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If you could have seen the future...


Legend Member
If you happened to meet a genie that gave you the chance to go back to your younger years what is the one thing you wish you could have done differently???

I`m going to cheat and say a couple...

Had I known how much money I had wasted on booze and clubbing I don`t think I would spend quite as much and would have listened more when I was told it`s better to save your money...

Another thing would have been to study more about computers... When I was in high school anybody that spent thier time glued to a computer screen was called a GEEK... Who would have thought that computers were one day going to run the world...

Yet another thing... How nice it would be to be 18 again and travel, knowing when you got back you still had the comfort of knowing you could always stay with your parents...

kim of kal

Senior Member
Foundation Member
Oh to go back in time to my younger years :) I would loved to of travelled more and studied a lot more about computers.


I spend a lot of money on partying and people always that I have nothing to show for it but to me thats not true I have a lot of awesome memories so its soo worth it.


Legend Member
I would ask the genie for a sexy looking female genie who would grant me 3 wishes everyday and don't bother taking me back to my younger years. Only now and the future matters.

Farm Boy

I would marry Farm Girl 10 years before i did . money no problem cause I know whats coming ,Nickle boom house boom gold 1980 iron ore 90s bet on the footy ect.


Would have bought shares in pathetic little companies no one had heard of like Microsoft, Apple, Pfizer, land in yet be built suburbs ranging anywhere after Glendalough in the North to after Como in the South.

Oh sorry, one thing only - okay, shares then.


You cant put a older/wiser head on a young shoulders thats for sure.
I watched a doco and they asked some ppl what they would do if they were younger and this is how it went.
60 yr old i wish i invested in property 10 yrs ago
50yr old said the same thing 10 yrs before and it went down to someone who was 10 yrs old(no shit true story) and they said the wish they did it at 5 yrs old! so the moral of the story it can be down at any age to invest or save.
I wish i sleept with more women when i was younger but im making up for it ATM,lol.


I wish I'd listened to my mech workshop teacher who told me 15 years ago that mining is going to be the way of the future.

Listen to my parents who told me property first then fast cars, bikes and the women that follow them! "the housing market is going to boom"


The future's a long time WRX, so mining's story has yet to be fully told - many experts reckon Australia's resources will run out in 65 years at most. And then this'll be a country in trouble unless it's got other resources to rely on ranging from new technology, people, geopolitical shifts etc.

I suspect Australian children of today will be the last to live off the mineral miracle. After that, their children will have very different lives.


Hmmmm would have sold a whole lot of shares before the Black Monday stockmarket crash and then bought them again 3 days after.

Sold them again on Sept 10th 2001 and bought them again one month later.

Agree about the point of working for oneself WR. That being said, working for oneself - depending on the skill and work isn't that great either. A friend who's a computer technician says there are some days when he doesn't talk to another human being for almost 3 days except to say "Can I have a flat white and a round of sandwiches please?" until he gets home.