• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Well...…….. what a great Buch of people you all are.
It looks to me that JohnLou and Mak go all the way back to the beginning.
And no one will ever forget Farm Boy.
As we all look upon the Horizon we all can see that the future is full of change and new possibilities.
For us all, take a bow and sing...…..to the old, the new and the wonderfully weird.

Frank Sinatra - That's Life

The Triffids - Wide Open Road

hi HP :) yes to MAK as she had started this great Cite / Forum and i have been around for approx 13 years, but not from the start, but close too :) :)
i would like to know what year the cite/forum came online :)

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
I could be wrong , but I think a lady Sue D ? ( cant spell her name ) Rubys Proprietor started a Forum she died them MAK took over paying and responsibility for the forum or started a new one it was a while ago and the memories is failing .


Legend Member
I joined around 2013 ! Left for a while after a bad accident! Lost the marbles for some time ! Thing sure have changed since the start but the forum still lives on !!

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
6 years just looked it up May 2012
Taken that long to be called rude lol

Samantha Witch

Fitser Team
Diamond Member
Hi everyone. I am using this forum more than a month. And Mary Anne introduced me in the forum. Since then I have learnt so many things with the help of old and new member. Quite familyer with them,Would love to be more familiar with other members of the forum, new - old..And always try my best to up the forum:shame: