• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.



๐“‘๐““๐“ข๐“œ ๐“๐“ท๐“ช๐“ต ๐“Ÿ๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ฌ๐“ฎ๐“ผ๐“ผ
Legend Member
I've heard things like this due to certain cultures not being onboard with homosexuality, so the only option is to do it discretely.
Which is sad. People are allowed to love who they love, no matter gender.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
It does happen , i have heard stories where a man does not want to let his family know he is gay so he gets married, than continues having sex with an secretly .Have you heard similar stories ?:bum:
Not very common today, I assume but in the past very common.
Not only getting married to a women but having kids as well. They would do anything to protect there status and profession in the community.

Katrina Kiss

Legend Member
If he is continually trying 2 put it in ur bum or encouraging u 2 put things in his bum that could b a warning sign that he is a shirt lifter? ๐Ÿ˜ณ
He would be smarter than that , he would be paranoid that this would be a give away. It has been proven that guys that are homophobic are normally the ones visiting dogging sites looking for a gay experience or Steam Works & Searching gay sites. :excited::excited:
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Katrina Kiss

Legend Member
He would be smarter than that , he would be paranoid that this would be a give away. It has been proven that guys that are homophobic are normally the ones visiting dogging sites looking for a gay experience or Steam Works & Searching gay sites. :excited::excited:


Lol not really @Phoebe, my cousin over east is married to one. First off to air the result we all know its a bad relationship but she continues to be with him, now the story.
She's a working nurse, his a stay at home dad pretty reasonable till he starts cheating behind her back with another lady. This has found to be going on for a long while till he's caught in the act, blah blah blah sad tale to everyone later she forgives him. Now everything goes back to normal and later on down the track he is caught again cheating behind her back and the sad tale to everyone starts up again for advice but this time it's with another bloke, not sure how long that went on or when it started after the last cheating scandal. After everyones advice of ending it, she decides " O it's fine now, everything is good now". So you see it's not easy to see the hints that a man is gay.

Katrina Kiss

Legend Member
There is no such thing as a closet gay there are just different flavours of ice ream to my thinking, who the hell cares if i choose a different flavour to your, who cares if my friend likes 3 flavours and i like one....
There is no such thing as a closet gay there are just different flavours of ice ream to my thinking, who the hell cares if i choose a different flavour to your, who cares if my friend likes 3 flavours and i like one....
What i am wondering is why do people keep it a secret , that they like more flavours than one, most do, The ? I have spoken to people in relationships about them finding out their partner has been keeping this a secrete & they are devastated & confused as to why they were not upfront with them 7 feel like they do not even know the person anymore. If the person they are with can't accept the true version of them , they are with the wrong person. So why keep the secret ?

Brenda Driver VIP Perth

Diamond Member
In days gone past being Gay was taboo. Many men in particular married to save face so their families wouldn't know of their sexuality. Their wives didn't suspect and would obviously be devastated when they found out. It's so very different in today's society which is wonderful.
A friend of mine was married and had two children when his wife found him with a man. Now he is openly gay but unfortunately doesn't see his children.


Gold Member
Oh I know someone whoโ€™s a little too feminine . In love with outer shallowness symmetry physics appearances. Fascinated with ladyboys liked costume parties also keep on changing girlfriends. Something wasnโ€™t right - Iโ€™m hoping sooner or later something is gonna come out ... #sexuallityconfusion


Legend Member
There is no such thing as a closet gay there are just different flavours of ice ream to my thinking, who the hell cares if i choose a different flavour to your, who cares if my friend likes 3 flavours and i like one....

Amen to that. I started with boysenberry, then spent years checking all the flavours.

