• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

How many rights do they have????


Farm Boy

You are absolutely right hun.
Being shown the error of my ways I bow out gracefully.
If I had known you personally oversaw the whole operation, had in depth knowledge of detention procedure, were called to plan the federal police's actions, had written policy for the ABC, and interviewed the cameramen as to the freedom you demanded they be given, I would never have dreamed to question you.

I want to be the first to signup to live in a cell.
It sounds wonderful.
Thank you for enlightening me.

And the ungrateful SOBs as yet do not live in cell, but according to Immigration Minister Chris Bowen that may change , and better still if sentenced to more than 12months jail he can send them home


Tiger, you're not related to Joh Bjelke Petersen or Malcolm Fraser or Robert Menzies or John Howard by any chance are you?

Farm Boy

Why is Mal in that list, anyone that known a thing about politics would tell you bbc that Goff Whitlam refused granting Visa to Vietnamese even ones who served with Australian Army units. Mal Supported Asian immigration both when in opposition and government.


Legend Member
Yes Farmboy even Bob Hawke applauded Malcolm Frase for his
work with his work with refugees & our own indigenous people

And now the homeless & our pensioners know what to do Throw a few
molotov cocktails at centrelink and the Govt will do all in its power to
help them out. Oh wait there Australians They will just charge them
as malcontents

Farm Boy

And now Menzies......Menzies coalition government pursued various initiatives of the former Chifley Labor government, including development of the Snowy Mountains Scheme, mass immigration and the Colombo Plan.


your fellow feelgood tree hugging leftwing bleeding heart green socialist at the A B C
by Tigerdicky.

Malcolm Fraser - referred to reds under the beds and leftwingers and communists
Joh - ditto
Menzies - ditto
Howard - ditto

It would help if some of us used our IQ rather than our EQ to analyze.::)


Legend Member
There are some strident calls out there in the world. Thing is if
an election was held ,and one of the major parties made a stand on the illegal and only illegal refugee's They would win easily.
And I bet the people living on Christmas island and what they have witnessed in the last week would be hardening their hearts too. It is easy to be kind and highly principled from a distance

Farm Boy

by Tigerdicky.

Malcolm Fraser - referred to reds under the beds and leftwingers and communists
Joh - ditto
Menzies - ditto
Howard - ditto
No I think Big Black Cockerel is confused it actuality went like this

IF Labor wins, your money would be safer "under your bed than in the banks", then prime minister Malcolm Fraser warned in 1983.

Bob Hawke had the perfect retort: There was no point putting the money under the bed because "the Reds were there".

Now that a surprise it was the old Silver Bodgie who had reds under the bed
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Fraser may not have referred to reds under the beds but he certainly made reference to socialists and how Labor would be a danger. He went on to say you might as well hide your money under the bed.

Hawke replied as you said. And the Australian people decided they'd had enough of Fraser.

Hmm, usually when one descends to name calling, they're showing a lack of intelligence. Perhaps we've another font of wisdom in this discussion. Good luck! :D
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Farm Boy

Ok Big Black Cock we have agreed Fraser did not use the rather idiotic REDS UNDER THE BED and I bet John Howard did not as well but go ahead show me if I am wrong.
as for Socialism and Communism well there a part of our political landscape people will continue to use these terms all be it rather loosely,


It's a general reply my friend to how peope label others as being left-wing, tree hugging etc just because their ideas are alternative from perhaps yours.

You have to to admit the label of calling someone "idiotic" and then going on to make a statement of " your fellow feelgood tree hugging leftwing bleeding heart green socialist at the A B C " was quite sweeping and perhaps an overreaction?


I shall now be leaving this thread to the wisdom of all.

Farm Boy

It's a general reply my friend to how peope label others as being left-wing, tree hugging etc just because their ideas are alternative from perhaps yours.

You have to to admit the label of calling someone "idiotic" and then going on to make a statement of " your fellow feelgood tree hugging leftwing bleeding heart green socialist at the A B C " was quite sweeping and perhaps an overreaction?


I shall now be leaving this thread to the wisdom of all.

Tiger is 100% right about one thing our ABC can not be gagged neither can the rest of the press for that mater, and it was foolish of Kat to think so.
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Silver Member
I have been led to believe the government gives $40000 to new Australian citizens. A Young apprentice chippy i was speaking to migrated here from south Africa with his family of 5 legally 3 years ago. His father received $200,000 from the government to help them start out. I Don't know if this true or not but if it is where the f*#k is my money. Look after the true Australians first whose families have fought and shed blood for this country. As for the ones coming illegally send them back from where they come from and let them apply to come back through proper channels.


