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Is viagra all it's cut out to be?

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I read an article recently where male porno stars in the US were pissed off with the introduction of viagra as it allowed premature ejaculators to perform without the aid of self discipline and control. These old stars could only manage to maintain erections for long periods through mental self control ( What is their secret!!!!) Now Viagra apparently allows any male to go at it for ever!!!

Could someone elaborate ?

I guess the porno star industry needs drug testing like our Olympic athletes???



Staying hard is all well and good, but I thought that the men are expected to ejaculate a few times during the porn? Or do they edit it so it SEEMS like they ejaculate a few times in one session?


viagara is not as grand as one is led to believe...and very expensive...the best thing on the market is CAVERJET...injection into the base of the penis, less pain than a glucose test and it stays rock hard for hours....i mean rock hard.....loveeeeellly. and it is covered under healthcare card....good shit peoples...i tell every man i know....

did i say rock hard???

im talking solid as a rock....


There are also natural alternatives - like cinnamon oil... That takes an hour or 2 to kick in and then lasts for 4+ hours. That just gets rubbed on the base of the shaft - be careful though, it can burn you and your partner if it gets on the wrong area's!!!


I would assume a health food shop, I haven't actually seen it myself, my trials have been with blending oil with powdered cinnamon, that worked, god knows how well the real stuff will go!!!

I originally found this tip on a swingers site 5 or 6 years ago, can't find the same info anymore though :(


Mary Anne PA

Herbal Aphrodisiacs

by Meg McGowan

Conscious Choice, February 2000

The mere thought of aphrodisiacs is romantic, conjuring up images of love potions, sorcerers, and uncontrollable passion. Shrouded in a mist of myth and magic, the names of certain herbs are repeated over and over throughout history and across cultures. Science has finally begun to catch up to folklore in providing an explanation for the sexually stimulating effects of some herbs, but for others the ancient knowledge of what works still outstrips our more logical thinking.

The way to a man's heart may be through his stomach, but the way into his bed might be found before the meal, via his nose. Neurologist Alan R. Hirsch, M.D., from the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, reported at the March 1998 American Psychosomatic Society annual meeting the results of his studies relating certain scents to changes in blood flow to the genital areas of men and women. The most dramatic results were achieved in men with a combination of lavender and pumpkin pie, which increased the blood flow to the penis by as much as 40 percent. A combination of black licorice and donut scents increased penile blood flow by 32 percent. (None of the scents tested had as significant an impact on women.) The smell of pumpkin pie includes the spices ginger, cinnamon, and clove -- all warming, spicy scents. Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) essential oils are both considered to be aphrodisiacs with energizing properties.

Scent is a simple way to set the mood for romance, whether applied as a perfume or diffused through a room. Our sense of smell is primal. The nerve endings in the nose are barely separated from the limbic system of the brain, the "old brain" that serves as the center for our basic instincts -- including sexual desire. What better place to start a romance than at a juncture between the present moment and the beginning of time?

The essential oils of coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and cardamom (Eletteria cardamomum) are derived from the seeds of the plants and have long-standing reputations as aphrodisiacs. Coriander's use as an aphrodisiac dates back as far as ancient Egypt. It is interesting to note that the seeds of the two plants share properties of aiding in digestion and sweetening the breath, being especially effective in mitigating garlic odors. Both essential oils have spicy aromas and blend well with a wide range of other oils. Coriander has a light sweet edge to it, while cardamom has a warm floral undertone. Ylang ylang (Cananga odorata) and jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum) essential oils are predominantly sweet floral scents with warm, sensual, euphoric properties. Promoting a sense of calm and relaxation, these oils have the potential to transport lovers far from the routines of daily life. Their intense fragrances suggest a tropical paradise and simultaneously soothe away inhibiting anxieties or distractions.

Clary sage (Salvia sclarea), patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) and neroli (Citrus aurantium) essential oils are warm, rich, sweet, and slightly exotic. All are intensely sensual. Musky clary sage, noted for its euphoric properties, is also harmonizing, centering, and calming. Patchouli, likewise, has a balancing, grounding component in its earthy fragrance that helps to ease anxiety. Neroli may not be a good choice for a casual night of fun. Its scent and effect run deep; lending support to love and sexual-emotional connection. Rose maroc (Rosa centifolia) and rose otto (Rosa damascena) have similar properties. Harmonizing, comforting, and romantic, they are reputed to be particularly appealing to women. Though rose otto has a more profound and rich floral fragrance, it is rose maroc that is associated with passion. Both rose essential oils blend well with clary sage, lavender, and ylang ylang.

Aura Cacia's recipe for Aphrodite's Amorous Blend combines two drops neroli, three drops each of rose absolute (Rosa centifolia), jasmine absolute, and sandalwood (Santalum album) with four drops ylang ylang. For perfume, add oils to one-half ounce jojoba oil; to spritz sheets, hair, or clothes, add to one ounce of alcohol instead and pour into an atomizer.

Sensual massage allows aphrodisiac essential oils to be absorbed as well as inhaled and, of course, includes the erotic element of touch. Try Aura Cacia's Venus Massage Oil: Combine one ounce sweet almond oil, three fourths ounce apricot oil, and one eighth ounce wheat germ oil. Swirl together five drops each jasmine absolute, rose absolute, and bergamot (Citrus bergamia) with ten drops sandalwood and six drops clary sage essential oils. Add the essential oils to the base. Sensuous Body Massage Oil is a simpler blend, combining four drops each of sandalwood, lemon, and jasmine absolute essential oils with one ounce of sweet almond oil.

Herbal aphrodisiacs that are ingested tend to have a common denominator of enhancing circulation, though some have other properties that are not fully understood.

