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I screwed my mate’s wife and feel bad


Perth boy

I screwed my mate’s wife and feel bad

My best mate is away and last night I screwed his wife. I don’t know if I can face him when he returns. Should I tell him?????
Now before you start thinking I’m a real prick for doing this I’ll give you some back ground.
We have been wife swapping for a while now and we are all very open about what is going on in our heads. We always play with all 4 in the same room and it’s been a lot of fun. Now when I went away last month I (being a good guy) gave them all permission to do a 3some while I way overseas and they did. My mate told me when I returned that he new by accepting this that he was also obligated to allow me to do the same with the girls and at the time was fine with that.
Yesterday morning he phoned his wife and said while he was away he was not comfortable with us doing a 3some. However last night me and the girls got into a 3some. Me and Perth girl not knowing about this phone call. Yes my mate’s wife didn’t tell us that he changed his mind. This girl would have to be one of the horniest girls I have come across and she is very much into me. Her husband and I are the only guys she has been with and it’s a great frill for her.
She told us when we had finished our 3some not to tell her husband. WTF I said what do you mean. She then told us about the phone call. I got to say I’m a bit pissed off with her I would have never done it behind his back and I am feeling very uncomfortable.

What do I do??? Do I tell him or leave it. I would hate to not say anything and he finds out later.


Legend Member
wow...i didnt think this would happen in real life...wife swap. Ok i been living inside a well. lol...

This is very hard, when you know both of them very well and one says keep it to ourselves when the other revoked his permission. Gonna be tough either way. I normally go with my gut feeling on this, being a guy.

I guess a group discussion needed among you 4. Because mainly it's not your fault that it happened, the wife only tells you later that the husband changed his mind. So the wife will need to take most of the responsibility of not letting you guys know beforehand.


Ouch hunni....being in relationships in the past were "swinging" was apart of our lifestyle, I have learnt much and rule number one is never play without all partners present...even if you think it is going to be ok it can bring up unknown issues...if not for you then someone and it is easier to avoid anything that will hurt your partner or those play friends.....relationships and peoples feelings always come way ahead of play!

But your bf wife, that was underhanded and honesty always the best policy...I would speak to the bf wife and express if she doesn't tell him you will have to..AS IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Its easy, if you were in his shoes you would want to know. Its one thin the deceit of one but the deceit of all three.....too much!

I screwed my mate’s wife and feel bad

My best mate is away and last night I screwed his wife. I don’t know if I can face him when he returns. Should I tell him?????
Now before you start thinking I’m a real prick for doing this I’ll give you some back ground.
We have been wife swapping for a while now and we are all very open about what is going on in our heads. We always play with all 4 in the same room and it’s been a lot of fun. Now when I went away last month I (being a good guy) gave them all permission to do a 3some while I way overseas and they did. My mate told me when I returned that he new by accepting this that he was also obligated to allow me to do the same with the girls and at the time was fine with that.
Yesterday morning he phoned his wife and said while he was away he was not comfortable with us doing a 3some. However last night me and the girls got into a 3some. Me and Perth girl not knowing about this phone call. Yes my mate’s wife didn’t tell us that he changed his mind. This girl would have to be one of the horniest girls I have come across and she is very much into me. Her husband and I are the only guys she has been with and it’s a great frill for her.
She told us when we had finished our 3some not to tell her husband. WTF I said what do you mean. She then told us about the phone call. I got to say I’m a bit pissed off with her I would have never done it behind his back and I am feeling very uncomfortable.

What do I do??? Do I tell him or leave it. I would hate to not say anything and he finds out later.


Silver Member
To true SEXY SAIGE,I have been in a similar situation back when I was walking..lol.
And as hard as it maybe the Truth is the best.:la:


Silver Member
Mate, you really are a 'good fella' ha. There is no need to feel guilt at all, especially if the lady in question told you this after doing the act. You and your missus got in the act 'in good faith' with no prior indication whatsoever from your guy friend that he dissaproved. He could have told you that himself. In fact, he hinted to the opposite before when you left yourself - that he would give you permission to have threesomes when he was away as you had done.

