• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

I Miss The Old Forum!!!

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Foundation Member
I would just like to say that this forum hasn't been up to the standard it was when I first joined in November 2004.

I, personally used to get such enjoyment out of going on the net each and every night just to read another lot of posts that had gone up that day. I used to enjoy chatting in the chat rooms and then when some of these people ventured up to LP's and you got to know them in person after reading their posts over many months, it was a new kind of delight.

However, in May this year I went away for 3 weeks to Sydney and on my return found that the forum had died. Over the next few months I have rarely ever posted anything or any replies as it's been the same old stuff.

My time on the forum started becoming less ( much to the delight of my husband ) as there was never anything new or very little to capture my interest.

There have been some people that have kept the forums going and my hat goes off to you.

I'm not blaming anyone for what's happened, and just in the last week I've noticed some of the old names coming back again. I hope this continues!!!



Hi Suzie yes we agree and the problems that made this forum slow down has been removed so lets hope we all get in and have fun chating and posting again


Senior Member
Foundation Member
Yep the forum is back you can feel it oops sorry thats me lol :hello:


Me Too, Suzie

Greetings All,
I have been looking in every couple of weeks and "Nothing!"
But tonight it has all changed.
(Suzie I still can't get the image of your "Oral" talents My last time at the club, out of My head [Fantastic Girl])
great to see that there are still dear friends Here (Hi Danny)


I'd like to fifth that!! even out in the sticks it is nice to keep up with what is going on!Morning ALL, Another hard??? night shift over and just having a look.GREAT to see the page is almost full!!! Now I have to dip out on beauty sleep to read it all?!!! Cya soon. :hello:


Hello all! Well I'm not an old name but I don't really post that much any more.

Perhaps we can start some of our more lively debates and interviews?

There doesn't seem to be much flirting anymore either :(



Hi SG, YUP!! it sure is because I'm back, and the page is even fuller this morning!!AND, some VERY GOOD reading to be had,everywhere!Will have to think up a good thread starter and win the prize!!wooohoo! Working on it Climax,(I can see you laughing from here!!) :icon_king :happy6:


hi slavegirlsuzie,what are your thoughts on this forum now??to me i enjoy this forum but i wasnt a member bac when you are talking about..i was on the old a.e forum and used to like that till towards the ending.i think this forum now has had alot of work put into it by maryanne and co. and they have done a great job getting new members to come onboard and permote the site as langtrees.com which is a great help to punters out there and some really good threads as well to have a god read......


Stormline and others,
This forum rocks! Only problem is I'm not in WA so can't go to the locations. But there was something not quite right about AE, and the atmosphere on this forum is much better. I will be around here for quite a while (if you all want to read what I write, but I certainly find visiting here pleasant, delightful, and useful). So remember, it's only as good as you make it!


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Link83 you are 100% correct , a forum is only as good as its members @ any 1 time .

im not sure about the numbers of new members sinc the face lift but numbers have grown a lot

:) :) enjoy


Personally, I find that this forum is one of the better ones that we are a member of. This is a pretty old thread....how did it get dug up again?


Being new to this whole thing can't say I have much knowledge about it! But we have found this forum great and full of info! Being just curious at the moment it has been perfect for us and the people on here seem really nice!


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Being new to this whole thing can't say I have much knowledge about it! But we have found this forum great and full of info! Being just curious at the moment it has been perfect for us and the people on here seem really nice!

ty DanMaree that was a very nice thind to say n i hope i find what ever your looking for :) :)


Personally, I find that this forum is one of the better ones that we are a member of. This is a pretty old thread....how did it get dug up again?

22-09-2005, 02:48 PM

Yes was some time ago first posted

Only just came back on here after a long time

I think > This Forum is better than the old one

Luv the Threats and all the feedback posts some intresting reading

Goodjob Admin > Mary Anne

Take Care



Foundation Member
Hi Stormline

It was very interesting reading a post I wrote back in September 2005, I can't even remember how things were back then, but now I'm very happy with the forum, the style (thanks to Jackhammer) and all the work done by various people to help Maryanne get things back to a forum that's worth visiting everyday.

I'm on chat a lot of nights and have met a lot of really nice people. Chat for me is to get to know people, for others it's the voyeurism or just curiosity. It's not the busiest of chats around but it's busy enough for me. Some of the chat sites out there have so many people, how on earth can you get to know people, and I find they're very hard to keep up with the conversations going on in them. Some people may like that, but it's not for me!!

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I have been having a forum free week needed every now and then. Its great this thread was resurrected, and thanks for all the great comments. I think the forum is better now days, and for the Eastern Staters this time next year we will have trouble finding WA threads as we hope this resource will grow Australia wide with infor for all the states. If members can help telling us about one of their favourite places or ladies the word will soon spread. Last week i noticed the Victorians are getting on board with some reviews.

Mary Anne PA

this forum has a freedom of speech which a lot of others lack.

well done to all.
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