Legend Member
My neighbours on the farm next door, they are legal immigrants and have had no monetry gain. But I think your right that illegals who get accepted are given assitance.
Why wait seven years when you can now arrive at Broome and get speedy processing and the benefits that come with it.

Farm Boy

I am going to hasted a guess but this is what I think .
Tourist and people who immigrate pay there own way.
Illegal immigrants per head Millions when every thing is taken into account.
Refugees who the government resettles must be looked after no one would expect them to be left at the airport car park, 200k might not be enough.

Farm Boy

14 million and they're able to transfer them out?? Wow! You do have a way with interpreting statistics and emotiveness few can match farm boy. However, as you seem to be now intent on taking this personally (and it's spelt "honestly" by the way), I'll leave you as the declared winner and font of all knowledge on the subject.

That is how people transfer them self our of the big pool of refugees BBC they pay , and a cash up family of Afghans cuts ahead of some very unfortunate Somalian's.

Joy gives way to heartbreak in new arrivals deal
06 Aug, 2011 10:25 PM

A FAMILY of five Afghans - a woman, her sister and three children - has been devastated to learn that their life savings, spent on a dangerous boat journey to Australia, have been wasted and that they will be returned to Malaysia.

The woman had paid $55,000 for the Hazara family's passage to Christmas Island, sources inside the Christmas Island detention centre said.

Her relief at having arrived safely on Thursday gave way to disappointment and grief when told what would happen to them under the Gillard government's new Malaysia swap policy.
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A FAMILY of five Afghans - a woman, her sister and three children - has been devastated to learn that their life savings, spent on a dangerous boat journey to Australia, have been wasted and that they will be returned to Malaysia.

The woman had paid $55,000 for the Hazara family's passage to Christmas Island, sources inside the Christmas Island detention centre said.

Her relief at having arrived safely on Thursday gave way to disappointment and grief when told what would happen to them under the Gillard government's new Malaysia swap policy.

And rightly so. What she was doing is illegal & she endangered her childrens lives. She should be charged with reckless endangerment!


Legend Member
The other thing is a woman and her kids from Afghanistan have $55000
to spend? Sounds more like the elite than a every day worker trying to give her kids a better life.


Legend Member
Not going to name race but I am often puzzled as to how some refuges manage to come here by boat, claiming to only have the shirt on their back.

2-3 year later they are driving fancy cars, live in a good home and sometimes run their own business.
I know that some say it is thru a lot of hard work and not wasting what they earn.
I like to consider myself hard working and I don`t have live a life of luxury but still find it hard to cover costs somtimes...

How do they manage it??

Farm Boy

Not going to name race but I am often puzzled as to how some refuges manage to come here by boat, claiming to only have the shirt on their back.

2-3 year later they are driving fancy cars, live in a good home and sometimes run their own business.
I know that some say it is thru a lot of hard work and not wasting what they earn.
I like to consider myself hard working and I don`t have live a life of luxury but still find it hard to cover costs somtimes...

How do they manage it??

Bill there are refuges and cash's up illegal immigrants two very different things.


Err, BB, you sure that 2-3 years later they're driving a fancy car or just a few of them? Secondly, you'll be surprised at the number of people doing it tough like you or many others do - buy on installment. And there are many Australians who do that when they've barely started work for the first time.

Farm Boy

A FAMILY of five Afghans - a woman, her sister and three children - has been devastated to learn that their life savings, spent on a dangerous boat journey to Australia, have been wasted and that they will be returned to Malaysia.

The woman had paid $55,000 for the Hazara family's passage to Christmas Island, sources inside the Christmas Island detention centre said.

Her relief at having arrived safely on Thursday gave way to disappointment and grief when told what would happen to them under the Gillard government's new Malaysia swap policy.

And rightly so. What she was doing is illegal & she endangered her childrens lives. She should be charged with reckless endangerment!

Some genuine refugees probably haven't 55k between the lot of them no chance of flying business class to Indonesia and buying a place on a old fishing boat to the the best country in the world.

The humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa has reached a dubious milestone, with the number of people in Dadaab - the world's largest refugee camp - now surpassing 400,000.

Each day hundreds of Somali refugees are spilling into Dadaab in Kenya to flee famine and conflict in their home country, but the camp was originally built to house just 90,000 people.

The influx is partly the result of the worst drought in decades. Across the region aid agencies say more than 10 million people need help.

Human rights groups have slammed the Kenyan Government for keeping a big section of the camp closed during the crisis.

The camp, which is funded by international donors, has been closed despite space for 40,000 people. Known as Ifo 2, the camp contains houses, schools and water.