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High turnover rate of sex workers in the industry. Get rich quick and retire?


Diamond Member
The average time the average sex worker spends in the sex industry is around 5 years. Plenty of time to save up enough money and be retired and life on easy street.
Typical sex worker makes up to $1,500 to $2,000 per day. Over the course of a year that is like $500,000 to $700,000 per year.


I've met a lot of sex workers and I've been around a long time. But these figures seem very high. If a w/l is earning this type of money I say good on her and I hope she makes as much money as she can.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;-Typical sex worker makes up to $1,500 to $2,000 per day. Over the course of a year that is like $500,000 to $700,000 per year.
I really find this statement hard to believe, in fact, I cannot believe the volume of money you have quoted.
I do believe there is a high turnover rate of Young W/L and some mature W/L who are trying to resolve some of their own personal issue for example need cash to get back on their feet etc.
I also believe that we are very lucky here, other W/L in other countries barely get enough money to feed themselves and their own kids, the countries I am referring to are;- India, Africa.


Ahoy;-Typical sex worker makes up to $1,500 to $2,000 per day. Over the course of a year that is like $500,000 to $700,000 per year.
I really find this statement hard to believe, in fact, I cannot believe the volume of money you have quoted.
I do believe there is a high turnover rate of Young W/L and some mature W/L who are trying to resolve some of their own personal issue for example need cash to get back on their feet etc.
I also believe that we are very lucky here, other W/L in other countries barely get enough money to feed themselves and their own kids, the countries I am referring to are;- India, Africa.

Spot on. At least the Aussie girls can earn a decent wage. Its a horrowing thought to think that elsewhere in the world w/l are exploited mercilessly.


Gold Member
I would have thought 2 clients at $350 a day would be reasonable enough. So $700 a day, $3500 a week, $3500 x say 45 weeks of the year working = $157,500. About the same as an engineer in the mining sector.
Where it gets interesting is an engineer works 9-10 hour days. A private WL gets $700 for two hours of her day. Leaving plenty of time to knit sweaters and such?! :)


Gold Member
I would have thought 2 clients at $350 a day would be reasonable enough. So $700 a day, $3500 a week, $3500 x say 45 weeks of the year working = $157,500. About the same as an engineer in the mining sector.
Where it gets interesting is an engineer works 9-10 hour days. A private WL gets $700 for two hours of her day. Leaving plenty of time to knit sweaters and such?! :)

Don't forget the other side of the coin. Private W/Ls pay tax which would be around $35,000, rent at around $500/week = $26,000, insurances around $2,500, Health Insurance around $3,000 for top cover, Hairdo's, makeup, condoms and other general supplies $150/week = $7,800.

All this takes no account of such things as food, power, water car expenses etc. So, like the Engineer, it doesn't leave a lot to contribute to savings for later life and there's no Super unless done by personal contributions.


Gold Member
That is no different to me. I have a mortgage. I have liability insurance, vehicles, computers, tools, on of my software licenses is $10k a year. Health insurance, 9% super as im a contractor. All jobs have costs. I think you are low on the tax as I pay a lot more than that.
Plus every private I have ever seen takes cash. I douby It all goes through the books.
Still leaves enough money for investment properties and a few luxuries. The main difference is the amount of hours of a WL vs an engineer.


Bronze Member
Typical sex worker makes up to $1,500 to $2,000 per day. Over the course of a year that is like $500,000 to $700,000 per year.

I doubt many sex workers would make anywhere near $500,000 per year??? Curious as to how you worked this out? A lady's advertised hourly rate is not what she actually earns per hour at work - the majority of the time at work is spent on 'behind-the-scenes' stuff, and this can be quite time-consuming, particularly for a private worker. There is a limit as to how many clients can be seen in a day, particularly if a lady does her own cleaning/phones/etc etc. Preparation takes time, cleanup takes time, clients frequently cancel or don't turn up.

A private WL gets $700 for two hours of her day. Leaving plenty of time to knit sweaters and such?!

:D Justlookin - That's what I originally thought when I chose this industry as a career! I have been working privately for 6 months now and have yet to even find time to buy the yarn :D Mind you I do have other commitments and am sure there are lucky ladies leisurely knitting away :) :)

And, as Tannerone mentioned, there are numerous expenses involved. I don't know what percentage of ladies do or don't pay all their taxes, but just because you hand over cash doesn't mean it is not declared as income. I doubt many clients request a copy of the receipt :)


ONe more thing - I suspect privates have to pay LOTS for advertising especially in the local dailies.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
LoL...where'd you pluck that figure from :p

Most of the responses have summed it up well.
Why there is a high turnover of workers? the reasons are so varied...
There are quite a number who aren't in it for the long term, usually just trying to get ahead
and once they do, they move on but doesn't necessarily mean they walked away a millionaire.
Its not always easy to maintain sexwork over a long period of time...Burnout is a biggie !!!
How you came to that figure has got me beat ?


Well, always sink $$ into property...thats a super fund for later on.


Maybe one thing that accounts for high turnover is that the reality of gruelling hours, being perfectly coiffed and primed, the night shifts.... all take their toll meeting someone and falling in love (?? ) starting a family - all that and that they come into the industry with all different expectations...then they find the reality does not meet the expectations and they move onto greener pastures.


Legend Member
LoL...where'd you pluck that figure from :p

Most of the responses have summed it up well.
Why there is a high turnover of workers? the reasons are so varied...
There are quite a number who aren't in it for the long term, usually just trying to get ahead
and once they do, they move on but doesn't necessarily mean they walked away a millionaire.
Its not always easy to maintain sexwork over a long period of time...Burnout is a biggie !!!
How you came to that figure has got me beat ?

