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How has Facebook or Social Media has changed our lives????

Ms Sue

Legend Member
I was reading a article on news.com and thought I would love to hear how Facebook or social media has changed your life..... :):):):):):):):):):)


Gold Member
It has both it's positives and negatives.

Good for making complaints about lack of service from a shop/retailer as it usually helps speed up a favourable resolution.
On the other hand, I don't want to know what friends are doing every minute of the day. Also the amount of personal information that is gathered by these social media sites and then sold is beyond staggering.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy; - it’s here to stay especially for the younger generation; it really is part of their lives. Just yesterday there was an article about a woman having a car accident injuries and she is making court claims that her injuries have limited her recreational time on Facebook, hence she is asking for a higher clam settlement LOL
If you wish your privacy to be respected ;- do not have a facebook page, I dont and never will


If facebook has taught us anything, it's that many people have no clue about social behaviour and that there are many insecure girls who really crave attention


Foundation Member
[quote="happypirate, post: 240299, member: 32200"]Ahoy; - it’s here to stay especially for the younger generation; it really is part of their lives. Just yesterday there was an article about a woman having a car accident injuries and she is making court claims that her injuries have limited her recreational time on Facebook, hence she is asking for a higher clam settlement LOL
If you wish your privacy to be respected ;- do not have a facebook page, I dont and never will[/quote]

She probably had the accident because she was fiddling with her I-whatsit device updating Facebook:p


Legend Member
That will be the more humane punishment in the Middle East soon Instead of lopping of the whole hand Just the thumb


Diamond Member
I'm not on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media site, and never will be, but I agree that it is here to stay, can only get bigger and more pervasive, and is having a huge impact on societies everywhere, not just in the West.

Wayne Kerr

No impact whatsoever on my life.

Brings new meaning to the word friend


Legend Member
Sit in a coffee shop or a park bench. Nobody talks,they txt or whatever.
They say if you don't use it you will loose it. Will we become a mute society in the future?
Yes mute and with thumbs longer than their fingers to make thumb typing even easier
Showing my age here but how the hell can anyone type so fast using only two thumbs on a miniscule keyboard It cant be done There is a little man in the phone doing it for them That's, why auto correct does not work there is a little Taiwanese man in your phone and English is his second language so half of it is guesswork on his part


...the floor is lava
Legend Member
Facebook and other sites I use are just a way for me to keep in touch with my mates and family who I might not get the opportunity to catch up with as much as I could when I was younger and didn't work or study... When I was a SAHM it was a good way for me to be able to have a version of social interaction that helped me feel less isolated.

I think it has its place, but I heard an interesting POV on the radio the other day that pointed out that the "instant gratification" of being able to immediately connect was detrimental to the way we develop as individuals- in the sense that it is getting to the point that people can't seem to even sit at a red traffic light without the dying need to check social media. People should be content to be in their own space and quiet. There is important chemicals that get released into the body of the "self content" kind that comes after that initial feeling of "alone", that contributes to a persons overall well being and happiness with ones self.

I really like having social media to reconnect with my friends and family- but i can' admit that there has been times when it has affected my life in a different way, Staying up late on chat programs, feeling jealous of my mates going out and leading exciting lives... FOMO....

I think as my life has gotten more full and busy I rely on it only to keep in touch and check in on the most important people- everything else falls to the way side. Some days I don't even go on it anymore, I suck at returning PM messages...Because I'd rather pick up the phone and have a conversation or arrange a coffee date. I like being able to share whats going on in my life- family wise. I don;t live close to my parents, so it's nice for them to be able to see what the spawn are doing. But it's so much less apart of my life that it was when I was bored and young.


Legend Member
Thats a well considered piece of writing Desire83

And it seems if people use facebook as a tool and not be a tool using facebook
It can be a useful part of a everyday life


Full Member
Foundation Member
...I use both Facebook & Twitter but for different reasons.

With Facebook, I use it as a communications tool. It's locked down as much as possible and I only have a handful of people who are actually my friends (not 1000s of "friends"). I only post pics/comments that are generic in nature (eg water cooler chat) and refrain from posting anything that will bite me on the butt later.

With Twitter, I use it for 2 reasons namely an information gathering tool and a business tool. In the first instance, I find that it's an excellent medium to garner news & opinions. 81% of the current mainstream print media is controlled by 2 people with an identical political persuasion. As such, trying to get a balanced opinion is virtually impossible.

In the second instance, I find it an excellent medium for businesses to get their message out and also to get feedback from clients. I once had a problem with a telco and was getting the run around. I blasted on Twitter and within an hour the problem was fixed.



