• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

I would like to help but...


Legend Member
Again the world seems to be getting more and more crazy. A lot of places these days are calling out for people to help whether it be with food, money, helping with school activitys or even a bit of first aid...

The reason people don`t help...
For some it is a fear of being sued or worse. There are so many reports these days about how someone has tried to help but ended up needing help themselves.
A couple recent examples that come to mind are.
1. Somebody has stopped to try and break up a fight only for the both the people fighting to attack them instead.

2. Somebody has decided to help a person in a broken down car yet then not being seen they are hit by another car.

3. Somebody shares thier food with another, then that person has an allergic reaction and blames the person that shares.

4. At work if somebody was to get hurt nobody can help unless that have been first aid trained to the company standards for fear of the company being sued.

It`s no wonder we are getting more and more hesitant about helping others.

Also has anybody else read the article about the little girl being burnt by some hot water???
Seems she was getting some hot noodles by a P&C volunteer at her school when the water dropped and she sadly burnt her legs. The school is willing to pay for the medical costs but now the parents want money for pain and suffering as well. Well done for the school agreeing to pay the medical costs but sadly as for pain and suffering... accidents are accidents.

Alecia the Foxx

Well, it really depends on why you want to help. If you want to help because it's the right thing to do then ...


It seems the only way to help without a risk is giving money to people/charitys I don;t really see how that could backfire but maybe it could??

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
I find this thread very depressing & a huge pet hate! seriously why do you need to even think of all the negatives?? negative is what negative does-fuck all.We should help each other out always, simply for the fact that it's the right thing to do!


Thankyou Dylan! Just because some parts of society might have gone off, doesn't mean we all have to follow suit...


Legend Member
I find this thread very depressing & a huge pet hate! seriously why do you need to even think of all the negatives?? negative is what negative does-fuck all.We should help each other out always, simply for the fact that it's the right thing to do!

I agree that we need to help everybody as much as we can but for others it seems in some situations they are willing to help but as soon as it goes pair shaped one starts to blame the other.
If you are recieving help then please understand it is being given from somebodys heart and for those that give the help please remember it comes from your heart...

Just be happy that you or somebody has tried to help...

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Helping people when they are in need like at an accident scene or something as simple as picking up an apple for someone who does not have a free hand from carrying too much stuff is natural instinct for mowst of us.

WHen it comes to all the crazy shit in the world thats happening on a global scale, I'd rather not focus on it thus not giving it any energy. Everytime there is a war of terror, drugs, violence, and it gets pumped up by the media, the collective attention these issues get actually creates more of it.


Legend Member
Most people are good at heart. You only have to look at the recent bravery awards.
People from all walks of life stopping to do the right thing From the lady in Gero who pulled the young woman from a burning car to Danny Green helping a bloke from a rip.
It seems a natural thing
Then as billybones said we see the other side of our nature when the chance of
an easy buck raises its ugly head. People wont take responsibility for their actions anymore.
I went to collect my neice from primary school recently All the schoolyard equipment from my days at the same school are gone Monkey bars etc because kids fall and hurt themselves But surely that is what kids do.My old mums first aid kid was mostly bandaids and iodine for stubbed toes & scraped knees


Legend Member
Most people are good at heart. You only have to look at the recent bravery awards.
People from all walks of life stopping to do the right thing From the lady in Gero who pulled the young woman from a burning car to Danny Green helping a bloke from a rip.
It seems a natural thing
Then as billybones said we see the other side of our nature when the chance of
an easy buck raises its ugly head. People wont take responsibility for their actions anymore.
I went to collect my neice from primary school recently All the schoolyard equipment from my days at the same school are gone Monkey bars etc because kids fall and hurt themselves But surely that is what kids do.My old mums first aid kid was mostly bandaids and iodine for stubbed toes & scraped knees

Miranda Fox

I have stopped to help after a single car accident ( which the lady died instantly ) .
It was Boxing Day and there was a lot of cars on the road but no one could keep going as her car was upside down across the road.
I redirected traffic until the Police arrived.



Legend Member
Good on you Miranda Must be a shock to the system, going to help
and finding it to be a fatal accident.

Miranda Fox

Well happy2 there is nothing one can do
if someone dies instantly now is there ?

Boxing Day at 4.30pm in the afternoon ! Maybe she fell asleep, maybe she had a heart attack.
At least people stopped and helped anyway they could until the right authorities got there.


Legend Member
Agree with Happy2 in congratulating Miranda in stopping. I can remember rolling my car a few years ago. Lucky for me I was ok and able to get out but as I waited patiently on the other side of the road for a tow truck so many cars drove past but not one stopped.


Legend Member
billybones your experience is becoming more common. I live in a small
community and your accident would have been attended nigh on instantly
And even Perth 20yrs ago you wouldn't have been ignored.
And to think this is the age of the SNAG & metrosexuals yet often the person who stops to help is just an ordinary bloke or woman. Many of them salt of the earth types who often look a bit rough And you might not approach in the pub (City Pub of course)

Farm Boy

I bet this young man appreciated a hand when stuck.

A YOUNG man, intent on taking a shortcut home, spent a night
trapped in lake mud up to his neck before being winched free today.

A passerby spotted the victim, 21, trapped about 200 feet (60m) from the edge of Lake Joondalup in West Australia's state capital, Perth, about 6:30am local time.


Legend Member
billybones your experience is becoming more common. I live in a small
community and your accident would have been attended nigh on instantly
And even Perth 20yrs ago you wouldn't have been ignored.
And to think this is the age of the SNAG & metrosexuals yet often the person who stops to help is just an ordinary bloke or woman. Many of them salt of the earth types who often look a bit rough And you might not approach in the pub (City Pub of course)

Was only just talking to my step mum the other day about what happened and she agreed with you completely... My folks live in the country and she told me the story about how she and the old man once had a flat tyre on the way home. Pulled over on the side of the road they waited what seemed like ages when out of nowhere some rough looking bloke pulled up, helped them change the tyre and after refusing my fathers offer of money to say thanks was on his way. A couple weeks later they saw the same guy in town. It was then that they found out he was the local youth leader... :eek:ccasion14