• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Ideas for improving this site.


Diamond Member
Well a new year is just around the corner and I am hoping for bigger and brighter things for this site and not a large red truck coming around the corner.

Okay let's be positive and say what you like about this site and what you would like on here to make this a better site?

It is a useless exercise if we all write what we hate about this site.

Just for the record. Nobody has asked me to put up this thread. And nobody has offered me anything to put up this thread.

Yes you are right I am just a crazy old man who can see this could be the best site on the net.

Okay reader over to you.


Gold Member
Overall I quite like the website and the way it works, BUT it would be nice to have a chat app that works...

In sites that I have built in the past I have used phpfreechat ( phpFreeChat - Web2.0 AJAX free chat server - Latest news ) It is not the most fantastic solution in the world, but can be integrated easily with most forums (I believe there are instructions for vBulletin on the website) and can be customised easily with css to match the site themes.

Ok... I'll put the geek speak away for now... :)


Diamond Member
Thank you CathyDomme. See dear reader, it was not that hard and I am sure it did not hurt a bit.

Seriously we should all be happy someone was willing to say their piece. It would be grand if one of the Gods on this site would reply. As we all know it takes two to Tango.

I agree that a good chat would help us all to get to know each better. So thats two members making a comment. I wonder if there will be any more?


Whilst it is a great idea calling for improvement suggestions ....it's still a matter of getting the ideas acted upon. Good luck with that!!


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Yeah it would be real good if the site got some life back into it..


Diamond Member
Yes now that is three replies,so it shows some in here do care.

Where are the moderators with their comments?

For this site to have life we need comments from everybody. Yes even you dear reader.


Gold Member
The site has everything it could ever need to have, the chat works now, vbull has a lot of things going for it, if you wanted to dress your profile up you could (I've just had a crack at mine), there is the visitor messages and friend networking things on it, photo albums etc.
It's up to the membership to make something of it.


Gold Member
Actually to edit that, it looks like we don't have the option to edit our profiles too much. Just add a back ground pic. That's something the admins might like to give us the option of doing.
There are options to start social groups, where you can control membership, or not, if you wanted.


Diamond Member
Great post fifoboy! A very positive comment and also puts the ball in our court to ensure this becomes the number one site on the net.

And yes also a little something for our moderators to play with.

Now thats four who have made a comment. Okay dear reader, yes... it is now your turn.


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
To right B.G. when the old A.E forum was at it's best was when the owner was putting in alot of time and effort.

There would always be some kind of comp going on and there were alot of reviews of girls as you were rewarded with B/P's which could be used as dollars off your next visit to X or if you had an escort lady visit you..

Sadly she passed away and so did the forum go downhill after, So it certainly makes a difference when the owner or moderators get involved alot more than they do on here.

I am not putting anybody down just stating some facts, I realise that there is alot of effort needed, and if that can't be done by the owner then someone should be doing that job for her..only my two cents worth..


Diamond Member
Thank you happytimes, it is good to reflect what was good so if possible it can be continued.

I agree there must be a lot of work trying to maintain this site. However the more this site improves, more the chance people would offer to help.

I am sure everybody would agree this thread so far has been positive.


So it certainly makes a difference when the owner or moderators get involved alot more than they do on here.

It depends on time to. People have lives outside of the internet. Hell id love to spend more time online but women, kids, work, houses, Corona etc etc etc also need time. Im sure the Mods would love to dedicate more time if they could.

As for upgrading chats etc etc, i assume there is a cost to that? How does a site such as this manage to fund upgrades etc? Membership fee's wont work as only 3-5 % of current users will pay up...the rest will use the free sections or move on to different sites and i doubt too many new members will pay. There is also the difficulty of some guys hiding a payment from a c/c etc to Langtrees LOL ive not tested it before, but i reckon my girl would want an answer or 2 :)
Is there a donation option? If you like the site, put a couple of bucks in and help it on the way.


Diamond Member
Hello Everyone,
Thanks for your feedback and support.

As I mentioned to you in the previous PM we are waiting on some funding for this site before we can implement competitions and events.

This is a FREE site and here is a little run down on the running costs.

Vbulletin License $300 per Year
Perth Based Server ($400 per month)
Perth Based FLASH server ($200 per month) (this makes the webcam work in chat)
and the cost of paying someone to maintain/prune the site ($500 per month)

At the moment, our Google Ad Words are generating around $2 - 3 per day.

Next Year, I plan to rename the Forum.
I'm considering going back to adultforums.com.au as we do own the domain and its currently acting as a portal page to redirect visitors to talkinsex.com.
As for the site being associated with Langtrees.com - Australia's Premier Escort Directory this will soon slowly change. Langtrees.com will still be a major sponsor of the new forum, however instead of appearing as the the Langtrees Official Forum, it will be replaced with the name "Adult Forums"

Bluegrass9 - Thanks for creating this post. Alot of you have raised some very valid points. When I Super PM everyone we jump from just on 1000 visitors a day to 2500 - 3000. This would indicate to me that people also like communicating privately.

CathyDomme - We paid just over $2000 US dollars for our current chat system.
This alows video chat, private messages and the integration to our Vbulletin Forum
Using your existing username and passwords. Unfortunately you do have to retype those
credentials in, as this server and the flash chat server are 2 separate servers. It
still however stops the need for a new signup.

