• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Is it greed or a public service??


Legend Member
Who here thinks that the shops should be allowed to open Easter, Anzac long weekend??? Is there really a need or is it just the shops trying to get more dollars out of us???
Understand that a lot of us enjoy our food being fresh but what about the shop workers?
Most offices, banks, government, factory workers get the 5 days off, why shouldn`t they and if we can`t manage to use whats in our fridge and freezer to feed ourselves then we must have bad management skills.


Horny Bugger
Gold Member
Wow, Billybones, you must be a true perthian from way back. I can't believe this is even an issue over here, and that people even care. If you don't want to go to the shops over easter that's fine, but as an athesist that has to work every public holiday anyway, I say open the shops.

The pure bloody mindedness of people over here does my head in. "No it can't change because that would disrupt the ballance of things!!"

Just a good natured dig mate, hope you don't take offence, and don't worry, I'll be leaving your precious state soon enough and leave you all be. :p

kim of kal

Senior Member
Foundation Member
Nicely said Paul, Perth and other city's are lucky to have shops open,
here in Kalgoorlie shops don't open for the Easter break and for those that are on shift work don't get the time to get to the shops, as when they finish work shops are closed so it is a pain. So you are lucky that you can if YOU WANT go to the shops and if you DON"T then your choice.


History shows that Easter Saturday is a great day of trade as is the Monday normally.

Easter Sunday usually sees reasonable numbers in the shops so it's very clear that people have and will continue to support that.

Easter Monday is usually busier again.

Personal experience tells me that trading is a bit down on Australia and Anzac days. Usually late morning is best so best to close around 3ish if possible


Weather shops open or not on anzac day I don't care.... but it should be later in the day they open..

I think the morning should be allocated for everyone to attend dawn services etc.


Legend Member
It's not greed, it's business. And more choices for consumers on public holidays. You wouldn't want to pay premium price for a loaf of bread at the corner deli or the servos. I don't. And having the shops open doesn't twist one's arm to go shopping, it's a free country. I am from Perth, and absolutely want to be able to choose to go shopping on a public holiday.


Legend Member
People like you want the roads to be built, enjoy all the good shit like nice parks and gardens that are taken care of by councils. You enjoy the airconditioned places like the public library. The list goes on and on. How do these things come about? ECONOMY!!!!!

Without public spending you would have shit all to enjoy. Public holidays are when people and families get together and spend. Not to mention that it sucks when its like a ghost town and everything is closed on holidays.

A few people goes to work and earns double time. The minority of those few don't go to work and get paid anyway for public holidays. The leftover twonks from the minority of the few whinge about it like little bitches. Harden the fuck up princess!!!!!!

Paul... lets take a little time to have a look at your reply...
You mention
1. People like me want the roads built, yes we do, Now tell me why the freeway and train line to Mandurah took so long to get built. Wasn`t most of it because the workers didn`t want to work weekends and public holidays??
2. Parks and gardens. tell me is your council office open on the weekends?? Do you see the council workers mowing the lawns on weekends or public holidays??
3. Public librarys. Sure I can be a bookworm but is my library open on public holidays??

Tell me Paul... some think your a troll but I`m sure you have another job, are you working over the long weekend?? Do you expect to get paid at a normal rate or more because it is a long weekend? I think when they get paid double time it`s called penalty rates because it`s just as it says it is... having to work on a public holiday is like a penalty.

Most public holidays are the only time when the family can get together, so I ask, what about those that work in the retail world? Do they not have a family??
Lastly you mentions that when it`s a public holiday families come together and spend. Do they have to spend to have family time??


Legend Member
Wow, Billybones, you must be a true perthian from way back. I can't believe this is even an issue over here, and that people even care. If you don't want to go to the shops over easter that's fine, but as an athesist that has to work every public holiday anyway, I say open the shops.

The pure bloody mindedness of people over here does my head in. "No it can't change because that would disrupt the ballance of things!!"

Just a good natured dig mate, hope you don't take offence, and don't worry, I'll be leaving your precious state soon enough and leave you all be. :p

No offence taken buddy...
Now let me ask you, since you say you work every public holiday anyway, would you be in favour of cancelling public holidays altogether and make it an even playing field and have everybody work not just those in retail??