'The right thing to do' as per the posts above is truly 'the right thing to do'. But think about the consequences confronting your friend may bring. Especially when you are absolutely NOT to blame for anything. Your friend, filled with emotion, may not see things as clearly as an outsider. Is your friendship that strong that you are willing to risk the further existence of your well-beloved foursomes? If your missus feels bad then maybe but if she is willing not to say anything I would say nothing myself.

And your friend is kinda greedy. Whatever happened with 'thou should share with your neighbour'?

Keep us informed and if all you guys ever come to NT let me know :eek:ccasion14


Its a fucked up situation but I'd be upfront and tell him.

Even if it means loosing him. Sometimes, people play with fire and they get burnt but at least you have a clear conscious and aren't lying to your best mate.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
Tricky...unfortunately in situations like this, you'll often be perceived to be the bad guy even though your not.
I think you need to follow your own truth on this one. There is no right answer and possibly no good outcome.

Have you discussed it with your wife > what are her thoughts ?


Is your friendship that strong that you are willing to risk the further existence of your well-beloved foursomes? If your missus feels bad then maybe but if she is willing not to say anything I would say nothing myself.

And your friend is kinda greedy. Whatever happened with 'thou should share with your neighbour'?

ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? I hope we are never friends, who would put play time as much loved as it is that is easily replaceable in front of your best friend???

Keep us informed and if all you guys ever come to NT let me know :eek:ccasion14[/QUOTE]


Gold Member
Screw her again before you tell him, you might not get another chance.

Actually it is not your problem.
Let her tell him she is the one that did the wrong.
Just shut up about her telling you and act if it is normal.

How can he blame you and your wife if his wife didnt tell you.

Don't sweat the petty stuff.

The Whilom

Perth boy

I am going to talk to his wife and suggest she tell him want happen. Its her problem and I dont really care if the 4some keeps happening or not. Its great fun and a first for all of us but his friendship and hers for that matter means more to me. The main problem I see is him with his wife.


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I am going to talk to his wife and suggest she tell him want happen. Its her problem and I dont really care if the 4some keeps happening or not. Its great fun and a first for all of us but his friendship and hers for that matter means more to me. The main problem I see is him with his wife.
Very true, Perth boy, I think that is the best thing to do. She caused the chaos so she should get a chance to sort it out. It sounds like they (your mate and his wife) do have a few issues to deal with and maybe her mis-use of his trust is just the tip of the iceberg. If he is really as good a friend as you think your friendship with him should not be effected.
Keep my fingers crossed that you all get it sorted and solved in the best possible way. WOW.......what a story.........


Tania Admin

Ouch hunni....being in relationships in the past were "swinging" was apart of our lifestyle, I have learnt much and rule number one is never play without all partners present...even if you think it is going to be ok it can bring up unknown issues...if not for you then someone and it is easier to avoid anything that will hurt your partner or those play friends.....relationships and peoples feelings always come way ahead of play!

But your bf wife, that was underhanded and honesty always the best policy...I would speak to the bf wife and express if she doesn't tell him you will have to..AS IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Its easy, if you were in his shoes you would want to know. Its one thin the deceit of one but the deceit of all three.....too much!

I have to agree with you on all points there Saige..The wife has to tell him, playtime is definitely its both partners present, and bad enough his wife's actions and deceit, let alone not trusting your friends in what is obviously a tight knit group, he will feel something is wrong when you all get together next, and if you are all honest about itstraight up he might be ok with it..


You have to tell your mate about your side even if her wife insists not to. It would make you more at peace when you tell him the truth. After all it isn't your fault..


Legend Member
I am going to talk to his wife and suggest she tell him want happen. Its her problem and I dont really care if the 4some keeps happening or not. Its great fun and a first for all of us but his friendship and hers for that matter means more to me. The main problem I see is him with his wife.

True true...but his wife may not want to risk telling him, adults are pretty much like kids...


Legend Member
I think it is fair sine they had a threesome first. Now that all parties have had a threesome it is equal and balanced. Need to make some new ground rules, stop having the threesomes make sure all parties are involved or let the threesomes happen?