I still prefer vanilla with plenty of sprinkles today, but chocolate is best when it's forbidden. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‰

Katrina Kiss

Legend Member
If he is continually trying 2 put it in ur bum or encouraging u 2 put things in his bum that could b a warning sign that he is a shirt lifter? ๐Ÿ˜ณ
I think if the Alaskan pipeline was a part of his repertoire it would indicate not only that he is gay but also a very sick & twisted individual indeed ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿ˜–
You sound Homeophic . Remember what they say about Homeophobic people they are normally in the closet ! ๐Ÿ˜œ ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ 


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
There is no such thing as a closet gay there are just different flavours of ice ream to my thinking, who the hell cares if i choose a different flavour to your, who cares if my friend likes 3 flavours and i like one....

Removed, cant be bothered.
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Ciao Baby

Why does this crap always effect men more so than women.....? maybe women are far more superior and intelligent not to get all wound up about someone else's sexuality.. Why can a woman wear mens clothing in public but a man can't go out dressed in hers..
I believe in this case it is a woman getting "All wound up" about sum1 else's sexuality ๐Ÿคญ
Perhaps if u took the time 2 read the entire thread b4 getting ur 2 cents in ur opinions would actually hold a bit more credibility phoebe?
Does no1 but me even read the entire thread b4 jumping on the bandwagon?


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
I believe in this case it is a woman getting "All wound up" about sum1 else's sexuality ๐Ÿคญ
Perhaps if u took the time 2 read the entire thread b4 getting ur 2 cents in ur opinions would actually hold a bit more credibility phoebe?
Does no1 but me even read the entire thread b4 jumping on the bandwagon?
Removed, cant be bothered.
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Ciao Baby

Men..... and how easy it is to start WW3 with them... over any topic at all... Men need to take sides in all forms of life... Feminism was and is a global movement of ALL women I would love to see men do that... wouldn't happen Men have to create sh!t everywhere and over every topic even ones that dont effect them, like Abortion, reproductive rights, a woman's right to choose, down to her own safety, and pay and conditions of work men again.... men are the idiots, oh a group of so called heterosexual men OUT with the boys see two gay men walking hand in hand so they knock both of them out, and that group end up in Prison with a bigger bunch of men, but that group that did it had no women around that night now did they? Irony at its finest... Men have control over a woman so they rape her, but end up in a place where they ARE no women and end up getting raped themselves in the shower blocks. Are women doing this to Lesbians? and or men? NO they couldn't give a toss!

This is why men part with huge amounts of cash for sex, then complain when they didn't ask for something they wanted, or she was this or that in the booking then have to review her etc etc, but hey she still got $400 maybe more and she couldn't give one toss about that man, as there are plenty more lonely hearted men out there to part with cash to spend time with her.... Women leave men for dead in all aspects of life... Look between your legs buddy you see that bit of skin after your balls and between your anus that is left over from when you were guess what A woman same as your two nipples..... and that is what all men desire to be is women!
Thank you phoebe for posting yet another pile of mindless meaningless & completely irrelevant drivel.
I rest my case.
Wtf relevance does this have 2 do with this thread???
U may as well bombard us with pics of redheads whom I would like 2 walk hand in hand thru a big fuck off field of daisies with.

Katrina Kiss

Legend Member
Thank you phoebe for posting yet another pile of mindless meaningless & completely irrelevant drivel.
I rest my case.
Wtf relevance does this have 2 do with this thread???
U may as well bombard us with pics of redheads whom I would like 2 walk hand in hand thru a big f**k off field of daisies with.
No she is spot on !!! U speak drivel about subjecs t you know nothing about .! You are a wowmen hater & u wish u were born a wowmen , That is your problem . Man up cause sorry in this life time you are stuck with a penise . ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
No she is spot on !!! U speak drivel about subjecs t you know nothing about .! You are a wowmen hater & u wish u were born a wowmen , That is your problem . Man up cause sorry in this life time you are stuck with a penise . ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

Removed, cant be bothered.
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Ciao Baby

No she is spot on !!! U speak drivel about subjecs t you know nothing about .! You are a wowmen hater & u wish u were born a wowmen , That is your problem . Man up cause sorry in this life time you are stuck with a penise . ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

Ciao Baby

Thank you. If men looked at what other men are doing to themselves more closely then the world would be a happier place, and wage growth may happen its not companies that do this, ITs men against other men... A penis is superior right.. I laugh each time a woman says to me I am not having kids <--- that is the real power not having kids means she is free , and not giving men another slave to exploit.