Legend Member
Nicely said Paul, Perth and other city's are lucky to have shops open,
here in Kalgoorlie shops don't open for the Easter break and for those that are on shift work don't get the time to get to the shops, as when they finish work shops are closed so it is a pain. So you are lucky that you can if YOU WANT go to the shops and if you DON"T then your choice.

You mention shift work.
Do you work 7 days straight?? Is there any harm in buying an extra litre of milk or loaf of bread to help you get by??


Legend Member
History shows that Easter Saturday is a great day of trade as is the Monday normally.

Easter Sunday usually sees reasonable numbers in the shops so it's very clear that people have and will continue to support that.

Easter Monday is usually busier again.

Personal experience tells me that trading is a bit down on Australia and Anzac days. Usually late morning is best so best to close around 3ish if possible

Have you noticed that a lot of shops have big sales over Easter and most long weekends??? Any chance that might be because they worry the business will be quiet and they need something good in order to make the people want to come out and shop??


Legend Member
Weather shops open or not on anzac day I don't care.... but it should be later in the day they open..

I think the morning should be allocated for everyone to attend dawn services etc.

As a mark of respect for those that went to war for us, I feel ANZAC Day is the one day that everything should shut and that we all should spend time with our loved ones.


Legend Member
It's not greed, it's business. And more choices for consumers on public holidays. You wouldn't want to pay premium price for a loaf of bread at the corner deli or the servos. I don't. And having the shops open doesn't twist one's arm to go shopping, it's a free country. I am from Perth, and absolutely want to be able to choose to go shopping on a public holiday.

Unless your buying home brand milk or bread how much more would you be paying at the deli or servo?? And as I asked Kim why not just buy an extra litre of milk or bread the day before a public holiday? The big bakeries don`t bake on public holidays so your bread won`t be any more fresh.


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
I have worked every weekend for about 6months now, and every public holiday, my work was even open xmas day! OUCH!

Thankfully I have thought ahead and requested holidays over Easter and more importantly Anzac day.

I do however feel that more and more people WANT to be able to function as normal on public holidays, so at least just open the shops limited hours or something. Perth is so far behind on this sort of thing!

Although, will admit it is lovely driving to work on a public holiday, and even on sundays, when noone else is! Such a nice change! haha


I think that shops should be able to open everyday (including Xmas day) for at least limited trading - eg after 12pm on Anzac Day and subject to agreement between shops and staff. No one should be forced to work on on a public holiday but plenty of people would be willing. As an atheist I am free of any religious guilt trips and merely believe that consumers should have more choice and better service.


Have you noticed that a lot of shops have big sales over Easter and most long weekends??? Any chance that might be because they worry the business will be quiet and they need something good in order to make the people want to come out and shop??

Lol not even close. Do you work in a food shop in a shopping complex by any chance?

Most long weekends are actually good for trade you know.

As for Easter weekend, I can tell you that Easter Saturday is a ripper of a day. Regardless of sales or not it's always busy. Many retail outlets can't afford big advertising campaigns so they tend to focus on the busiest times of the year. Week(s) around Easter and Christmas. Anzac and Australia day tend to be about 40% down from what I hear around the traps...

The public have spoken and the majority want shops open.

Perhaps we need to bring back the servos shutting at 12 on Saturdays and street lights off after midnight :D

As for the staff, many are given the option and there are many who won't say no to extra money. They still have to get days off remember.


Legend Member
Lol not even close. Do you work in a food shop in a shopping complex by any chance?

Most long weekends are actually good for trade you know.

As for Easter weekend, I can tell you that Easter Saturday is a ripper of a day. Regardless of sales or not it's always busy. Many retail outlets can't afford big advertising campaigns so they tend to focus on the busiest times of the year. Week(s) around Easter and Christmas. Anzac and Australia day tend to be about 40% down from what I hear around the traps...

The public have spoken and the majority want shops open.

Perhaps we need to bring back the servos shutting at 12 on Saturdays and street lights off after midnight :D

As for the staff, many are given the option and there are many who won't say no to extra money. They still have to get days off remember.

Yes I do happen to work in the food industry but it`s not in a major shopping centre thank goodess but I do have friends that work in retail. Have you ever read some of the work agreements these workers have??? Most tell them that they cannot have time off during Easter or Xmas. Some don`t even give them penalty rates for doing so.
Please tell me, when else can a family try to have 3 or 4 days off together without having to try and book holidays from thier work??
What is the harm in a servo closing at 12 on Saturdays??
Is having 5 1/2 days not enough time to make sure you have enough petrol??
If given the choice I would rather spend time with my family, while being paid normal rates then get paid extra and not see them at all.


What is the harm in a servo closing at 12 on Saturdays??
:laughing4 The 70's just called and they want there ideas back!

I've seen a few retail work agreements and its really not all doom and gloom ;) The new laws (start 1st July i think??) are basically designed to work in the favour of employees. If you want them gone you basically have to manage them out without doing anything dodgy.

You wont ever have to pay more for a loaf of bread cause its a public holiday so thats a load of shit.

I have 7 people working for me. They will all get good Friday off. 2 of them want either the whole weekend or certain days off for family time. Thats fine. There's no work agreement forcing them to work easter Sunday or whatever so they are sweet.

The other 5 people (+ me) are happy to work. They get double time and a half, a more relaxed day, no traffic, start later and finish early.

Like i said the public have spoken and let them speak with their wallets cause god only knows retail needs it or there will be a shit load of people out of a job :eek:

I like your threads, so dont take this the wrong way but you don't like daylight savings either do you?
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Langtrees VIP Perth 2

Hi Billybones,

Well sorry buddy, but I agree with a lot of the other opinions that trade over Easter, long weekends is a necessary part of life in today's society. We are probably all a bit spoil, but it is also a great opportunity for those lucky enough to have the time off to go out and have a bit of a shop!

Also, I agree with Kim from Kal that for us shift workers it is great to have the convenience of shops open anytime, long weekend or noty.

Regardless of what we all think,the fact that traditionally trade over these days is a proven success means that I don't see things changing anytime soon.

Happy Easter To All!
Lisa xxx


Full Member
Foundation Member
Whether a store is opened or not outside of the traditional business hours isn't much of an issue for me. I only shop if (a) there's something that I need and (b) if I can afford it. Stores can be open 24 hours a day 7 days a week but, at the end of the day, the market will have the final word.

Anyone in business, provided that they have some clue about running a business, will know whether or not it will be profitable to be opened during non traditional business hours.

The only issues I have with trading outside of the traditional business hours are:
1. Small businesses not being forced out by the "big boys"; and
2. Employees being fairly remunerated.

Fudd :)


Legend Member
I don`t take any reply too much to heart, I think it`s great that we can all share our different view points, that`s the idea of having a discussion forum.:icon_thum

Why WRXXR do you offer to pay your employees more? Is it because you know that most people other then retail workers have the time off and this is an offer of rewarding them for not wanting the time off as well?
If I asked a plumber to come over Easter monday do you think he would come unless he charged more or will my mail still be delivered Monday afternoon?? I think not, is that because the postman is busy enjoying his public holiday doing what he wants to do??
If you agree that the shops should be open then why not get all the other businesses such as banks, government offices, insurance companys, factorys etc to open as well.
Daylight saving don`t bother me but people do seem to end up eating later in the day so a resturant that used to get busy about 6pm now gets busy about 7pm meaning a small food outlet is having to ask thier workers to stay longer (they still have to open at the same time), which is good for the worker but bad for the owner.

In response to Fudd not bothered so long as small businesses is not being forced out by the "big boys". Then tell the "big boys" they have to remain closed and let the public holidays be the time when a small deli can make up for what the "big boys" have been taking off them.

Why is it that if you were to go to somewhere such as Rockingham or Galleria most of the smaller shops are closed on the public holiday?

Why still have public holidays??


Not everyone celebrates it, some of them want other days off instead.


Why WRXXR do you offer to pay your employees more? Is it because you know that most people other then retail workers have the time off and this is an offer of rewarding them for not wanting the time off as well?

Of course its a reward / expectation / demand for working the public holiday. But that said its made clear that working for me includes weekends and public holidays. Not all but at least 50%. If they want to work for me then they'll get well looked after. If not they go look elsewhere (and probably for less money...)

When i plan for a LWE / public holiday I never have problems finding a couple of blokes who want to work. Bit of extra cash or they have nothing planned etc.