Well said.

And if you swap the image of WL for FIFO (or almost any high paid, high pressure job), it still remains true.



Diamond Member
WL/sex worker is a high paying job but there is not much pressure at all laying on your back on the job. No way near as difficult as doctors, surgeons, mine worker, police, etc. Any female can become a sex worker if she chooses to take the east route to make a living.


Gold Member
Agree. Seems like you don't even need to be a good looking lady to make a living from it. I think the emotional stress would be considerable though for a WL. I'd hate to have sex with people who smell and are over weight. A lot of WL don't get to chose their clients and that must be hard to deal with.


Legend Member
WL/sex worker is a high paying job but there is not much pressure at all laying on your back on the job. No way near as difficult as doctors, surgeons, mine worker, police, etc. Any female can become a sex worker if she chooses to take the east route to make a living.

its people with that attitude that adds to the stress of their job
I dont personally know any but i'm sure it takes a strong character to become a sexworker as there is the double life to deal with and peoples attitudes towards them when they find out what they do for a living
IMHO they do more of a service for community than most of the mentioned professions its just not as accepted and i'm sure those 4 professions with maybe judges thrown it would make up a large percentage of their cliental


This is going backk 20 years but I know of a private sex worker - and her prices were never in the $400 league even when you account for inflation. She bought TWO houses in her time - but she hated the job. The story doesn't have a happy ending - her adult offspring - sold the house and blew it all on girlfriend and drugs.

She has her own house but only just. So even after the first goal is achieved, the hard part is staying on track I feel.


There is no doubt about it being a sex worker is an extreme job.
I couldn't do it.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
WL/sex worker is a high paying job but there is not much pressure at all laying on your back on the job. No way near as difficult as doctors, surgeons, mine worker, police, etc.

No pressure...aww but missionary is going out of fashion, doggy is alot more popular and the knees
are working a treat, I'll be in for new knee joints later on in life.

Any female can become a sex worker if she chooses to take the east route to make a living.
What because she's got a pussy...not really true, not any girl is up for sex work and those who think they are
but don't have the strength to roll with the ups and downs and stress...burn out quite early on and disappear.

Now to get serious, your response appears quite ignorant, if you believe all that sex work entails is lying on your
back, taking it easy, then perhaps you ought to educate yourself before you start threads like this
cause all that seems to seep through is a bitterness of some kind.


Bronze Member
Thanks for that Sparky!

I think one big reason for high turnover rate and challenge of this work is the necessity of a 'double life' - which comes from society's attitudes, and can be hard to maintain especially when one loves what they do and are proud of it. That and maybe falling in love/relationship reasons.


ONe more thing - I suspect privates have to pay LOTS for advertising especially in the local dailies.

Overheads are a killer.

its already been said, but looking perfect over an eight hour shift five days a week is stressful. Brothels can be compared to beauty pageants.

There will come a time when the current model of business will change, when women will get an hourly rate plus commission when they see clients instead of the seventeenth century style model that is currently in use, comparable to piecework during the industrial revolution.
Prices may have to go up, and fees charged at the door, but the women will be renumerated for the long hours they put in and hopefully given the same benefits that other workers enjoy such as super and protection from instant dismissal.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy ;- an excellent overview and opinion; CharoletteWettin.
I would add as well, health benefits and tax cuts, to the future penalty rates and let’s not forget personal legal rights and social protection like every other citizen. I agree the current system really needs overhauling, politically, legally, financially.
Only in the future will all be revealed, let us all hope it occurs sooner than later
There will come a time when the current model of business will change, when women will get an hourly rate plus commission when they see clients instead of the seventeenth century style model that is currently in use, comparable to piecework during the industrial revolution.
Prices may have to go up, and fees charged at the door, but the women will be renumerated for the long hours they put in and hopefully given the same benefits that other workers enjoy such as super and protection from instant dismissal.


Why doesn't this change occur? we live in a federation, and the state governments are reluctant to give up their powers. can anyone think of a reason for me to take this to the high court.


I've have always wanted the girl to recieve all my money not the establishments taking a 3rd. It's an extreme job and girl doing it should be paid the full amount for her services.
The government should run the sex industry as a non profit organization as a benefit to the woman involved and monitor it very closely.


My last post was blocked. the issue is the division of powers between the state and federal governments.
High court challenge anyone?

Tania Admin

My last post was blocked. the issue is the division of powers between the state and federal governments.
High court challenge anyone?

Your post wasn't blocked. As a newbie all your post's need to be moderated before they are posted. After 6 post no moderation is required on most parts of the forum :)


Colzilla, I think you will find that most establishments take about half of the fee paid.

Either way its to f'n much. If the girl got all the money there would be more turnover of girls and hopefully girls getting less burnout.


Diamond Member
The sex workers in a brothel are the employees of the brothel madam/pimp who owns the brothel. It is usually a 50-50 or a 60-40 arrangement between sex worker and brothel owner.

Tania Admin

The sex workers in a brothel are the employees of the brothel madam/pimp who owns the brothel. It is usually a 50-50 or a 60-40 arrangement between sex worker and brothel owner.

Most sex workers work for themselves even when they work in an establishment. The management of the premises they work from does take a cut but this cut goes towards, cleaners, furniture, linen laundering, reception wages, chef's wages, power, phone, water and all other cost incurred with running an establishment.