Legend Member
Am not going to add anything new here as I think you have been given really good advice already. You have definitely not done anything wrong, now his wife on the other hand...yeah tell her that you'll give her a chance to confess all, otherwise you will be forced to tell him. Too big a thing to ignore. Hope it all works out but if not you can walk away guilt free.


I am going to talk to his wife and suggest she tell him want happen. Its her problem and I dont really care if the 4some keeps happening or not. Its great fun and a first for all of us but his friendship and hers for that matter means more to me. The main problem I see is him with his wife.

That is exactly right luv....shows character unlike some of the previous comments....however maybe I some are fishing and I took the bait...lol x


Silver Member
I banged my friends sister for 4 years without telling him..haha

Hard to say to be honest what you should do.

Best to discuss it with her and tell her that you plan to tell him and see she her response is.

At least this way you warn her before you tell him.

Alecia the Foxx

I banged my friends sister for 4 years without telling him..haha

Hard to say to be honest what you should do.

Best to discuss it with her and tell her that you plan to tell him and see she her response is.
At least this way you warn her before you tell him.

What makes you think it is your friend's business who his sister is having sex with anyway? Sounds a bit weird to me that you would think it was a similar situation. It's not my business who my siblings are doing ...

Perth boy

Thanks for the good and no so good comments. Well I told her to tell him and she somewhat agreed. However she said she will say it happens the night before the phone call. She will tell him she didn't want to spoil his trip by telling him we had already do it. That is sort of ok with me not the full truth but I can live with that. I suppose this way it keeps the peace with them. Don't think I will be doing the 3 some thing with her again and really 3somes are fun but 4somes are better.
For those that commented about it was not fair that he got to play 3somes and greedy of him to stop me well that didn't realy bother me. In this type of game you need to respect each others feelings and if you good friends that is even more important. Also unlike most guys 3somes are not on top of my list done it plenty of times over the years but this was the first time with the wife.

Tania Admin

You sound like a good guy PB, I'm glad things have been sorted at
your end and hope it all goes well when she tells her husband.
Hopefully the 4 of you have alot more fun times together playing in the future.


What makes you think it is your friend's business who his sister is having sex with anyway? Sounds a bit weird to me that you would think it was a similar situation. It's not my business who my siblings are doing ...

It's weird because your not a guy. Close male friends have "rules" about these things. Generally sisters are off limits unless its done correctly. I ruined a friendship because of it.

Alecia the Foxx

It's weird because your not a guy. Close male friends have "rules" about these things. Generally sisters are off limits unless its done correctly. I ruined a friendship because of it.

Sorry, I disagree. Sounds like a load of bollocks to me. You don't own a woman because she is your sister.


Legend Member
What makes you think it is your friend's business who his sister is having sex with anyway? Sounds a bit weird to me that you would think it was a similar situation. It's not my business who my siblings are doing ...

Sorry Foxxy one but I am with WR3XR on this Sisters are nigh on untouchable Taboo if you will

But out of interest what is the situation with hot Sisters In Law ?

Alecia the Foxx

Well, I think it's sick. If any of my siblings told me who I could or couldn't have sex with I would tell them to get a life and mine their own businesss.

Perth boy

Sisters yep sort of got to agree with the guys. Done it a long time ago but I talked to my mate first. All worked out even got engaged at the time. Have not seen her for over 20 years but he is still my mate today. I wouldnt say off limits just need to clear the air with the mate. I had mates date my sister too but I was approched by my mate as well. Respect thats all it is.

Its like a lot of things when sex is mixed with people close to you clear the air first so no one gets the nose out of joint.


Well, I think it's sick. If any of my siblings told me who I could or couldn't have sex with I would tell them to get a life and mine their own businesss.

Guys won't tell their sister (particularly younger sisters) who to sleep with. Their mates should already know that ex girlfriends, sisters and, heaven forbid, mums are off limits unless you approach the situation very carefully. It's never ok to sleep with your mates mum.

It's basic bro code 101.