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Internet dating


Perth boy

Never tried it but it looks like it works.

Not that long ago a good friend became single after almost 20 years of marrage. Anyway he likes asian girls and thought he would give the online dating a go. He joined a web site not thinking to much about it. After a few days he checked his email and had over 1000 replys. He deleted most emails and closed his profile.

Anyone tried the online dating?

Tania Admin

Never tried it but it looks like it works.

Not that long ago a good friend became single after almost 20 years of marrage. Anyway he likes asian girls and thought he would give the online dating a go. He joined a web site not thinking to much about it. After a few days he checked his email and had over 1000 replys. He deleted most emails and closed his profile.

Anyone tried the online dating?

I played with on-line dating for a couple of years, it did nothing but cement in my mind the need for the government to spend more money on our Mental Health System, so many crazy dudes on those sites. That's not to say there are some really genuine nice guys on any of the sites, but from my experiences I would suggest other alternatives to find a lovely date.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Yeah......it's something I nearly love as much as spending time with ladies of the industry.


I'd never do it but my mate whos a genuinely good bloke met his gorgeous, problem free (wellas problem free as women can be :p) girlfriend on some dating site


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
A waste of time; - unless you are looking for a wife from Thailand, Russia and any other Eastern block countries in these cases I am sure the sites would work really well.
Now if you are looking for a date or companion, someone to share some time with and you are a mature guy; - you have no chance
If you do not have the car, house and wealth and not forgetting the CEO Job you will never get a reply from a local lady. I am sure there are some genuine mature ladies out there, but all I found was gold diggers and crazy women and I discoverd most profiles are inaccurate (funny about that)
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bebas tugas

Silver Member
I was on-line dating member months ago. I found it really useless!
It has so many fake members who will send you messages (that has only content of "chat now?), winks, admiration or chat request... attempting to make you pay for membership or to make you spend your credit.

If you look carefully, they are usually online all day and they never respond back to you. There are also lots of undesirable members who are not even worth to contact. I guess only 10% or less of the numbers they claim would be the real people.

Don't waste your time and money.


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
My good friend's neighbour (who last year got divorced) joined an on-line dating service.....
well for the last year, she has been on a dating spree - but often after a couple of months
(and once she has invited them into her bedroom... ) they slowly ..fade ....fade.....fade....away...

And I swear they are quite good looking guys too... around their 35-45.... as she is 35.....
she does have 2 girls under the age of 7! Still....she has a great job, has her own home....
nice car.....

we don't understand! Perhaps the guys just want free sex!


Full Member
Foundation Member
....tried it but gave up on it. Either no one responded or, as bebastugas said, just the fakes..... :)

Perth boy

The main response he got was Lady's from the Philippines and most under 30 years. He is in contact with a muture lady in China and she seams to be nice from what he tells me.


Diamond Member
Yes, I believe that was Redhotpie, where they had their employees create fake profiles/accounts and send people winks etc to get them to upgrade to paid member in order to contact them.

Also beware of Nigerian Scammers.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
You know there was a time, when you had to walk into an agency, fill in their forms, have a picture taken of you at the agency, pay your money over the counter and then after a week or a few days they would get back to you with either a list of names and numbers to ring or a social function for you to turn up to. These places where called;-----A dating agency( or similar names). Does anyone know if any these places still exists? I suspect no.
But I am thinking I should start up one again, it could be a great money spinner, because just about everyone who is over 30 knows internet dating is a total waste of time and money;- unless you wish to have a new wifey or Hubby.
If you know of a walk in dating agency; - let me know where, it’s worth the plane ticket, just to have a try again. I knew I should have done the dating agency thing when I was in my 20`s
Pass the Rum and Cheers


Diamond Member
You know there was a time, when you had to walk into an agency, fill in their forms, have a picture taken of you at the agency, pay your money over the counter and then after a week or a few days they would get back to you with either a list of names and numbers to ring or a social function for you to turn up to. These places where called;-----A dating agency( or similar names). Does anyone know if any these places still exists? I suspect no.
But I am thinking I should start up one again, it could be a great money spinner, because just about everyone who is over 30 knows internet dating is a total waste of time and money;- unless you wish to have a new wifey or Hubby.
If you know of a walk in dating agency; - let me know where, it’s worth the plane ticket, just to have a try again. I knew I should have done the dating agency thing when I was in my 20`s
Pass the Rum and Cheers

Are you trying to make a statement here? lol The font got bigger and bigger and went from bold to underline :)


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Thx AsianGuy77;-I guess I did make a statement;- I also suspect all my frustration and anger over this form topic come out;- LOL
PS;- I was checking out the font`s, size and line spaces as well, for future forms;- have a good one Bro;- now where did I put my Rum glass;- Ohh eye


Internet dating sites = Disaster Zone

I'm a punter through and through. But I did it once for a laugh. My profile was intentionally goofy so no one could possible take it seriously. Some woman found my colzilla pic intriguing. She contacted me and I admitted it was a joke and I wasn't interested in dating. She eventually twisted my arm to meet her. We met twice. She was interesting and nice woman but I lost interest when she started playing hard to get.


You know there was a time, when you had to walk into an agency, fill in their forms, have a picture taken of you at the agency, pay your money over the counter and then after a week or a few days they would get back to you with either a list of names and numbers to ring or a social function for you to turn up to. These places where called;-----A dating agency( or similar names). Does anyone know if any these places still exists? I suspect no.
But I am thinking I should start up one again, it could be a great money spinner, because just about everyone who is over 30 knows internet dating is a total waste of time and money;- unless you wish to have a new wifey or Hubby.
If you know of a walk in dating agency; - let me know where, it’s worth the plane ticket, just to have a try again. I knew I should have done the dating agency thing when I was in my 20`s
Pass the Rum and Cheers

There is a walk in dating agency. It's Solutions Matchmaking in Mt Lawley.


In my experience - and in stories compared to others who have tried Internet dating.. there are a LOT of serial daters using Internet dating to prey on vulnerable lonely people to get laid !!! They stalk the same sites over n over and have the same standard automated response which they shoot off to potentials. I could tell you more sickening stories that are true...but that would be crossing the line. Maybe some ppl can make it work for them ???


Yeah I know a WALK IN PLACE - GUARANTEED OF A DATE - for an hour or as long as your payin...its called Langtrees of Perth !!! LOL...satisfaction guaranteed but !!