Ciao Baby

No she is spot on !!! U speak drivel about subjecs t you know nothing about .! You are a wowmen hater & u wish u were born a wowmen , That is your problem . Man up cause sorry in this life time you are stuck with a penise . ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


You forget the fact that women are shocked to find their man is a closet gay. My favourite annoying sayings that women use on men, before ripping their arse apart. Saying who are you, I don't know this other person, your dead to me...ect.
Phrase women use to make men drop their guard-
" If you want something real between us you better tell me the truth now" <--- too many men believe that female lie are worse off then lying about it.
" tell me, whatever it is we can work through it, we've been through worse" <---- that's the moment you can hear a relationship about to fall apart.

This is the reason we all keep secrets, cause what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander rule. She could be a closet furrbie, he might like rimming, she loves porn with DP...ect and the list goes on. Till your other half finds out then it's the end of the world type dealing.


Are women doing this to Lesbians?
Actually yes I have seen it happen a few times in northbridge, where a girl is trying to get away, and another girl is pulling & pushing her to the side into a corner and having her way with her even tho the other girl is struggling to break free. She runs out and keeps getting pulling back in to that corner a few times, till the girl struggling eventually gives up and allows anything to happen, afterwards she walks out and the assaulting girl follows after.
So yes even these things happen.

Ppl walk pass thinking it's a lesbian fight but you never know that could be a straight girl being targeted by a bi/lesbian girl. That poor girl could be assualted all the way home and no one would lift a finger. With men that assualt is once or twice, but with a women due to having multiple orgasms it can go on for hours a solo gang rape. I forgot to add if it's a Male rape related it'll be mostly reported but if it's female on female the girl is probably embarrassed to report it and scarred worse from multiple assaults in one day.
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Ciao Baby

No she is spot on !!! U speak drivel about subjecs t you know nothing about .! You are a wowmen hater & u wish u were born a wowmen , That is your problem . Man up cause sorry in this life time you are stuck with a penise . ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Wow where is all this animosity & hatred coming from KK? Perhaps u should scroll up & read ur OWN posts b4 u go on a witch hunt ๐Ÿคญ
& here's a novel concept 4 u 2 consider - try thinking b4 u post & u might even realize that ur Muppet fan club would agree with u even if u told them the earth is flat & Santa Claus is real๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

Ciao Baby

Actually yes I have seen it happen a few times in northbridge, where a girl is trying to get away, and another girl is pulling & pushing her to the side into a corner and having her way with her even tho the other girl is struggling to break free. She runs out and keeps getting pulling back in to that corner a few times, till the girl struggling eventually gives up and allows anything to happen, afterwards she walks out and the assaulting girl follows after.
So yes even these things happen.

Ppl walk pass thinking it's a lesbian fight but you never know that could be a straight girl being targeted by a bi/lesbian girl. That poor girl could be assualted all the way home and no one would lift a finger. With men that assualt is once or twice, but with a women due to having multiple orgasms it can go on for hours a solo gang rape.
I often wish I could b pack raped by a pack of lesbians ๐Ÿคช

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Why does this crap always effect men more so than women.....? maybe women are far more superior and intelligent not to get all wound up about someone else's sexuality.. Why can a woman wear mens clothing in public but a man can't go out dressed in hers..

More over women have pinched every item of male clothing including Hi-Vis PPE too, what have men pinched from women NOTHING...

You are wrong Phoebe women know that its best to get the washing off the hills hoist before it gets dark otherwise tomorrow its go to work with no fresh panties and bra, because some pervert got the girls underwear of the line .