Ginger is a warming, soothing circulatory stimulant. Cinnamon is warming and generally stimulating. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), an herb popularly known for its ability to promote brain function through better circulation, may, when taken regularly, increase blood flow to the penis.

Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe) is one of the best-known herbal aphrodisiacs. It generally improves circulation, but also acts specifically on the sex organs, bringing blood closer to the surface and constricting the veins to keep it there. Yohimbine, the active ingredient in yohimbe, is an alkaloid that has received FDA approval as a treatment for male impotence. A synthetic version is also available. The list of people who should not use yohimbe is long, including anyone with heart or kidney trouble, psychological disorders, low blood pressure, diabetes, or ulcers, as well as pregnant women and the elderly. To avoid becoming aroused but severely nauseous, the herb should be consumed with 1,000 mg of vitamin C. It should not be taken with the amino acid tyramine (found in cheese, liver, red wine, and various medications) or with other over-the-counter remedies, prescription drugs, or alcohol. Dosage recommendations should not be exceeded. Potency wood or muira-puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) is similar in effect to yohimbe, but milder; however, caution should still be observed regarding side effects. Additionally, some individuals are allergic to this herb. Damiana (Turnera diffusa syn. T. diffusa var. aphrodisiaca) increases circulation, but it also contains alkaloids that have a testosterogenic quality and act as a nerve stimulant for the sex organs. Additionally, damiana acts generally as a mild stimulant and an antidepressant, which may lower inhibitions and produce a sense of gentle euphoria.

Wild green oats are known to boost the effectiveness of other herbal aphrodisiacs. As Deborah Mitchell notes in Nature's Aphrodisiacs (Dell, 1999), "once oats are in the body, they release testosterone that has become bound to other components. Bound testosterone is much less effective at stimulating sex drive centers in the brain." Oats have also proven to be effective in their own right. Several studies cited by Esmond Choueke in Aphrodisiacs: A Guide to What Really Works (Citadel, 1998) support the libido-enhancing properties of wild green oats (Avena sativa). A study by the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in California showed that "50 percent of women taking Avena sativa had an increase in the number of orgasms they experienced and in the amount of vaginal lubrication produced in response to sexual stimuli." Licorice's (Glycyrrhiza glabra) dark mystique may also be linked to its effect on testosterone levels. Mitchell cites the phytoestrogen sterols present in licorice that inhibit the conversion of testosterone to dihydrostestosterone, thus elevating testosterone levels in the body.

Before embarking on your journey of love, thoroughly acquaint yourself with the herbs you are using. As herbal aphrodisiacs often affect the hormonal balance of the body, many should not be used during pregnancy. It is always recommended that you familiarize yourself with the potential side effects and cautions associated with a remedy you intend to use, but the number and range of side effects found in herbal aphrodisiacs make this precaution more crucial.

Mary Anne PA

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so detailed

Serena - goddess of knowledge. Very informative and very interestion, I had no idea that so much study had gone into the effects of various scents.

This leads me onto my next question - O.K. O.K. we have scents here that arouse the senses and heighten the sexual urge - BUT - will they help prolong the act?

I always wait for my partner to orgasm first before allowing myself to.....sometimes I have to think about gardening to slow down the sensation.....once I ejaculate I find old percy starts to say "O.K. job done...time to relax...." I was interested to see if these natural scents would allow the erection to continue long after ejaculation? It appears Viagara can...but ....can it?


Mary Anne PA

couple of good websites Mickey for some reading:
(sorry about the advertising box, just close it)
prolonging sex

Link is broken so has been taken down

prolonging ejaculation

One manual method was taught long ago by Masters and Johnson. Just before the man was about to ejaculate, they told women, place the tripod formed by your thumb, index and middle fingers around the tip of his penis, and squeeze. (You can also squeeze around the base of the penis.) When he orgasms, he will be unable to ejaculate. Keep squeezing until the rolling thunder passes and his body relaxes. Then slowly release the pressure. While he will lose some or most of his erection, he can recover it quickly and start again.

This is not a guarantee and it takes practice, but it can work.

While this is the simplest, it is not necessarily the most satisfying method. So here’s the more challenging regimen:

Men and women have a muscle called the pubococcygeus, or PC. It’s the one men (and women, too) can use to stop peeing when the police catch them using the alley after they’ve had too much beer. When a man has an erection, he can use the same muscle to make Mr. Willy bounce up and down like a puppet show. (A jaunty, high-pitched "Hello!" adds to the effect.) To become multiply orgasmic, this muscle has to be trained. Men can literally lift weights with it by giving themselves an erection and hanging a towel over the end and trying to lift the towel. If a towel is too heavy for the slacker boy, he can try a washcloth. Then he can try a wet washcloth and work his way up. He can also flex the PC muscle isometrically without an erection while he's just sitting around watching his fourth episode of CSI. He should do it at least 100 times a day.

The goal is to distinguish between the orgasm phase and the ejaculation phase which, he may be surprised to learn, are two different things. Typically, ejaculation follows orgasm by a second or two, though in the heat of battle they seem one in the same. The goal is the orgasm, not the ejaculation, and by flexing that PC, men can fully separate them.
As time goes on, a man may be able to make love for hours without ejaculating by stopping the stimulation, contracting the PC, waiting for the orgasm to occur and then starting again, like a roller coaster going up and down without going over the falls. These orgasms are really mini-orgasms, by the way. But the dedicated sexual Vikings who manage to develop the skill report that when they finally do come, it can be explosive.

For more, try a book by Barbara Keesling with the awkward title of "How to Make Love All Night (And Drive Your Woman Wild): Male Multiple Orgasm and Other Secrets of Prolonged Love Making."
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