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I want a pet snake!!!



They are the easiest pet but be aware of the costs. For a decent enclosure and snake your looking at 2k+. Just get a childrens python or something.

Best bet in Perth is one of the Pet City stores. They will sort you out if your serious.


Legend Member
Make sure you get a license from DEC first though the fines can be damn steep
Pet City have a good range of reptiles and can help you fill out forms etc Though the DEC are normally pretty good


Legend Member
Not sure if it`s still there but there used to be a place called Reptile world towards Rockingham way.
Try looking up Brian Bush, he does exhibits these days for shopping centres and he may be able to help...


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Just curiosity...........Why do you want a snake?


A baby snake slithered into my laundrey the other day... He wont be my pet if I find him.

I'm hissed off.


Legend Member
I spent months trying to get a carpet snake to make the shed home And all everyone else wants to to do is kill or hold them captive in a glass case All illegal by the way Especially without a license justlookin


Just curiosity...........Why do you want a snake?

They make really great pets. Don't require lots of attention, don't make much of a mess and a decent enclosure looks really good. Easy to look after and maintain.

There's no reason not to get a license. Its easy and hardly a big expense when your looking at 2k++ worth of snake and tank


Foundation Member
Snakes are not the easiest pet to look after. They need a proper enclosure and temperature control is critical. A friend of mine had one die on him when it wrapped itself around the heat lamp and fried itself. Another one escaped in his car and was never seen again. I think he has now sold his enclosure.

Lilly Sweetheart

F*ck that sh*t!

I can't look at them when I walk past them in the pet shop!

*Note to self DO NOT do an outcall to Justlookin's!*


Snakes are not the easiest pet to look after. They need a proper enclosure and temperature control is critical. A friend of mine had one die on him when it wrapped itself around the heat lamp and fried itself. Another one escaped in his car and was never seen again. I think he has now sold his enclosure.

Any form of heating applicance can cause burning or death to its users but these days companies like exoterra and reptile one have put in huge amounts of RnD to try and make lamps / rocks / cords as safe as possible. Some of the off the shelf enclosures are very good as well but sometimes things just dont work out.

I think with all exotic or difficult to keep pets, you really need to start properly rather than try and take short cuts. Doing this meets the animals needs, maximises success and ultimately ensures an animal lives a good life. I learnt this the hard way very early on with my marine aquariums

A friend of mine had a Stimmie for her young bloke, still in primary school and it had a fantastic temperament. More than happy to "escape" when given a chance but it always came back. Really good pet.


JustLookin and Lilly,

Most men already have a pet snake - the one eyed trouser snake!


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy; - You think having a pet snake is a lot of work, try having a Parrot. For a start they get all jealous and talk back to people, Damm I lose by best W/L due to my Parrot. Ohhh well Yeee gotto Luv Your Pets.


Legend Member
Ahoy; - You think having a pet snake is a lot of work, try having a Parrot. For a start they get all jealous and talk back to people, Damm I lose by best W/L due to my Parrot. Ohhh well Yeee gotto Luv Your Pets.

Its the parrots running commentary that causes the problem HP
Careful with the hook Captain Ye found the the Treasure box Cap'n Pieces of 8 pieces of 8 Thar she blows Squawk

Put anyone off

Tania Admin

Anyone know where I can get a pet snake (non venomous)?

Snakes make great pets, and there is something about when you have them draped on you feeling their smoothness that is soothing. I would recommend having a look on Gumtree or other similar sites, generally they come with an enclosure and it's the cheapest way to go. Be sure to ask the owner if they have ever given the snake live mice/rats, because this really can make a difference in the temperament of the snake (they tend to be a little aggressive if they have had live feeds). Good luck with your search :)


Thats actually a condition of the licenses these days saying you wont feed live food but im sure there are owners out there breeding their own mice and rats.


Gold Member
I've kept them before on license in NSW. Set ups aren't too bad. A vivarium home made costs about $200, dimming thermostat $100, accessories another $100. As stated snakes are easy to keep. Feed em once a week. They poop once a week and that's about it. They need a warm end and cool end to their enclosure. Which is pretty simple to set up. I'm really after something nicer than the ugly Australian pythons available in WA. There are corn snakes are red tailed boa's here. But it's a bit of an underground trade and trying to source an animal isn't easy. I'm not fussed. If I don't find one then ill go the licensed route and get a carpet python or something.


Legend Member
Pet city in Cockburn have a adult Woma python for sale So I was told this morning
Though of course they wont sell without a category 4 license


Legend Member
Women often say theyd love to keep my snake as their pet, but it cant be kept locked up. It needs to live free range :(

Tania Admin

Thats actually a condition of the licenses these days saying you wont feed live food but im sure there are owners out there breeding their own mice and rats.

Very true it is a condition of the license and correct there are people who breed their own mice and rats, though not all of them feed them live to their snakes. I once dated a guy down Freo way who was feeding his snake live mice and rats.


Gold Member
Feeding live is silly. Plus expensive. It's cheaper to get the dead male chicks from hatcheries to feed snakes.


Foundation Member
I've had Mr hiss for nearly 7 years now and he's grown from 120cm to approx 170cm. made the enclosure my self . shut off thermostats rant expensive and neither are timers. heat is provided by a 150w floodlights from bunnings and light from a 4ft fluro. feed once a fortnight when warm and once a month when cooler. don't feed for 2 months in the middle of winter


Legend Member
Snakes are not the easiest pet to look after. They need a proper enclosure and temperature control is critical. A friend of mine had one die on him when it wrapped itself around the heat lamp and fried itself. Another one escaped in his car and was never seen again. I think he has now sold his enclosure.

I would have sold the car !


Gold Member
I've had Mr hiss for nearly 7 years now and he's grown from 120cm to approx 170cm. made the enclosure my self . shut off thermostats rant expensive and neither are timers. heat is provided by a 150w floodlights from bunnings and light from a 4ft fluro. feed once a fortnight when warm and once a month when cooler. don't feed for 2 months in the middle of winter

What kind of snake is it?