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Just need to vent


kitty's desires

Ok so I haven't been in the business all that long, but I really have had my eyes opened up to some stupidity!

I don't offer full service, but offer mainly oral services since that is my passion. I state in my emails not to ask to save both parties the embarrassment of me saying no. Yet I still get asked...usually along the lines of "I know you say you don't offer full service, but I am an attractive guy".

But what finally made me crack and need to vent was from an enquiry today with multiple silly statements. The main one bugging me being: "if your really worried about natural blowjobs, I have biotene mouthwash which kills germs and works." WTF? Is it germs I'm worried about or STD's? Seriously!!! :violent5:
And then to question my pricing...well if you think I am too expensive, feel free to go elsewhere. I was given some great advice by another member on here...to not drop my prices or my principals and what I offer is high quality, enthusiasm and discretion.

I cant bring myself to reply to today's email yet for fear of telling him what I really think!

So, sorry I've gone on here...I just really needed to vent this with people that would actually "get it".


5 Star General
Foundation Member
hi kitty's desires and I'm so sorry that u been having a bad run lately with them stupid men asking for FS .

if u can't vent here, where can u vent .

i agree with whoever said never change yr prices, as long as yr happy with yr pricing and what ever you want to do then bugger em .

do what i do Kitty , never reply to emails , text's or phone calls whilst yr in a very bad mood, unless u want to really get under their skin for 1 reason or another.

by venting here u will get some good advice , which u will never get anywhere else


kitty's desires

Thank you John! It really is appreciated you replying.

And yes that's why I haven't replied to the email... I'm too angry with him to be nice to him at the moment. It's rarely I'm not in a good mood or pleasant because I love what I do.

And I don't think my prices are too high, especially since few w/l close by offer oral...let alone enjoy it. I think what really made me sure of my pricing was when I got a sizable tip with the words "you're worth more than you charge". Up until then I doubted the suggested prices I use....suggested by a "playmate" who receives it and would happily pay the prices were he not getting it already lol.


Foundation Member
Ah yes! This happens in any selling profession, including the "oldest one".

You are, firstly, a salesperson and to succeed at this you need only three things;

1) a sound knowledge of your product and also of those of your competitors.

2) a realistic price for the product.

3) the confidence to stand by your pricing and service which comes from knowing that the value is there and your client will be satisfied.

Any stuff like "Mary-Jane down the road only charges $X" or "Mrs Y does this or that" can be taken with a pinch of salt and the simple reply "then why don't you go there?"

Half the time it is not true anyway but is just a crude attempt at leverage. In something as personal as sex there has to be some sort of "connection" (besides the obvious one) and I do not believe a hardball haggling session is a good prelude. After that you would probably feel more like biting his whatsitsname off than sucking it and it would be hard to do a halfway decent job.

Best to let these guys walk and save yourself for those who treat you with proper respect and courtesy.
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kitty's desires

Thank you Svengali!

Everything you have said is exactly right! And I thank you for confirming what I already thought!

I love giving oral and I do it well... and it's always my pleasure to give it to those who show a bit of respect.


Hopefully the few that just dont get it dont spoil it for the people that do appreciate your service!!! :)

kitty's desires

No they wont :) I love what I do too much to let those few get to me for too long...think it was the fact in the last few days I've had an increasing number of spoil sports that I just cracked! The ones who enjoy my service as much as I do, are why I keep doing it :)


+1 to Svengali.

You get those people in all industries. They either don't listen or don't care. Just learn a rote response and don't let it get to you. Maybe add a no exception under any circumstances note.

Until they produce a product that kills all viruses, no mouth wash will cut it.

A quick look at Biotene tells me it might be something you could use...apparently it moisturises the mouth!! ;)

Too bad I don't live in Qld.

kitty's desires

LMAO sumguy! lol I have no need to add extra moisture to my mouth...nature and horniness takes care of that for me!
lol and I can now find it quite comical (almost) that he thinks Biotene makes it all ok!


Resident kinky pervert
Foundation Member
Well I don't get it
Most guys complain they can't get a decent blowjob... myself included
Finding someone who's eager and enjoys it would be a great thing I would have thought


Good blow job is very hard to come by so keep it up Kitty and fuck the losers who don't appreciate it.


what makes you guys think the blowjob is bad? i myself have only ever failed once in giving head, and i think that's cause we were stoned.

I havn't had loads of parteners (could count them on my two hands) but have always managed to make em squirm, not alway cum but still.

kitty's desires

Thanks everyone. Oh I will be keeping it up (no pun intended lol).
I just replied polietly that I dont think my services are suited to what he wants and pointed out the fact there is no mouthwash that can kill of viruses and disease lol