• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

..Historical Events


Tania Admin

All I can say is I grew up in an era before mobile phones, and we all got along absolutely fine without them :)
Yes we did. I'm kind of glad I grew up without the whole mobile phone camera thing. We had an old clunky dial phone when I was a youngster.


Tania Admin

This is it, and our phone number only had 6 digits. I can still recall the number. Remember when getting a call from one of your friends was something special? :)
My 1st number had 7 digits. I still remember it too. It was awesome getting a call. We weren't allowed to use the phone as calls were expensive. Mum used to off her nut when she got the bill if we used it.


Illegitimi non carborundum
Legend Member
Well rubber ones I mean.

June 17th


Imagine the world before this guy. Imagine if rubber had not been invented? Ladies and Gents would possibly still be using animals intestines, linen or silk for protection (as was used during ancient times but was not as safe as the latex versions of today).

Charles Goodyear obtains his 1st rubber patent on this day 183 years ago.

The rubber vulcanization process was invented by Charles Goodyear in 1839.

The first rubber condom was produced in 1855, and by the late 1850s several major rubber companies were mass-producing, among other items, rubber condoms.

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We all ”arrive“ alive and then keep doing so! More power to his memory 💐


Gold Member
My 1st number had 7 digits. I still remember it too. It was awesome getting a call. We weren't allowed to use the phone as calls were expensive. Mum used to off her nut when she got the bill if we used it.

Sounds like dad when there was an interstate call. :)

Tania Admin

June 29th


I've always been a fan of the Rolling Stones music and though I do not condone drug use in any way I do find this quite hilarious, especially Keith's reply to the judge (Highlighted in Red) 🤣😂

Keith Richards sat before magistrates in Chichester, West Sussex, England, facing charges that stemmed from the infamous raid of Richards’ Redlands estate five months earlier. Though the raid netted very little in the way of actual drugs, what it did net was a great deal of notoriety for the already notorious Rolling Stones. It was during this raid that the police famously encountered a young Marianne Faithfull clad only in a bearskin rug, a fact that the prosecutor in the case seemed to regard as highly relevant to the case at hand. In questioning Richards, Queen’s Counsel Malcolm Morris tried to imply that Faithfull’s nudity was probably the result of a loss of inhibition due to cannabis use:

QC Morris: "Would you agree in the ordinary course of events you would expect a young woman to be embarrassed if she had nothing on but a rug in the presence of eight men, two of whom were hangers-on and the third a Moroccan servant?"

Richards: "Not at all."

Morris: "You regard that, do you, as quite normal?"

Richards: “We are not old men. We are not worried about petty morals.”

With that one line, Richards emphatically established himself as the spokesman for a generation that did not share the values of the British establishment. The charges brought against him by that establishment, however, were quite serious. While Mick Jagger stood charged with illegal possession of four amphetamine tablets he’d purchased in Italy, Richards faced the far more serious charge of allowing his house to be used for the purpose of smoking what the law at the time referred to as “Indian hemp.”

Marrianne Faithful 1967


Tori Lion

Gold Member


Gold Member
June 29th


I've always been a fan of the Rolling Stones music and though I do not condone drug use in any way I do find this quite hilarious, especially Keith's reply to the judge (Highlighted in Red) 🤣😂

Keith Richards sat before magistrates in Chichester, West Sussex, England, facing charges that stemmed from the infamous raid of Richards’ Redlands estate five months earlier. Though the raid netted very little in the way of actual drugs, what it did net was a great deal of notoriety for the already notorious Rolling Stones. It was during this raid that the police famously encountered a young Marianne Faithfull clad only in a bearskin rug, a fact that the prosecutor in the case seemed to regard as highly relevant to the case at hand. In questioning Richards, Queen’s Counsel Malcolm Morris tried to imply that Faithfull’s nudity was probably the result of a loss of inhibition due to cannabis use:

QC Morris: "Would you agree in the ordinary course of events you would expect a young woman to be embarrassed if she had nothing on but a rug in the presence of eight men, two of whom were hangers-on and the third a Moroccan servant?"

Richards: "Not at all."

Morris: "You regard that, do you, as quite normal?"

Richards: “We are not old men. We are not worried about petty morals.”

With that one line, Richards emphatically established himself as the spokesman for a generation that did not share the values of the British establishment. The charges brought against him by that establishment, however, were quite serious. While Mick Jagger stood charged with illegal possession of four amphetamine tablets he’d purchased in Italy, Richards faced the far more serious charge of allowing his house to be used for the purpose of smoking what the law at the time referred to as “Indian hemp.”

