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I find woman don't like Teaching Sex



I have notice girls don't really like to teach, they prefer the guy to know what to do already.

What has been your experiences with girls teaching others?


Foundation Member
I guess most working ladies know that a lot of men would take offence at being "taught" how to do something we like to think we are good at and touchy subjects are safer left alone.

Personally, if a lady asked me to do something a certain way or to go harder or back off a bit I wouldn't be worried about it. It means she is getting into the swing of things and trying to help matters along for both of us.


yes..ikn my private sex life...I only will be with a guy who can TAKE ME. I think I spend so much time in working life sex being teacher, I have no time for that in private life.....but funny I LOVE it in working life!


yes..ikn my private sex life...I only will be with a guy who can TAKE ME. I think I spend so much time in working life sex being teacher, I have no time for that in private life.....but funny I LOVE it in working life!

This is what bugs me. So you are forced to go to a w/l to learn things because no one else will bother lol


Oh luv.....but your at an age were you should be exploring mutually with girls your own age....discovering together. Well thats what I did when I was young...alot!

As you get older your sexual needs, wants and desires change and grow...so like you wanting to push your own sexual boundaries...so do I, it just happens, that because I am older and have more experience then our boundaries are very different......does that make sense luv????


It wasn't directed at you Saige if that is how you took it. Just at the general female population. Most girls have already done that by my age.... I need another virgin lol


no i was directing it at you..using my own experiences to explain :)

But yes that is what I meant about the age..you should try someone on your level...exactly like you said, another virgin (or with little exp)...then you learn together....it can be really, really fun!!!


no i was directing it at you..using my own experiences to explain :)

But yes that is what I meant about the age..you should try someone on your level...exactly like you said, another virgin (or with little exp)...then you learn together....it can be really, really fun!!!

But there are none around. All sluts :p

What's the problem with learning with an exp girl? Experienced guys take the non exp girls all the time.


It's more why does it go one way and not the other?

It's late

Edit: It's like a guy will have a relationship with a girl that is inexperienced but not the other way around because it is too much of a hassle
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All girls are different champ. An older womanly find
It a turn on to have a guy they can teach. Te way I see it you have two choices either someone with little experience or someone older who is prepared to tale u under there wing.

When I was 20 I sleeping with a 35 year old. Helped me alot. There more prepared to take the time to help u and create what they want in a sexual partner. Then juat learn your own thing.

I'm now 32 amd tend to only sleep with 20 to 25 year olds. Can't even imagine what it would be like to sleep with someone my own age lol.

With experience comes confidence.


All sluts.....what do you mean exactlty????

Poor choice of words but I think he means the (female) youngin's (16-20) these days are far more sexually active than they were 6 or 7 years ago. Sounds like he's the one who's not on the receiving end lol.


Poor choice of words but I think he means the (female) youngin's (16-20) these days are far more sexually active than they were 6 or 7 years ago. Sounds like he's the one who's not on the receiving end lol.

NODS. This is what I meant:eek:ccasion14


dear Sexnut,

I believe that alot of women do not know their own bodies & as such rely on men to teach them rather than the other way around. having taught many women about their own bodies it never ceases to amaze me just how many do not know their own bodies & say "Oh that's a man's job to know & to get me off."
I think as the generations change though this attitude may change.
But what you will find, is that older women have taken the time & as such make excellent teachers. I think that is why naturally younger men are drawn to older women - TO LEARN!!! as where would they go otherwise???
I teach my lovers happily. However, for the general gentleman that is not a lover, but they want to practice on me there is a cost as it takes time & patience.

Don't be disheartened.

All the best

Ms Magdelena...

(I think I had been logged in as Mary-Anne by mistake so excuse the deleted original message lol. I am now logged in officially now)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
And to add to this......there is a difference between "teaching" and "teaching". It is how it is presented. New mutual new experiences is a very sexy sort of teaching........"let's try this" or "maybe more like this" or "let's use this to enhance" etc......and why not enlighten your partner with sexual knowledge? I think there should be no embarrassing moments when it comes to widen your sexual horizon. I am happy to learn and I am happy to pass on hidden pleasures.......part of the game.......part of our own sexual development :love10:



Gold Member
What's the old saying. Practice makes perfect?... or Rome wasn't built in a day...

And like a few have already mentioned many younger women don't know their own bodies, perfect opportunity for you to 'learn' together at the same time. Sex after all is between 2 people and communication is key to a good time so being up front and open about it in my experience seems to be the best way to learn and get better.

A lot of it I think is perception in our own mind and what we think society expects of us as men to be, as if we should be some sort of sex Adonis straight away. I sill struggle with this myself as I'm in my early 20's and only had a few sexual partners and not had that much experience between the sheets.


Something else that deserves a mention here is that what one lady likes another doesn't. I've known girls who like to be treated gently, others less so. Some like their nipples sucked as hard as I can, others don't. Some like their clit sucked, others can barely tolerate direct contact.

Taking the wrong approach with the wrong girl can make a man look like a newcomer! It's important to communicate with new partners and part of that isn't teaching what women/men like but what you, as an individual, already prefer. Other things we can discover on our own.

One of my happiest sexual memories is giving a 27 year old lady, my girlfriend at the time, her first orgasm. I will never forget. She was laying on her back and I was DATY. She shot up, bolt-upright, just like she'd been underwater and now rising up gasping for air, and she grabbed my arm and said my name. What happened, she said afterward. It might've been an orgasm, I said. Immediately, she told me, she remembered all her dismissive discussions she'd had with friends about sex, talking like she was an expert. She now felt ashamed of those and immediately called her friend and told her about the orgasm. It was a sexual awakening. Soon afterward, I bought her her first vibe, which we used to good effect. She's married now, but her husband owes me a beer.

Likewise, she turned me on the BJs. She's the first that could make me come during a BJ. My current Fbuddy has turned me on to rimming. I can't get enough of it. It wasn't an overnight sensation, though. It took some exploring.

Farm Boy

No sex workshop please, we're British

Updated October 14, 2011 09:43:59
Map: England

An event organised by a British city to school its older residents in the arts of safe sex has been cancelled due to lack of interest.

The "Generation Sex" workshop was part of an annual over-60s festival in the southern English city of Portsmouth and billed as a "frank, fun and factual" way for older people to talk about sex in later life.

"The background was the risk of sexually-transmitted diseases in older people and the need to practise safer sex," said Drusilla Moody, Portsmouth Council's tourism and visitor services manager.

Entry would have been free, but those taking part would have had to supply proof of age and of residency in Portsmouth.

These requirements are no longer needed, since the workshop was cancelled "because too few people booked places", Ms Moody said.