Member
For a young and eager man with a "hair trigger" it might be a useful idea but I am well past that stage. I need all my ammunition ready.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Knocking the top off can be done in many ways. Yes it is quite popular with the very young- I have disturbed a few over the years getting rid of the first one before going to the room with a lady-mostly from fear of ejaculating to quickly. Many ladies in the industry have a rule that once you blow your time is up or you need to pay extra.
There are many ways to "Knock the top off" and one is preparation. Plan your adventure in advance, use the expectation and anticipation as a buildup. Plan in advance what you want to achieve, source a lady that can provide the service you are looking for....give yourself a few days, and of course wank about the adventure in advance..........


Foundation Member
Some sound advice maryanne and i love sir stefans quote "diferent strokes for different folks "..very good
and i tend to agree, the build up, excitement and anticipation is all a part of the experience and i have to say i dont think it would work for me as i dont usually have a problem controlling the final event so to speak as i usually pace myself and if it looks like happening too soon i simply ask the lady to slow down on what ever were into at the time. most ladies are quite happy to do that.so for knockoing the top off.....mine can stay on until its time to serve. thanks for the advice


Silver Member
The only time i ever "knocked the top off" resulted in me not bothering going for a visit to a brothel. Being a creature of habit who mostly sticks to regular girls, I know that regardless of how quick or long it takes me to cum, I'll be getting seconds. So yeah I don't see the point in it.


Foundation Member
Dont worry about loosing your load early - By the time you get toey enough to pick up the phone then all the waiting etc etc its a given, Most of us have probabally been there.

Book for an hour and establish that you can come twice - most will for an hour booking as long as your not banging them for the whole hour to come twice (unlikely - well for people like me at least)

usually they start you off with a massage then french during which qite likely will so you away first up

then a bit of a chat and a bit more massage and then hopefully your up for a bit of the real stuff

No need to be embarrased - trust me however long you think you didnt last theve probablly seen shorter

edit - dont do the 1/2 hour thing - you will only get one shot. I used to and got good at playing cards for the other 29 minutes and 40 seconds
remeber your paying for a service -not to be laughed at


I am with Bushseeker on this topic. Find a provider that will allow you to get off as much as you can within the booked time. As a girl, I personally prefer to get the guy off the first time fairly soon, usually oral or manually. That prolongs the actual sex the second time around and helps minimize being left in 'the not quite there myself state' when he cums.
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