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Marrianne Faithful 1967

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The Rolling Stones were the bad boys of rock back then, so they were always the target for this type of activity. Apparently the Beatles were the untouchables back then. A blind eye turned to what the Beatles got up to.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
The Rolling Stones were the bad boys of rock back then, so they were always the target for this type of activity. Apparently the Beatles were the untouchables back then. A blind eye turned to what the Beatles got up to.
The Rolling Stones were the bad boys of rock back then, so they were always the target for this type of activity. Apparently the Beatles were the untouchables back then. A blind eye turned to what the Beatles got up to.
Paul McCartney was caught with drugs and jailed then deported from Japan also people have forgotten the Beatles went on a drug and meditation bender in India where they wrote over 50 songs in a month whilst staying at that indian aahram.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Paul McCartney was caught with drugs and jailed then deported from Japan also people have forgotten the Beatles went on a drug and meditation bender in India where they wrote over 50 songs in a month whilst staying at that indian aahram.
Whilst on the subject of music can anyone tell me where the sacred cows a real band did they have any hit songs and was Laramie a member of the band.

Tania Admin

June 30th


Oh how stupid the nay sayers were!

Famous debate on Charles Darwin's theory of evolution held at the Oxford University Museum and dominated by arguments between Thomas Henry Huxley and Bishop Samuel Wilberforce .



Gold Member
One beggars the question, "If man evolved from apes, how come we still have apes"? Then again, I look around and see many people who were definitely semi evolved simians. :)

Tania Admin

1st July


For us who live here in the Northern Territory today is the awesomest day of the year! It's Terrritory day and we are able to purchase Fireworks and let them off. Mindal Beach has a free concert and there is also the best ever Fireworks display down at the beach. It's amazing. Unfortunately this year due to "the name that cannot be spoken" virus we aren't able to have so much fun. Bring on next year.

The Northern Territory was granted self-government on 1 July 1978. Around 6000 people gathered at the Cenotaph in Darwin. The inaugural ministry was sworn in, followed by a guard of honour and the first official raising of the new Territorian flag by Flight Sergeant Gordon Mcloughlin. The Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Fraser, stated, “Today’s historic occasion symbolises the strength and the spirit of men and women of the Territory, a spirit that has endured suffering, withstood hardships and overcome many times of adversity.


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Tania Admin

July 3rd


This movie is Legendary! Enough said!

"Back to the Future" directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd is released .


Tania Admin

July 2nd


Funnily enough there were no Forum members Birthday's for today :( BUT in saying that I kill 2 birds with one stone. My history and Birthday post all in one!!

Today is the day this very special lady was born. Her fight for Gay Rights and helping trans women and drag queens was absolutely amazing. People like her deserve to always be honorably remembered.
Thank you for being you Sylvia Ray Rivera.❤

Rivera was born and raised in New York City and lived most of her life in or near the city; she was of Puerto Rican and Venezuelan descent. She was abandoned by her birth father José Rivera early in life and became an orphan after her mother died by suicide when Rivera was three years old. Rivera was then raised by her Venezuelan grandmother, who disapproved of Rivera's effeminate behavior, particularly after Rivera began to wear makeup in fourth grade. As a result, Rivera began living on the streets at the age of 11 and was forced to work as a child prostitute. She was taken in by the local community of drag queens, who gave her the name Sylvia.

Sylvia Ray Rivera, transgender activist, fought for the and organized protests fighting for gay rights in the 1970s in New York City. Rivera, who identified as a drag queen,was a founding member of both the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activists Alliance. With her close friend Marsha P. Johnson, Rivera co-founded the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR), a group dedicated to helping homeless young drag queens and trans women of color. She was born today in 1951.


Tania Admin

June 4th


This day was undeniably a massive achievement in medicine and for saving millions lives.

Howard Florey and Norman Heatley meet for 1st time, 11 days later they successfully recreate penicillin .


Tania Admin

July 5th


I can not imagine life without the bikini. It's the best ever swim suit.

Western Europeans joyously greeted the first war-free summer in years, and French designers came up with fashions to match the liberated mood of the people. Two French designers, Jacques Heim and Louis Réard, developed competing prototypes of the bikini. Heim called his the “atom” and advertised it as “the world’s smallest bathing suit.” Réard's swimsuit, which was basically a bra top and two inverted triangles of cloth connected by string, was in fact significantly smaller. Made out of a scant 30 inches of fabric, Réard promoted his creation as “smaller than the world’s smallest bathing suit.” Réard called his creation the bikini, named after the Bikini Atoll.

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Gold Member
July 5th


I can not imagine life without the bikini. It's the best ever swim suit.

Western Europeans joyously greeted the first war-free summer in years, and French designers came up with fashions to match the liberated mood of the people. Two French designers, Jacques Heim and Louis Réard, developed competing prototypes of the bikini. Heim called his the “atom” and advertised it as “the world’s smallest bathing suit.” Réard's swimsuit, which was basically a bra top and two inverted triangles of cloth connected by string, was in fact significantly smaller. Made out of a scant 30 inches of fabric, Réard promoted his creation as “smaller than the world’s smallest bathing suit.” Réard called his creation the bikini, named after the Bikini Atoll.

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I didn't realise the bikini was designed in 1946. I remember it was still controversial 20 years later when I was a kid. I couldn't see any problem with it myself :)

Tania Admin

July 6th


Poor Darwin. It's really copped a hammering with cyclones and war. I was unaware of how badly Darwin was pounded during Worlds War ll until I moved here. I believe I have learnt much more about Military History in the last 4 1/2 years, since moving to Darwin, than I did in the all the years leading up to my move here.

The last of the heavy Japanese bombing attacks on Darwin occurs, though less serious attacks continue.

Darwin, capital city of Australia's Northern Territory, was just a small town with a civilian population of less than 2000 during World War II. Nonetheless, it was a strategically-placed naval port and airbase. The first of an estimated 64 air raids against Darwin during 1942-43 occurred on 19 February 1942. At least 243 civilians and military personnel were killed, not counting the indigenous Australians whose deaths were not counted, as the Japanese launched two waves of planes comprising 242 bombers and fighters.

Following the February raid, other parts of Australia including Darwin, northwest Western Australia and even regions of far north Queensland were subject to over one hundred more raids. Airport base areas attacked included Townsville, Katherine, Wyndham, Derby and Port Hedland, while Milingimbi, Exmouth Gulf and Horn Island were also targetted. 63 more Japanese raids occurred against Darwin and its immediate surroundings, some of them heavier than others. On 6 July 1943, the last of the heavy air attacks against Darwin occurred.

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Gold Member
July 6th


Poor Darwin. It's really copped a hammering with cyclones and war. I was unaware of how badly Darwin was pounded during Worlds War ll until I moved here. I believe I have learnt much more about Military History in the last 4 1/2 years, since moving to Darwin, than I did in the all the years leading up to my move here.

The last of the heavy Japanese bombing attacks on Darwin occurs, though less serious attacks continue.

Darwin, capital city of Australia's Northern Territory, was just a small town with a civilian population of less than 2000 during World War II. Nonetheless, it was a strategically-placed naval port and airbase. The first of an estimated 64 air raids against Darwin during 1942-43 occurred on 19 February 1942. At least 243 civilians and military personnel were killed, not counting the indigenous Australians whose deaths were not counted, as the Japanese launched two waves of planes comprising 242 bombers and fighters.

Following the February raid, other parts of Australia including Darwin, northwest Western Australia and even regions of far north Queensland were subject to over one hundred more raids. Airport base areas attacked included Townsville, Katherine, Wyndham, Derby and Port Hedland, while Milingimbi, Exmouth Gulf and Horn Island were also targetted. 63 more Japanese raids occurred against Darwin and its immediate surroundings, some of them heavier than others. On 6 July 1943, the last of the heavy air attacks against Darwin occurred.

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My father served during the War in Darwin. Never spoke about it much, I think he just wanted to forget. I found a similar thing when I visited Darwin in (I think) 1978. I was interested in Cyclone Tracy, but people I spoke with really weren't all that interested in talking about it. I did find one remarkable guy who said he got roaring drunk on Christmas Eve, woke up the next morning after the cyclone had cleared. He'd slept through the entire thing!!!!

Tania Admin

My father served during the War in Darwin. Never spoke about it much, I think he just wanted to forget. I found a similar thing when I visited Darwin in (I think) 1978. I was interested in Cyclone Tracy, but people I spoke with really weren't all that interested in talking about it. I did find one remarkable guy who said he got roaring drunk on Christmas Eve, woke up the next morning after the cyclone had cleared. He'd slept through the entire thing!!!!
And now both are talked about often. I can never imagine how hard it would be for someone who lived through either tragedy.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
And now both are talked about often. I can never imagine how hard it would be for someone who lived through either tragedy.
When you finish your time in the armed services you are not allowed to talk about your experience or you can face over 20 years in jail best to let things rest.
As a young child I experienced the howling winds of the cyclone and that endless rainfall of 1974 floods in
SE Qld terrifying experience once again rarely spoken adout.

Tania Admin

When you finish your time in the armed services you are not allowed to talk about your experience or you can face over 20 years in jail best to let things rest.
As a young child I experienced the howling winds of the cyclone and that endless rainfall of 1974 floods in
SE Qld terrifying experience once again rarely spoken adout.
It's not quite like that. Only certain information is classified.

Tania Admin

July 7th


A modern and brilliant mind and he really did a phenomenal amount for gay rights and the transgender movement.

Institute for Sexual Science opened in Berlin by physician Magnus Hirschfeld to establish study of sexual science opened on this day.

Magnus Hirschfeld was a physician and one of the founding figures of the modern gay rights movement and the man who coined the term "transvestite". As a gay man Hirschfeld's cause was personal. He was also greatly affected by the trial of Oscar Wilde in 1895.

In 1897 he set up, with others, the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee in Berlin with the aim of abolishing Paragraph 175 in the German Criminal Code that allowed for males engaging in homosexual acts to be imprisoned and their civil rights revoked.

In 1919 he founded the Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin, with the aim of conducting research into sexual science and providing medical care, especially for trans-gendered people.
