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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Can any members help, I intend to give up smoking when i go to Bangkok in two weeks time. I haven't been able to find anyone that I can see before then. I have the will power but want them to put water into my mind every time I get the craving so I don't over eat and also get the neccesary hydration.
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Thanks i have all that stuff and the desire to quit forever just need the replacement programmed into my brain...............water....water


good luck maryanne Im doing the same Im having implants on the 2nd and they told me to give up or they wont do it I just hope I dont tear everyone apart lol been a hard week but will be worth the out come there is a hypnotist comming to kalgoorlie on the 18 of Aug not sure if hes in Perth as well Im betting he is his name is kevin Anderson and his number is 0414928621 (ad was in paper so im gussing its ok to post here ) Good Luck

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Thanks Kal Bunny i will send him a text and yes a advertised number is fine to post.
Good Luck on your journey of withdrawal. I don't have problems in the first 6 weeks except get cranky as hell, I find the hardest 6 weeks to 10 weeks in when i think i can just handle one.

I have to give up or go on blood pressure tablets.
I am also not consistent in keeping my water intake up, therefore hoping a hyponist can insert the right messages.


Is this the first time you tried quitting?
I tried hypno.....but didnt work for me....saying that i know of others it has worked for.

I ended up finding success with Champix and 3 months in Afghanistan lol

Good luck, stick to your guns! :)


Hi Curious 2nd time for me thought I was going to kill everyone this am withdrawls suck dont they ! Like I said Im off to finally get my boob job in 2 weeks and they wont do it if you smoke so there's my motivation lol hopefully this time I can stick to it and keep away from the fags have to admit I do like one when I go out for a drink guess I will have to think of something else to put in my mouth ;) hehe


have to admit I do like one when I go out for a drink guess I will have to think of something else to put in my mouth ;) hehe

I gave up a while ago now....but i do smoke Cigars when im playing poker with the boys or 1 or 2 other significant events.
When i go out on the turps i have a huge desire to grab a ciggy and spark it up...but concerned it might hook me in again so my willpower stops me from doing that.
Oh and ill go out for a drink with ya! I got something you can put in your mouth!!! Do you prefer strawberry or Cola flavoured Chuppa Chuppa's! LOL Seriously, i was in Afghan when i gave up....i was having 100 lollipops sent to me at a time....and god help any bloke who tried to take 1 hahahah

I didnt know you cant smoke to get boob job. (Not something ive ever enquired about myself....but its an interesting fact)


don't think its just to get the boob job there a pain when it comes to smoking to get any surgery they see you as high risk under anaesthetic .. mmm lollipops who doesn't love sucking on them strawberry defiantly


don't think its just to get the boob job there a pain when it comes to smoking to get any surgery they see you as high risk under anaesthetic .. mmm lollipops who doesn't love sucking on them strawberry defiantly

Well in that case, for you.....


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pmsl ty Curious1 Im sure I will enjoy some long slow sucking on that


i think u really have to understand the withdrawal effect, the reason why you smoke etc than reaching for a quick fix. any addiction or problem i've had in my life i've needed to acknowledge and look within for the answers, rather than masking it with a pill or substituting it with something else..it's an ongoing cycle then with no real conclusion.

check out allen carr's easy way to stop smoking. a great success rate. comes in book, audio or dvd.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Thanks Sue Ling I used your link and have an appointment in Thailand.

I tried the local number and never got a reply.

What I mainly want is to see if I can re-programme the brain to think water when i get the nicotine withdrawal. This should work better cold turkey but must have somthing to do with the hands as I do not drink enough water. I keep forgetting I thought I could kill two birds with one stone.

I will keep you abreast of my progress after Friday Week.
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Babes Promotions

Foundation Member
I gave up after reading alan carrs book, didnt even intend on giving up but by 3/4 of the way through dumped my ciggies and never looked back..4 years and counting.


yep, it's an awesome book. and probably the cheapest and most effective method i've heard about. i just downloaded the dvd for someone i know and am crossing my fingers it works for them too.


Thanks Sue Ling I used your link and have an appointment in Thailand.

I tried the local number and never got a reply.

What I mainly want is to see if I can re-programme the brain to think water when i get the nicotine withdrawal. This should work better cold turkey but must have somthing to do with the hands as I do not drink enough water. I keep forgetting I thought I could kill two birds with one stone.

I will keep you abreast of my progress after Friday Week.

Good luck and i definately look forward to hearing how you go with it all!



Try Perth Hypnosis Centre,, THey have a very good success rate and a good reputation. 0892255354

Regards Greg

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Thanks Greg I called this morning, very professional service. They have a 5 week waiting list , and have put me on standby if they get a cancellation.