If we have any further suggestions for competitions or prizes please let me know.
SirStefan also discussed the possibility of organizing a monthly get together.
This would be fantastic, but again takes time to organize and $$ to put together.

As for the "Pussy Pic Comp" we were going to run, I had just on 23 separate PM's from people saying
"Everyone will just google image search a nice looking pussy, and it will be a porn stars pussy we'll vote on"
Which did raise a slight issue.

So, Opening the Forum up for suggestion once again, what improvements/recommendation would you like to see ?



As for the "Pussy Pic Comp" we were going to run, I had just on 23 separate PM's from people saying
"Everyone will just google image search a nice looking pussy, and it will be a porn stars pussy we'll vote on"
Which did raise a slight issue.


Easy to get around...im happy to be the official Photographer! For verification purposes of course :D

as for get togethers....pretty easy mate and no cost. Just announce somewhere and a date and time. Like a bar or something?


Diamond Member
Thank you Aaron for taking the time to post on this thread. By your actions it has shown beyond any doubt that this site has the possibilities of being the best on the net.

And more important all our ideas have not gone to deaf ears, so it is not a waste of time to give our suggestions. Thank you to all those who have posted their ideas and to all those who will post their ideas and suggestions. the secret is when you post be positive. And even better if have a solution more than just showing a problem.

So all those, yes you too hiding in the corner come on put your ideas on this thread and one day you be able to say you made Langtrees into the best site on the net.

Recently I joined a forum and in my email box an email from the greeting person welcoming me to the site and a basic guide how to use all the areas that were available and yes I did feel very special. Of course I realize it was just a standard email everyone receives but it was great customer service.
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Diamond Member
Oh sorry but I have not finished yet. Curious1 what a wonderful person you are offering to fall to your knees and to click your camera for the comp. I am if you get the job will supply you a pair of knee pads.

And your idea meeting at a bar a great idea. However a coffee at a cafe I would be nervous and most know why.

I have to admit I am not willing to pay a membership fee to be able to use this forum as there are many free ones out there. However having the opportunity to donate is a good idea. I believe those who donate should not be mentioned as it only puts pressure on those who do not want too.


Not sure having an official photographer would work all that well...not everyone can be available in the one place. It isn't all that hard to identify a "net" pic really. How about a validation code or word...all pics must contain a sign of the given code or word??

Another address change ho hum well at least we have been pre-warned this time...
The talk about improvement is great but lets see something happen!! It's all getting rather boring.

As for the get togethers...cost for the forum??? It doesn't have to be that way...a place and time can be nominated and people pay their own way should they wish to attend...ideas for the next venue can be part of the talking point. Anything worth doing takes time...that's life and part of what makes it successful.

I admit that it is probably going to be harder to obtain a great site status given the problems and issues of the past....reluctant oldies (said with love) have heard it all before....
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Diamond Member
Thank you TemptMe and yes what you can could be true if we let it but I for one and a growing number of others are up for the challenge to have this place the site to go to. I agree we must be positive and not let the negative thoughts take control. It is amazing what one can do with a positive mind.

I agree alas the official photographer was more a little tongue in cheek and I believe not even the photographer believed it would happen. But then again he may have the opportunity to photo a get-together one time.

I live in Canberra so maybe we need a social branch in each state. I can not see myself flying to Perth even if promised to be taken to bed by ten sexy ladies. Okay we all know I would walk there with an offer of that.

But seriously I have been trained at great expense to the department when I was still working how to be an internal facilitator. And the truth is people have great ideas and can move mountains if given the right environment to let their brain juices ooze out. Then the ideas need to be documented and then a action date marked for when that item will be addressed.

So this thread has already some great ideas and later we can dot point form the suggestions and a suggestion date when they were done or to be done. Of course not all will be but we can all work together to try to have the majority happen.

So dear reader no excuses for not suggesting your ideas or thoughts. I promise you it will not hurt and who knows it may become a highlight of the site.


I live in Canberra so maybe we need a social branch in each state. I can not see myself flying to Perth even if promised to be taken to bed by ten sexy ladies.

I would walk across the country to swim across the ocean for that opportunity!!! :)

Temptme, 'I admit that it is probably going to be harder to obtain a great site status given the problems and issues of the past".
What happened so badly in the past thatwill stop this forum/club from going further in the future???


Diamond Member
The last post reminds me that we should thank all the early members of this site who have worked hard to keep it here. They have done a great job and all it really needs is a little spit and polish. So thank you to all those who have been through the pain and have tried to point it into the right direction and waiting for this site to become what it has potential to be.... Fantastic.


Hello.:)Okay let's be positive and say what you like about this site and what you would like on here to make this a better site?:)

It is a useless exercise if we all write what we hate about this site. :)


Yes.:)But seriously I have been trained at great expense to the department when I was still working how to be an internal facilitator.:) And the truth is people have great ideas and can move mountains if given the right environment to let their brain juices ooze out. http://johnbzu5ke.weebly.com


Thank you TemptMe and yes what you can could be true if we let it but I for one and a growing number of others are up for the challenge to have this place the site to go to.:)
I agree we must be positive and not let the negative thoughts take control. :)


Hi.:)I agree alas the official photographer was more a little tongue in cheek and I believe not even the photographer believed it would happen.:) But then again he may have the opportunity to photo a get-together one time.:)