• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Inadequacy for not conforming to Gender roles?


Diamond Member
Do you ever have a feeling of inadequacy when you don't conform or meet the expectations of societies gender roles?

Ladies do you feel inadequate when societies perception of a good wife/girlfriend is to be able to cook, and you're not even able to boil and egg?

Guys do you feel inadequate when societies perception of a good husband/boyfriend is to be handy around the house and you're not even able to change a light bulb/flat tyre?

What are other gender roles, which when not met are looked down upon by society?

When you are able to cross the gender roles, such as a lady being able to fix things or a guy being able to cook, does that give you sense of satisfaction?


Gold Member
Not a concern for me. I can fix things and also cook.
I see both skills as essential requirement for being a functional and self-sufficient adult.


Legend Member
I am halfway there I can cook but it tastes like a flat tyre with gravy But I can change the smoke alarm which dies regurly from smoke inhalation


Foundation Member
Nah!! I have strengths and weaknesses like everyone else and the nice thing about living is a community is that for everything I can't do there is someone else who can. I can cook, clean and do most minor household repairs but believe the most important skill is knowing when to have a go and when to call an expert.

When I bought a house with a theatre type surround sound system I spent half an hour reading the amplifier's installation screed then called a young man recommended by the company I bought the amp from. He set the thing up in no time flat and saved me from a day of struggling and tearing out what little hair I have left. Money well spent in my book.
I'm not an amazing cook but have enough knowledge and common sense to follow a recipe..

One of my first jobs was in the hardware industry and where I stayed for 7 years. When it comes to home renovations and especially home decorating (painting/colour matching/tinting/advice) I am the man. Pretty handy with a drill too..

I think the one thing that has made me the most self-sufficient is growing up with only Mum through my teenage years and watching her rely on no-one but herself. Such an amazing woman :love4: