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Is Yoda just a bit Gay

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Lord Spikey

I was talking with Yoda this morning. Telling him about the story on the morning channel 9 news program about Justin Bieber's latest outburst and how I thought that he needs a good smack from his Mummy or Daddy.

Yoda immediately jumped to his defense. "He's just a young boy", says Yoda "all this fame and all this money. He is only 19 and doesn't know how to handle it", he goes on.

Yes, I say, but he is a public figure and making a complete arse of himself. He has no respect for people or property and is caught up in his own image and false importance.

Then comes the worrying comment.....

"But he's such a good looking boy. I like him. Give him a break"



Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- LOL, you guys must be bored, but, its a great banter
Cheers and Pass the Rum


Legend Member
LoL...well Yoda seems like a happy chap, if that's what your referring to.



Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
Yoda Gay?!??
Unlikely so ~

but these days, everyone's adventurous.....
who knows where he would dip his saber in?????


Silver Member
Everyone to there own thing ,If we were all the same it would be so boring .Some like it Straight and some like it Kinky,Justin just happens to be the unlucky flavour at the moment,remember last month it was Miley,who next month.
Please respect everyones sexual preference and everyone will be :happy:

Madam Leigh

Gold Member
Everyone to there own thing ,If we were all the same it would be so boring .Some like it Straight and some like it Kinky,Justin just happens to be the unlucky flavour at the moment,remember last month it was Miley,who next month.
Please respect everyones sexual preference and everyone will be :happy:

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Lol......now I got kind people justifying how its okay that I'm gay. Thanks :)

Nothing against gay people. Some of my friends are gay and they are often highly evolved individuals. Yet it is not my choice of sexuality.

Madam Leigh

Gold Member
What a wonderful world that we live in when all we worry about is when some kid has a bit to much time on his hands and acts like a prat,When in other parts of the world Planes are missing and a war looks likely in Russia
and all we care about is some spoiled little rich kid,give me a break.Who cares if Yoda is straight or gay ,its his life and he has that right to live it his way .Get over it sweetie.
Love Always

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Hello Madam Leigh great to see you. You have been a very busy lady that has been hard to get hold of.

Hope all is well for the grand opening in Camberra :)


Legend Member
Actually when was the word gay "Stolen" or should I say transformed and end up being used as a word to describe a sexual preference/lifestyle

I mean I never pictured Fred Flintstone as gay and the last line of their theme song was
And we'll have a gay ol time


Legend Member
Yes I still sing along to that song H2 while I'm having a golden gaytime!
They actually used to have a banana gaytimes but they stopped making those because they were so popular! :eek:

Lord Spikey

What a wonderful world that we live in when all we worry about is when some kid has a bit to much time on his hands and acts like a prat,When in other parts of the world Planes are missing and a war looks likely in Russia
and all we care about is some spoiled little rich kid,give me a break.Who cares if Yoda is straight or gay ,its his life and he has that right to live it his way .Get over it sweetie.
Love Always

Dear Madam Leigh
Although I appreciate your contribution to my post and am very happy to see you on our Forum and taking part in all sorts of general discussion about a very wide range of topics, I feel somewhat insulted by your condescending attitude and patronizing comment ("Get over it sweetie").

As any mature Forum member would recognize, my post and its topic were a lighthearted swipe at a friend. I know that Yoda is not "Gay" and although I have very little against anyone with a sexual preference that is different to my own, I do have misgivings toward people who attempt to discourage open discussion and comment on topics of their choice.

As you are new to this Forum, I can and will forgive this attempt to prevent me from using this Forum for what it was created and that is to discuss the sex industry and any other general topic that may be of interest or entertainment (please correct me if I am wrong here MAK or Yoda).

I agree that it is sad that there is a plane missing and that the political situation in Russia may be deteriorating, but I fail to see what I am able to achieve by discussing ONLY these two issues,

I also do not give a shit about Justin, or Miley or any other self important Gob Shite; they are just of recent, fleeting, passing interest and I saw an opportunity to get a laugh, albeit at Yoda's expense. However, as I have said, Yoda is a friend and I cleared it with him before posting.

So take a chill pill and perhaps consider a less patronizing way of speaking to prospective customers, hmmm?

Love always???

Lord Spikey

Nah, Happy
I am just waiting for the parry
My shoulders are broad, as are Yoda's


Legend Member
But you aint met my mates Spikey These are the same ones who got the clippers and cleared a 5cm fire break from Neck to pubes on my bucks nite


Legend Member
I think people are overly serious on forums in general. Forums should be fun, and Sex should be too, so I don't know why we struggle with the combined concept on here sometimes.

I've been on forums since they invented the internet and my rule is that everyone's comment is always said in humour and is well intentioned unless they specifically make it clear that it isn't. Best way to tell if you're unsure is to look at the posting history of the person.. if they are generally nasty then their history will show it. If they have a wacky sense of humour then it will show that too. :D

Lord Spikey

I think people are overly serious on forums in general. Forums should be fun, and Sex should be too, so I don't know why we struggle with the combined concept on here sometimes.

I've been on forums since they invented the internet and my rule is that everyone's comment is always said in humour and is well intentioned unless they specifically make it clear that it isn't. Best way to tell if you're unsure is to look at the posting history of the person.. if they are generally nasty then their history will show it. If they have a wacky sense of humour then it will show that too. :D

Thank you, Dallas.
You put my point most succinctly.

Lord Spikey

Well said spikey,sorry if i offended you,wasn't meant to do that ,but point taken thank you love Madam Leigh


Thank you, Madam Leigh. Nice of you to reply and I appreciate your acknowledgement.
I am sure you are a lovely lady with a great attitude and I do understand how you can assume that my post was a little flippant, but please be assured that I would not purposely attack anyone.

Sometimes it is nice to be distracted from the worst that the world has to offer. I guess that is why we all lead this double life.

Hope to meet you one day for a drink and chat
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