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Is there such a thing??


Legend Member
Is there such a thing called destiny or are we able to choose our own future?

Is there a reason wht some of us seem to have better lives then others?


Diamond Member
Hmm, this question is way too deep for a sex forum lol But yes, I do believe you have a path which leads towards your destiny, but by making certain choices, and also bit of luck (right place right time) you can change this path, direction and magnitude.


Legend Member
I was destined to be a farmer. Whether I was going to be any good at it was up to me

Farm Boy

If things were preordained we never would use phone directorates, random dialing would work.

Naughty Thoughts

Random dialling doesn't work for you?

Next you're going to tell me you can't read other people's minds... :D

Alecia the Foxx

There is an awful lot of luck in life. What family we are born into, what country we are born in, what schools our parents sent us to, etc. But at some point we have to take control of our lives ourselves, and then we can improve on luck 1000 percent.


Bronze Member
This is deep.....not sure if it requires a serious answer or a more comical one since we are in a sex forum. Anyway, my serious answer is that it is part chosen by fate and the rest is up to you. Yes luck plays a big part but its funny how the confident ones are the ones who seem to have all the luck. This is no coincidence, you need to be confident and do things that make you uncomfortable. Once you start to put yourself out there the luck starts to come. There will be times when things get difficult and unfortunately this is when most fail. The idea is if you get knocked down, get straight back up and keep trying. The comical answer - who cares when you can have a gorgeous girl that you usually wouldn't get and all you have to do is give her a call and pay her what she wants! And who knows, the more you do this the more confident you could probably become which then means life may get better!!

Mary Anne PA

I think there is a lot of luck (both good and bad) but we can still choose how to use this luck
if that makes sense


I have tickets for the big 31 million draw!! All hell will break loose if I win!!:eek:ccasion14:eek:ccasion15:love10::love10:


Legend Member
Opportunities a plenty, fear puts us in our place. Most people choose to operate in comfort zone.


Legend Member
As rols8888 said The more confident the better our luck.
Confident people are willing to take a risk. whether it be Financial/Business
Or the confidence to walk up to the supposedly unattainable woman.
His confidence will attract more attention than the fellow who shrinks back to the corner of the bar.

Alecia the Foxx

I agree with Happy2. I think a lot of the thing with confidence is that it actually makes one more attractive. Confident men and women ooze sex appeal, and lets face it, if you are confident that you look good, you feel good.


Legend Member
Then of course Alecia There is the " Gods gift" type confidence
They, whether man or woman , but mostly men must be a absolute pain

Alecia the Foxx

Then of course Alecia There is the " Gods gift" type confidence
They, whether man or woman , but mostly men must be a absolute pain

Yes, I agree, I don't mean fake confidence. The true kind.