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I'm in love with an escort. I really love her as a person, not only as a body to "buy". How do I establish a relationship with her? How do I court her

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Love is often mistaken for addiction brother. And that can often translate into neediness And ironically that’s what can drive beautiful women away

Life is such a maze and I am a student. If anyone can shed light. I’d love to hear it :)


Gold Member
Oh shoot...I am going through this at the moment. I can't stop thinking about her and have told her that as well. I think I am fucked (in more ways than one).
Just think of all the other blokes she’s had before you and after you. It will be the fastest way to get over her my friend.


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
I've been in relationships with WLs that naturally developed on each occasion not through my persuing them.

I needed to be strong of character, no insecurities and be approachable, openly, to discuss anything without their concern it may upset the relationship.

WLs have a life outside escorting which may include, if they choose, being in relationships.

I don't hear it so much these days but in the past some working ladies say they don't do kissing as they want that just for their partner.

Those relationships I was in only moved on through other life events and never because of any angst with the occupation of my partner.

One relationship I had been a client of a private WL who one-day asked if we could start dating. She always paid her own way so wasn't after me for money.

Other occasions it was date first then find out afterwards that they were WLs.

Those close to me say I'm calming to be with and approachable so maybe in part that is why I have been asked into relationships.
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Diamond Member
Don't fall in love with an expert who makes money from love making.
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Silver Member
I've replied to this before and it got me thinking to myself "if I didn't have any money to pay her, would she look at me the same way?".

Reality check will hit you hard hahaha.


Gold Member
Thing is, while I know we pay money to these girls for the sex etc and that there are heaps of blokes that have been there before me, and the girls sure as shit don't really care for us, I really don't care. I just reckon the sex is worth it. I just really love the naked spread eagled Asian lady before me so much (with respect). My little friend gets so much joy and I am there for the ride.

Dood Deleted 66783

How do you court her? Simple really, in fact simple mathematics, arithmetic even!

$500 an hour = $12000 for 24 hours. All boils down to how long you want to court her. She love you loooong time!


Silver Member
What can you offer her that she hasn't been offered already! Working ladies have alot of men from all walks of life and im sure this one is no different. If you want to test the waters and can handle being in love with a woman that fucks other men all day. Ask her on a date tell her how you feel. Im sure she will let you know if there is a chance she wants more than yiur money.


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
What can you offer her that she hasn't been offered already! Working ladies have alot of men from all walks of life and im sure this one is no different. If you want to test the waters and can handle being in love with a woman that fucks other men all day. Ask her on a date tell her how you feel. Im sure she will let you know if there is a chance she wants more than yiur money.
There is quite a lot that can be offered to a WL and a lot they appreciate from a relationship that can’t be offered through their work. I’ve been in relationships with working ladies and ours worked fine. Maybe tone your perception down too that they ‘fuck other men all day’. Have some respect.


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
Here’s a great old thread on this very heart felt topic. I hope this helps.

Yoda I valued reading that thread, it was a cause of reflection for me. I discovered so much more about you too.

Being in my current volunteer role as a forum moderator, I am aware I walk in the shadow of giants who trod this trail before me. I’m not the best for this role but I put my hand up at a challenging time.

I am 100% thankful for the relationships I’ve had with working ladies, no regrets. If it presents as an opportunity again, naturally without seeking, I’ll be into it in a heartbeat.

Much respect Yoda.


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
My bad they have sex with other men all day!
Working ladies are infinitely more than sex as they can explain better than me.
They often find themselves being councilors, psychotherapist the list goes on. Can be a very draining profession.
I think they deserve more respect than just been seen as sex providers. By default they become much more than just that.


Working ladies are infinitely more than sex as they can explain better than me.
They often find themselves being councilors, psychotherapist the list goes on. Can be a very draining profession.
I think they deserve more respect than just been seen as sex providers. By default they become much more than just that.
They are also very good actresses and story tellers


Gold Member
I saw a girl for close to a year after being a customer for a few massages.

It didn’t work out because I asked if it would be ok for me to still head out for a R&T occasionally and she got pissed off and she thought of it as cheating.

I disagreed and she eventually couldn’t deal with the fact I was still keen to head out for a R&T from time to time.


Silver Member
I saw a girl for close to a year after being a customer for a few massages.

It didn’t work out because I asked if it would be ok for me to still head out for a R&T occasionally and she got pissed off and she thought of it as cheating.

I disagreed and she eventually couldn’t deal with the fact I was still keen to head out for a R&T from time to time.
Wow! Its funny how she would see it that way!


Legend Member
I saw a girl for close to a year after being a customer for a few massages.

It didn’t work out because I asked if it would be ok for me to still head out for a R&T occasionally and she got pissed off and she thought of it as cheating.


Perhaps she was pissed that you were paying for it elsewhere ... maybe she could have compromised by charging you for services at home ... :cool:


Gold Member
Perhaps she was pissed that you were paying for it elsewhere ... maybe she could have compromised by charging you for services at home ... :cool:
I actually used to go see her at work sometimes and pay. It was fun.

She saw it as her job, it was how she made a living and I was cool with that but outside of work she didn’t see other people and felt I shouldn’t either.

TBH She had a good point.


Gold Member
Double standards
No compromise
Control freak
There everywhere these days male and female
All three of those points are 100% wrong.
We gave it a go, it didn’t work out.

She certainly wasn’t a control freak, she was and still is a very kind hearted and generous individual.