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Is it called cheating??


Legend Member
Just a general question to try and get everybodys view point.

We all see w/l for different reasons.. maybe some of us don`t get enough at home or maybe our partner won`t experimint or maybe we are shy and don`t know how to approach some girls...

My question is this... Is it still called cheating if there is no love involved??


Bronze Member
Turn that question on yourself how would you feel if your gf/wife slept with a male worker because they wernt getting what they wantEd from you? What would you call it?


Foundation Member
Short answer is "Yes"

If you don't believe that, try imagining your wife/partner seeing you emerge from a brothel and using the defence "It is o.k. dear, I didn't love her, I just had sex with her". Bill Clinton tried a variation of this one and it didn't do him much good.

We all have our own moral compass and know what is right and wrong. If you must fool around and get that "bit on the side" at least be honest with yourself about what you are doing.


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Any thing you do, that you wouldn't be able to openly tell your significant other is cheating as far as I am concerned.


Hiding the truth from your partner is cheating....Ask yourself what you are doiing there if you cant be open about things what the point.Find someone you can be open with.

Or is the risk half the fun??? Then if thats what floats your boat...Go hard!!!!


I think you can be very much in love with someone, yet not have the sexual satisfaction that you desire. But is a quick fling to scratch the itch cheating? It may well be....but is it ok if no one gets hurt?

p.s. why is it even called cheating? Cheating is what you do in backyard cricket, monopoly and playing chess! You do it to win.


Ooooh! Tough one..

I guess it is if your committed to a relationship.. I however remember when I first got with my current partner. We were still playing around even though we had a 'sort-of-gf/bf' relationship growing at the same time. It wasn't until a year and a bit into our relationship that we decided to fully commit our love and our lust to each other and only each other. We are very much in love now, and my partner doesn't dare think of any other woman.. or so he says. I don't believe him ;).. But I do love him.

I think of having sex with different people (not that often), but never do I act upon such thoughts... Not that long ago though, I probably would have..

I'm not, as of yet, use to being committed so entirely, but I suppose it is something I am still sort of learning to accept.

Mary Anne PA

Any thing you do, that you wouldn't be able to openly tell your significant other is cheating as far as I am concerned.

I agree 100%
We have an open marriage, but if hubby were to have sex with someone and not tell me, Id be very peed off!


Silver Member
Everyone will have their own views on this but as long as you can sleep at night that's all that matters.

Cheating? Not cheating? Right? Wrong? These are all opinions and eveyone has one. No one has a monopoly on morality.


I think the definition depends on you an your partner.
What is cheating to you might not be cheating to your partner and visa versa.
There isnt a 'one size fits all'

Studies do show that women are more inclined to forgive a strictly sexual r/ship (i.e. one night stand) than an emotional r/ship - "The thought of a husband’s connection with another woman, telling her his intimate secrets, without even physically touching her is way worse than a one night fuck.”

Men on the other hand think the physical side of cheating is more painful - "Men are inherently cavemen, and are protective by nature of their possessions.”

I personally think anything done behind my back that you wouldnt tell me openly to my face is not right. To me its all about honesty and communication.

Farm Boy

All wife's would think so, CHEATING + no new shoe's In double shit.Stain on Husbands sole forever So dont get caught.


If i was in a relationship and my partner wanted to sleep with someone else, of course i would be hurt, but i would rather him tell me that he want's to do it than find out after the fact. I have been in the middle of an open marriage and it didn't end well but while it was good all 3 of us got along really well. It was like being the husbands g/f and the wife's bestie. If my partner wanted something similar i'd be ok with it as long as we discussed it and there was equality.


funny how everyone has an opinion on this topic. Here's a question Who says want is right and who say wants is wrong in this country? oops sorry if i step on someones toes!!


It seem that all the women said that "As long you tell me who you see and do, instead I find out later" it's understandable or even forgivable...

Is that really true?

I bet that if the women knew that you are seeing another women .. even a sex worker

YOU pretty much sign your own death warrant for intimacy with your partner.

** Majority of men that pay for sex, doing so without their partner knowledge and if they all stop (Cheating)... won't this impact sex industry.. significantly?


Silver Member
Everybody perceives sex differently. Recreation, or an expression of love, sex with someone other than your partner is a breach of trust. You are 'cheating' on the trust as much as the physical act.
Good thing I am totally amoral.


** Majority of men that pay for sex, doing so without their partner knowledge and if they all stop (Cheating)... won't this impact sex industry.. significantly?

lol can also impact the other way with w/l's seeing more couples


Gold Member
my preference is my wife does it with me and she likes it that way.we both know go out side that it will be the end. however, we have both discuss her picking up a female and that is ok with me i must admit i prefer to be there but can't win them all.


Bronze Member
If we have to lie about our whereabouts and where the hunge went then we're cheating, don't kid yourself


Turn that question on yourself how would you feel if your gf/wife slept with a male worker because they wernt getting what they wantEd from you? What would you call it?

I agree with you Manonfire 200% - Im interested in how you would feel too Billybones? I can give you alot of reasons why it would be cheating...if you feel you have to lie and cheat on your partner then they aren't the one you should be with...my ex wasted 3yrs of my time...Life's too short as it is, live it happily!


Legend Member
What`s my view on this??
Being with someone else apart from your partner is cheating but what if you had a certain fantasy that you knew full well that the other person in your relationship wouldn`t agree with??

Would it not be better to have someone help you with this then have you resent your partner for never allowing you to fulfill this fantasy??

Like a white lie... as long as it never interfered or stopped you loving your partner is there a harm??

Pleasure Me

As everyone has different views it would be wise to consult with your partner and find out their views on cheating first.

If one was to pose the question to their partner and if the partner believes it would be cheating, then yes it is cheating. If they believe it is ok, then no it's not cheating.


Dude... get real!
Put your dick near anyone other than your partner and it's cheating no matter how you try to justify it!
Try finding out / supply what she needs... You'll be surprised at the result!!!


Gold Member
Sore throat = Doctor
Tooth Ache = dentist
Back Ache = Chyro
Knuts Ache + WL

Proffessional services rendered no emotional involvement.
Good Time had by all.

Wot she dont know wont hurt her.