Gold Member
As a graphic designer; you would think I'd be wearing a scruffy home shirt, a pair of nerdy glasses, become an Apple fanboy, a pair of worn out convers's to work, and keeps my social feed on 24/7 from all 200+ friends, from my phone, pads & comp.

Well good lord, social media; to me is nothing more than promoting a condition known as FOMO (fear of missing out). But unless if you're good looking & a bit of exhibitionist, then of course no one's complaining :D.

The more "connected" we are, the less "individual" we want to be with our own lives, and with our own time. Because everyone pretty much knows these days what you're doing. Facebook gets even more complicated with their security, settings and all. I get all sorts of unwanted hassles from relatives and other families sharing their home recipes, new shops, new clothes, new this and that; "toys for your nephews* rings clearly in mind. How they want keep preaching false entities known as religion on every little thing.

These have taken all of our time; making this; as I believe and see it - unhealthy to society in general, and dare I say it - negatively sedentary to our own lives (my sis *always* checks her FB 2 or 3 hours after her late dinners @ 11PM almost everyday) Instead of all those time spent - what about FREAKIN' WORK on something on or for yourself????

Well, besides porn :) - Go lookup research on getting proper protein & nutrition. Or hell, even have a go even learning a little bit of stocks @ ASX minigame.

For the last 5 years I maintain a workout intensity training lifestyle 4 days a week, yet regularly at times forced to work overtime unpaid, and guess what? I still had to somehow have time for other things - hand selecting vinyl records, hours & upon hours on the decks, writing set compositions in pages one after another, seeking inspirations, and actually (as in physically :eek:) go out to record stores and audition more records, etc. I barely see no more than 2 people in an actual vinyl record store each time I'm there, just to show we're getting all lazy.

As of last year I'm no longer on FB, but started from scratch in G+ primarily to promote my own brand personality in what I do as concept projects. I'm not in it for personal fame or even for competitive measure. I'm currently working and finishing a concept mix project that I would certainly like to receive some feedbacks on. Yes, it's certainly something for the ladies :).

Social Media *does* work effectively, and it has its place -
only in the right circumstances

As a graphic designer, I understand the need for creating "culture" through branding psychology. In context of promoting a branding personality, business or a company, it makes perfect sense to use Social Media. In this day & age - BAD SERVICE is given everywhere at anytime. Maintaining and adjusting to a customer's right needs to be somewhat done instantaneous and direct. Though this "corporate responsibility" is not always apparent depending on the sheer size of the company (eg. Apple) - maintaining a positive culture of brand psychology therefore; has its' needs fully realised through Social Media.

And as part of work I'm happy to advocate towards that.

But other than that, unless if you're good looking or with lots of money in going out for 4$ coffees twice every single day and constantly checking out what's "new" & "hot" for dining options out there but forking out $20 a meal restaurants everyweek....well it's nothing more than promoting (rare but possible in the worst of all cases) - social classism in or of itself.


Legend Member
(my sis *always* checks her FB 2 or 3 hours after her late dinners @ 11PM almost everyday)
FB2 How long you been going out with honest mans sister? :p


I dont use FB at all, complete waste of time but i use the SLSWA twitterfeed daily to see if there are any tagged sharks hanging around my local.

Even the sharks use social media lol
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Legend Member
And not only the the marine sharks Loan sharks and other bottom feeders follow the facebook and twitter looking for "clients" I'm sure


Legend Member
Shit if there was no facebook or instagram where would the fish lip selfie go ???
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Legend Member
Definitely one small step for human smartness and one big leap into invasion of privacy. Posting selfies during outings, while on sick leave is just a classic. Telling the world your going overseas on FB status is the best invite for burglars. Last but not least, sharing personal info with the world.


Gold Member
...Well ladies & gentlemen,

thx to the power of #socialmedia we have now reached to the point of #stupidity #recklessness in all of its - #shamelessly shameful glory -
'Selfies With Homeless People' Is The Latest In Shameful Trends

Why the **** would anyone do this? Seriously?





Seriously, life is becoming a fucken joke.

What also annoys me is companies who have listened to some social media marketer and believe their twitter, fb or instagram is actually useful.
Unless your a hottie who gets naked or a celebrity, no one cares about your business


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Thx Honestman, I had no idea we have gone down such an ugly road, WoW abusing the homeless to increase your social media status,


Diamond Member
Whether we like it or not, social media is here to stay, and, like so many other things, is being abused by some people. Although I'm not part of it, it is a tool that, used correctly, has its place in the 21st century.


Legend Member
I think there was one thoughtless kid who took a selfie with a dead body in the background.